Seized By Love: Blue Ryder (Love In Bloom: The Ryders #1)

“Don’t say anything. Just try it all on.” Sky ushered her toward the bathroom in the back of the shop and waited outside the door. “I’ll watch the store while you tell me how things are going with Blue. I talked to him this morning, and he had that fully sated sound to him.”

Lizzy laughed. “He’s definitely satiating,” she said through the door as she admired the outfit in the mirror. “This is so pretty, but, Sky?” She opened the door and turned so Sky could assess the outfit. “Do I look as much like a fish out of water as I feel?”

“Girl, you look like the only fish in the water. Gorgeous. You’ll knock ’em dead.”

“You really think so? I feel like I’m playing dress up. I’d much rather go wearing my jeans and Petals shirt—not that that’s an option, but still.”

Sky turned her by the shoulders so she was facing the mirror. “Repeat after me.”

Lizzie put on a serious face. “Okay. This is good. I need to practice, because I’m wicked nervous.”

Sky smiled at her in the mirror. “Okay, ready?” When Lizzie nodded, Sky said, “Hi. I’m Lizzie Barber, the queen of naked baking.”

Laughter burst from Lizzie’s lips. “Totally not helping. But the outfit? Sheer perfection. You can still hold on to your best friend nomination.”

Lizzie changed back into her jeans as Sky filled her in on what to expect in New York: how busy the subways were, how to flag down a taxi, the fast pace of the city. Lizzie hadn’t given much thought to those things. She was nervous enough about the idea of talking about her show to people she didn’t know.

“Blue said he’s going with you, so you’ll be fine.”

“He is, but not to the meeting, just to New York. I really want to do this alone. Even though he is totally supportive, I think I’d be more nervous with him in the room, and besides, it’ll give him a chance to catch up with his family. We’re actually staying with his parents Friday night, then coming back Saturday morning.”

“He’s so proud of you, Lizzie. He’s sure you’re going to sew this up and get an offer. How do you feel about it?” Lizzie hung the outfit on the coatrack, and Sky followed her through the store as Lizzie rearranged a few plants.

She smiled as she turned to face her friend. “I can hardly believe that I might actually be able to have a normal life again. It’s been so many years since I’ve had evenings free that I’m not sure what I’ll do with the time. But I’m already imagining walks along the beach with Blue, bonfires with you and everyone else.” She bit her lower lip to trap in her excitement.

“Blue said you work almost every night on the show. I had no idea it was so consuming, and I really have no idea how you bounce around here all day with endless energy when you’re doing so much.”

“My schedule is crazy, but I’m used to it. I do everything for the show at night. I film twice a week, then edit twice a week. When the shows air for the first time, I watch the beginning to make sure there aren’t any glitches, and then I take Sundays off.”

Sky followed her back to the refrigerated section, where Lizzie took out the wilting flowers that she’d give away this evening.

“No wonder you hardly ever go out with me when I ask. This will be life changing if it comes through.” Sky watched her putting the flowers in her tote.

“I know. I can hardly stand it, I’m so excited. And I’m also really nervous about meeting his parents, so it’s going to be a nerve-racking few days.”

“You’ll love his family. I’ve only met his brothers, but they’re all so down-to-earth. I’m sure his parents are wonderful, too.”

“I’m a little nervous about them finding out about the show. Look at how my dad reacted.” Lizzie leaned against the counter. She’d been trying not to think about how much it hurt that her father could push her aside so easily, but sometimes, like now, the ache was inescapable.

Sky embraced her. “Don’t worry. Your father loves you too much not to come around.” She pulled back and said, “That’s why he’s acting like this, you know. That’s why he’s always been so protective of you and Maddy. He loves you two so much he doesn’t know what else to do. Sort of like the way my brothers have always been so overprotective of me.”

“I hope you’re right, because if this deal doesn’t come through, I have two more years as the Naked Baker, and I’m not going to leave Maddy hanging just to appease my father—no matter how much I love him.”

“Speaking of love…” Sky smiled and arched a brow.

Lizzie grinned.

Sky squealed. “I knew it! I’m so happy for you!” She threw her arms around Lizzie, and they both laughed.

“Blue’s already changed my life in so many ways, and even though he was jealous at first, I kind of like knowing that. I think it would have been weird if he didn’t feel funny about me doing the show. I definitely wouldn’t want him prancing around in nearly nothing for women—online or offline.” Lizzie sighed. “I can’t imagine my life without him, and to be honest, I can’t even imagine a night without him anymore.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine