Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

Brogan shook his head. "You won't believe what happened."

"Fill me in. I am curious why everything is so calm." Lucas paced to the doorway and peered out. "So normal."

"Bill Burns and his son are dead. Raymond Childs killed them when they attempted to rob the bank. Burns hired him and another man to kill me and bring you to him."

Lucas whistled. "I suppose that makes you and Childs even now."

His friend's shoulders lifted and lowered. "That's what he said."

"Well, I'll be," Lucas replied, unable to believe how things turned out. "So I suppose that means we can stay in Silver City."

"Didn't know you were planning to leave."

"I was going to convince you to do the same. Take Sarah, keep her safe. It was inevitable Burns would come after us."

Brogan nodded. "I'd considered it, too. But never planned to leave. You suggested we live here in the first place, so damn it, we're living here.” The sheriff's Scottish brogue became thicker with each word and Lucas fought to keep from smiling at the earnest look on his face.

"We would have argued about it. You would have probably won."

Brogan moved to the doorway. "So what now? You bring Camille back?"

"Yes. I'm going to marry her."

For a couple seconds, Brogan met Lucas’ eyes seeming to search. "Do you want to marry her or are you doing it because of circumstances?"

"I love her."

His friend's deep laughter made him blush. "Never thought that would happen."

"I said the same thing about you."

"She's a special lady. Did she say yes?"

Lucas realized he'd not asked Camille and his eyes rounded. "I'll have to ask I suppose."

Camille sat in silence as the food was served. It was two days since arriving and she'd yet to return to the store to take inventory of the items she had and what needed to be purchased. Thankfully, Sarah and her father had invited her to stay in a spare bedroom.

When she let out a sigh and fidgeted with the fabric of the dress Sarah had loaned her, her friend gave her an understanding smile. "It will be fine, you'll see. I'm sure you can replenish the shop in no time. We can go there in the morning. I'll walk through with you. Let’s make a list of everything you'll need and I'm sure we can rally the items from people."

"I appreciate it." Tears stung and Camille fought not to cry. Her loud sniff brought Doctor Sutherland, Sarah's father, to look at her. Unlike most men, having witnessed many a woman crying, he was unperturbed and he began eating, leaving Camille and Sarah to talk.

"It's just that almost everything I own was in that cart. I'd only left a few things."

The smell of the pot roast stopped her for the moment. The rich aroma of spices made her stomach demand to be filled and Camille began eating. "You are a great cook, Sarah. Brogan will be well fed."

Sarah laughed. "And Papa will be over for dinner every night. Won't you?" She touched her father's shoulder.

"I don't plan on it," her father replied quickly. "I am going to be sharing my meals with my friends, silence and peace."

"Oh my!" Sarah cried out with mock horror. The three laughed.

Camille met her friend's gaze. "I do have some savings. So I will be able to purchase the necessities and begin my collection of herbs and such. I'll order replenishments tomorrow so, hopefully, I can be ready for business in a month or so."

Although she wanted to count Lucas as part of her future, he'd been noticeably distant lately. After bringing her to the Sutherlands, he'd given her a soft peck on the cheek and reassured her he'd be back the next day to see about her. It was suppertime two days later and he'd yet to appear.

Lucas struggled with the bundle as he carried it up the stairs. Olivia Blakely was on his heels barking out orders like a military general. The scuffling of feet and happy chatter made him shake his head. Just he and Mr. Blakely being the only men partaking in the operation, he hoped to be allowed to leave soon and see Camille. No doubt she wondered what had kept him away for so long.

Once he placed his heavy armload onto the floor, he was promptly dismissed and shooed out, which suited him just fine. Just before leaving, he saw Mr. Blakely following him only to be stopped by his wife. "Oh no, don't you go anywhere. I need help reaching those high shelves."

The poor man rounded his shoulders and walked behind his wife.

It was a perfect night, the sky bursting with stars surrounding the full moon. The air, although crisp, was not cold.

Light shined from the windows at the Sutherland house and he could hear chatter and laughter as he climbed the front steps. Hopefully, they'd not finished eating and he could join, his rumbling stomach reminding him it had been quite a few hours since his last meal.

Camille, who gave him a shy smile while her pretty brown eyes met his, opened the door. "I wasn't sure you'd come today."

"Of course I would. I couldn't go any longer without seeing you," he replied and kissed her cheek.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books