Seized By Love: Blue Ryder (Love In Bloom: The Ryders #1)

LIZZIE AWOKE WRAPPED securely in Blue’s arms. He was sporting another enticing erection, and it felt damn good pressed against her butt. It had been so long since she’d felt the hardness of a man’s body touching hers that she reveled in it. She closed her eyes and relaxed against him, telling herself that their date could go on a little longer before she pulled the plug. It was Sunday, after all, the one day of the week she didn’t need to film or edit her webcast, or even go into the flower shop if she didn’t want to. And what could be nicer than spending the next few minutes snuggled up against Blue?

From her horizontal vantage point, she took in his cabin. It was small but tidy. The cedar ceiling and hardwood floors gave it a masculine, rustic feel. She was surprised to see plants from her shop on top of the refrigerator and on the small kitchen table. Blue was always in and out of her shop, but she hadn’t realized that some of the plants he bought were for himself.

Blue stirred behind her. His unshaven cheek brushed over her skin, and his lips followed. Oh, how she loved his lips and the feel of his stubble against her skin. He pulled her flush against him and kissed her neck again while his hands pressed flat against her stomach and ribs. She loved his big, strong hands, and his sexy moans were heating her up in places that hadn’t heated without her help in a very long time. She couldn’t resist turning to face him. His eyes were heavy with sleep, and his thick dark hair was tousled. He looked too delicious not to kiss. He still tasted faintly of wine, and the second their tongues touched, shivers of electricity rippled through her. He pressed a hand to the small of her back, bringing his hard length firmly against her.

“Do you know how long I dreamed of holding you like this? Kissing you like this?” He kissed her again, and she slid her hand over his muscular back, taking pleasure in the firmness of him, the surety and safety of him.

“Tell me,” she whispered against his lips.

He kissed her again, then pressed scintillating kisses along her jaw as his hands smoothed down her back, over her hip, sending ripples of awareness through her with every touch.

Blue whispered, hot and lustful, in her ear, “Every night since the first day I laid eyes on you.”

When he shifted his weight, bringing one thigh over hers, she moved further beneath him, wanting to feel the weight of him, to feel what it would be like if she had a normal life and could allow herself to give in to her feelings and fall for such an amazing man. Her fingers traveled down his back, trembling by the time they reached his firm behind, which she couldn’t help but hold on to.

“You’re beautiful in the morning. Sorry about the morning breath.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of gum, then ripped it in half, placing one piece on her tongue and the other on his.

“I love a man who’s prepared.” She wanted to stay right there all day long.

He sealed his lips over hers, and she tried to tuck the gum between her cheek and teeth, making them both laugh. He plucked it from her mouth and set it, and his piece, on a magazine on the coffee table.

“Now we taste minty.” He pressed his lips to hers. “But just for the record, that gum was so I didn’t gross you out. I love the way you taste in the morning. No gum necessary.”

“You’re such a sweet talker.” She pulled him into a greedy kiss, wanting to feel more of him, to forget that she had to go back to real life—which she’d already decided could wait another day—and just disappear into him.

His mouth was hot and commanding, his hands were heavy and possessive as they played over her hips and waist, and his body was so hard she could only imagine how good he would feel buried deep inside her. He held her hips as his mouth ravaged hers and his hard length rocked against her, eliciting a wanton moan she couldn’t hold back if her life depended on it.

“Oh, God, Blue…We should stop.” She panted, arching her neck, giving better access to his skilled mouth while she tangled her hands in his hair and held him in place, his teeth grazing over her skin, his tongue sending chills down her spine.

“Okay.” He started to pull away.

“No.” She pressed his mouth to her neck again, as one of his hands cupped her breast. “Yes.”

“You’re so beautiful.” His lips met hers as his thumb brushed over her nipple, bringing it to a sensitive peak as he took her in another soul-searing kiss.

She came away breathless, her mind blurry with desire. “Blue,” she whispered urgently.

He lifted lust-filled eyes and met her gaze. “I’m sorry.” His hand slid from her breast, and without thinking, she reached down and put it back on her chest.

“You said only kisses. I shouldn’t—” He tried to pull away again, but she covered his hand and held it in place.

“I wasn’t saying, Blue, like stop. I was saying, Blue, like, Ohmygod, Blue, you feel so good.”

He smiled and touched his forehead to hers. “Still. I got carried away. You trusted me, and—”

“And I want this. I want you.”