Seized By Love: Blue Ryder (Love In Bloom: The Ryders #1)

THERE WAS SO much adrenaline coursing through Lizzie Friday morning when she arrived in New York City that she was surprised she hadn’t bounced out of her seat on the airplane. She’d practiced what she was going to say in the meeting at least a hundred times, and by the time the cab pulled up in front of the Food Channel Network’s building in Manhattan, Lizzie’s stomach was doing somersaults.

How could she have thought she could handle this? The conversation with Duke last night had made her more anxious, even though he’d confirmed that she had all her ducks in a row and the proposal looked perfect. What he’d said about Carly Christianson, the woman heading up the acquisition department for FCN, wasn’t nearly as comforting. She’s a real ballbuster. Be ready to negotiate as if your life depends on it. She’ll try to lowball you, and if she does that, very politely thank her for her time, tell her the meeting is over, and get up and walk out without looking back.

How on earth was she supposed to do that? She had a feeling she’d be fighting to remember how to breathe.

Blue stood protectively between Lizzie and the passersby as she stepped from the cab onto the busy sidewalk. She’d never been to New York, and she was amazed at the sheer number of people on the sidewalks and the constant honking of car horns. When she looked up, the height of the buildings made her dizzy. She clung to Blue with one hand, clutching the strap of her messenger bag with the other.

“You look gorgeous, and your proposal is perfect. You’re going to do great,” Blue reassured her.

“You’re sure I won’t look too out of place? Like a beach girl trying to be a city girl?”

Blue’s eyes heated as he stepped in closer, and that made her stomach quiver in a better way. “You’ll always be my beach girl, but I think you’ve proven that it doesn’t matter what clothes you wear. You have a brain that’s sharper than anyone’s in that building. You’ve created two businesses by yourself. Don’t you forget that, babe. No matter what they say, this is all you. You make the decisions. If they play around, take Duke’s advice and get out with your chin held up high. They need you more than you need them.”

Lizzie wrapped her arms around Blue’s waist, loving the way her heels brought their mouths closer to the same height. Not that she was close enough, but she’d take every inch she could get. “I need you more than I need anything else in this world, Blue. I’m so glad you’re with me.”

“You don’t need me, sweetheart. But I’m glad you want me.” He pressed his lips to her cheek, and she knew he was being careful not to mess up the lipstick she wasn’t used to wearing. “Now get in there and be your amazing self. Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

Her nerves nearly silenced her voice, but she managed, “I’m sure.”

“Okay. Text me when you’re done and I’ll meet you right here. Good luck.”

She felt Blue’s eyes on her long after she walked through the glass doors of the intimidating building. His strength stayed with her as she rode the elevator up to the tenth floor, where she followed a prim-looking woman into an empty conference room that was bigger than her flower shop and overlooked the city. His supportive gaze and comforting words carried her through as her heart slammed so hard against her ribs she feared she might pop a button on her blouse.

The conference room door opened, and a dark-haired woman with almond-shaped eyes entered the room wearing a fitted white suit that did nothing to hide her curvaceous body. Her pin-straight posture and cool, professional gaze made Lizzie’s skin prickle. She had perfectly styled brown hair and a mole on her left cheek. The woman could win an Eva Mendes look-alike contest hands-down.

“Lizzie, such a pleasure to meet you.” She extended a lithe arm and—thank God—a genuine smile that softened her perfection just enough to take away the prickliness. “I’m Carly Christianson, and I’m so glad you could make it out to meet with us.”

Carly moved with the grace of a feline and an air of precision as she swept into her seat at the head of the table.

“Thank you. It’s a pleasure meeting you as well.” Thankful that her voice actually worked, Lizzie started to believe that she could do this. Carly didn’t seem as harsh as Duke had said. Maybe he’d been preparing her for the worst.

Lizzie spread her files out on the table and drew her shoulders back, preparing to embark on the spiel she’d practiced on the plane ride from the Cape, when the door behind Carly swung open and three men in suits filed in with serious faces and curious glances. Behind them, two well-put-together women entered the room, bringing with them a whirlwind of anxiety that landed dead center in Lizzie’s chest.