Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

She blushed prettily and touched his hand. "I needed to hear that today."

It was an unstable time for her and she was, no doubt, full of anxiety for what lay ahead. "Come here," Lucas said and pulled her against him kissing her hair. "I miss you."

Although her chuckle was short, her face shined when she looked up at him. "I do, too."

"Lucas, please come join us for supper." Sarah appeared in the doorway smiling knowingly at them. She'd obviously waited a few moments to allow them privacy. "I made pot roast."

"You don't have to tell me twice then." Lucas guided Camille forward and they followed Sarah to the dining room.

The meal went by quickly. They discussed the upcoming nuptials and Lucas couldn't ignore the pointed looks from Sarah throughout. He pressed his lips together to keep from smiling.

The following morning, Camille woke up more frustrated than rested. More uncertain than ever about her relationship with Lucas, the familiar pang of sadness filled her. After supper, Lucas had spent a few minutes with Sarah's father discussing upcoming town events over coffee, while she and Sarah cleaned up the kitchen. Afterwards, he'd bid her a hasty goodbye with a soft kiss on the cheek.

Not that she expected him to bend her backwards and thrust his tongue down her throat, but after their level of intimacy, they should have moved past such a functionary chaste effort.

She let out a huff and swung her feet over the side of the bed. It was best to move on and focus on what was important. More than anything at the moment she needed to concentrate on her future. Her shop would have to be revived and her living quarters set up so she could move back in and begin supporting herself again. It was not the time to loll about daydreaming over a man who was obviously attempting to distance himself.

After everything was settled and things stabilized, then she could allow herself the luxury of self-pity over her broken heart. For now, she'd do the same to Lucas, pretend all is well and begin detachment from him. There was no use in dwelling on what was not to be. By giving in to her desires, she'd set the path for him to consider her a woman of loose morals and as such, the consequences were that a man would not respect her enough to make a lasting commitment.

Her eyes swelled with tears and she hastily brushed them away, getting to her feet. Today would be a good day, no matter the heaviness in her spirit.

"Good morning." Sarah's cheerful greeting forced Camille to smile in return. She'd dawdled as long as possible, hoping to find an empty kitchen when coming downstairs, but it seemed Sarah had been waiting for her.

Camille accepted the cup of coffee Sarah held out to her, puzzled. "What has you so cheerful this morning?"

"I have something special to share with you." Sarah took her arm and pulled her to the table. "Hurry, we need to eat quickly, because we are going somewhere in a few minutes."

"I'm sorry to have waited so long to come down. If I would have known you had plans..."

Sarah shoved some toast in front of her. "Not a problem. We have time." Her gaze went to the door. "Lucas should be here in a few moments."

Her stomach sank. Something was horribly wrong. Sarah was acting too nervous for it to be good and that Lucas was coming so early could only mean they were giving her bad news. Was Tim alive after all? Or perhaps her name was involved in something unsavory from the past and some sort of telegram had arrived at the sheriff's office.

"You have just turned horribly pale. What is wrong?" Sarah's voice permeated through the dread.

"It’s just that you're acting so strange and why is Lucas coming here so early?"

Sarah's nervous giggle did not settle her nerves one bit. Camille stood. "I can't possibly eat. Please just tell me what is happening."

"Come. It’s best we go ahead and go before I ruin everything." Sarah took Camille's hand, pulling her to the door while managing to grab their shawls. "Come, hurry."

Once outside in the brisk morning air, spying Sarah's barely concealed smile, Camille felt better. "Where are we going?"

"To see Olivia Blakely," was the curt reply as Sarah pulled her forward. "No more questions."

Lucas was crossing the road towards them. His hat pulled down, it cast a shadow over his handsome face. He wore a long, unbuttoned duster that flapped back from behind his legs as he made his way closer. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach when his blue eyes met hers. It was somewhat settling when he came closer and hugged her, lingering a bit longer than appropriate for public display. He kissed her temple. "Good morning, beautiful." The softly whispered words made tears of relief immediately spring and she blinked them away.

"No time for that right now," Sarah said, thankfully interrupting her from being silly.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books