Seized By Love: Blue Ryder (Love In Bloom: The Ryders #1)

Blue readied himself for an uncomfortable ride as they began the editing process. Every muscle in his body tensed as he watched the woman who had stolen his heart seduce the camera, and he felt the claws of jealousy prickling his skin again. He pressed his hands to his thighs, telling himself to focus on the show, not on the sexy look in his girlfriend’s eyes or the way she moved like a cat on the prowl, graceful yet powerful.

As the video rolled on and Lizzie began pointing out angles that were problematic and the way she tweaked scenes by removing a second or two of video, lighting issues that made her want to retape certain sections of the show, and about a dozen other nuances he’d never imagined her dealing with, Blue became engrossed in the process. She was incredible, the way she analyzed everything from the tone of her voice, the looks she flashed, and even the way she moved. She gave as much attention to detail and to every aspect of the show as Blue did to his carpentry work.

Blue found himself analyzing the video completely from a business standpoint, sans the jealousy that had initially plagued him. By the time they finished, Lizzie had two full pages of notes about what she liked and disliked about the video, things she needed to tweak, and differences between this video and her last, so she could compare the outcomes. She was so focused on making the video perfect that it was easy to understand how she was able to put herself out there in this fashion while carrying on her daily life and while falling in love with him. She’d separated herself from the Naked Baker. This was obviously a business venture that she took very seriously. Regardless of whether she was seducing a camera or creating a beautiful bouquet of flowers, she clearly gave it her all.

Lizzie closed the laptop, tension knitting her brows.

“We survived,” he said as he brought her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to it. The tension in her face slipped away.

“Yeah, we did.” Her brow wrinkled again. “You’re not feeling weird about me? What did you think?”

“Not even a little. I think you’re even more incredible than I did before we watched it.” He lifted her onto his lap. He didn’t want her to worry about anything, least of all that his feelings for her would ever change. He could no sooner walk away from Lizzie than he could turn away from family. He tucked her hair behind her ear, and her lips curved up in a relieved smile.

“When you first told me about this, I couldn’t imagine how you separated who you were in the video from who you are on a day-to-day basis. But when we were working just now, and for the past few days as you’ve brought me into your webcast world, I’ve come to realize that you put your heart and soul into making this a success, the same way that you do with your flower shop. The same way that you do with Maddy, with me.” Blue pressed his lips to hers. “I think your father should edit a video with you.”

She laughed. “Yeah, right.”

“I’m kidding. Sort of. If you took him through these steps and he understood all the aspects of this incredible business you’ve created, it would put it into clearer perspective for him. I really believe that if your father could disregard the fact that his daughter is walking around in nothing but an apron and see your incredible business efforts for what they are, he would come around.”

“I doubt that,” she said as she ran her finger along his skin, just above his shirt collar, making it hard for him to concentrate.

“I also think you’ve got your work cut out for you where FCN is concerned.”

She twined her arms around his neck. “Do you really think I’m doing the right thing? What if they say no?”

“Then you’re in no worse shape than you are right now. But you do realize this is a no-brainer for them, right? If they can make a seamless transition to another actress using the momentum you’ve already put in place, then you’re golden.”

Her brow furrowed, and he touched his lips to hers, knowing exactly what was worrying her.

“And if they don’t, I know you plan on continuing to host the show until Maddy graduates, and I’ll be right here by your side.” He shifted her onto her back on the couch and came down over her, smiling as he pressed his lips to hers. “Or maybe I’d rather be right here, on top of you.”

“Or maybe…” She glanced at the front door. “You’d rather be in your truck lying naked on top of me at the top of White Crest Beach.”

He blinked in surprise. “In my truck?”

“I added it to my Fuck-It list,” she said with feigned innocence.

He wanted to kiss that innocence out of her. Just hearing the words Fuck-It list from her mouth turned him on. “You did, did you? When did you do that?”

Her cheeks flushed. “About ten months ago.”

“Ten months? When you were turning me down every chance you got?”

Desire filled her eyes. So long, innocence.

He rose to his feet and scooped her into his arms as she giggled and wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Hell, yes,” he said as he carried her toward the front door. “Let’s go knock number one off your Fuck-It list.”

“Number ten,” she corrected him.

He stopped cold, wondering what the first nine places on the list were. “Ten?”