Seized By Love: Blue Ryder (Love In Bloom: The Ryders #1)

He set their wineglasses on the mantel and lowered his lips to hers, gently covering her mouth and taking her in a slow, drugging kiss. Her lips parted instantly for him, and every stroke of their tongues brought a thrum of desire.

“I love your mouth,” he whispered against her lips before kissing her again. “I’ve dreamed of kissing you for way too long.” He didn’t want to stop kissing her, even as he sealed his lips over hers again, knowing he needed to pull back or he wasn’t going to be capable of honoring his promise. She kissed him hungrily, as if she couldn’t stop either. Damn, this was totally unfair. Why did he have to be the good guy?

Tearing his lips from hers, he managed, “I made you a promise.” Lust laced each syllable.

She pressed her hands to his cheeks, went up on her toes, and kissed him again. Her body fell against him, as if she’d lost her balance, and he wrapped her in his arms, holding her there, aching to feel every inch of her softness with nothing between them.

“Lizzie,” he warned.

“I know,” she said between kisses.

“Movie.” He forced himself to step back. They were both breathing hard, and he had no doubt that he could sweep her into his arms, carry her into the bedroom, and make sweet love to her all night long. But he’d promised her they’d only kiss, and if Blue was one thing, it was trustworthy.

He moved their wineglasses to the coffee table, and she settled in on the couch. How many times had he envisioned coming home with her, feeling her presence in his home? He slipped off his shoes, then helped her do the same, and as she tucked her feet beside her, he dimmed the lights. The movie started as he sat beside her and pulled her in close again, loving the feel of her against him.

“You have Love Actually?” She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him with curiosity in her eyes.

“Yeah, don’t tell any of my buddies or I’ll never hear the end of it.” She giggled, and he kissed her again. He knew that bringing her home to watch a movie wasn’t a big, exciting date, but he’d craved time alone with Lizzie for so long, and since he’d never brought a woman home before, it felt like a very big deal to him. And now that he knew how tired she was, he was glad he hadn’t planned a more exciting first date. “You’re dangerously addicting, Lizzie.”

“Don’t go there,” she said softly.

“Why? What’s so bad about my liking you?”

She gazed up at him again. This time her eyes held confusion, and unless he was reading her wrong, a tinge of sadness. “There’s nothing wrong with you liking me. Just don’t get addicted to me. Addictions aren’t safe.”

He kissed her again. “Well, as you said yourself, you’re safe with me. I made a promise, and even if it kills me, I’ll keep it.”

She stifled a yawn and snuggled against him again. “Sorry. I think the late night and the wine are hitting me after all.”

“You can lie down if you want to be more comfortable.” He knew she must be exhausted.

“Why are you so nice to me after I turned you down for so long?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” He smiled. “I’m a nice guy. Don’t you know that yet? Do you really think I’d change because you agreed to go out with me?” He pressed his lips to hers again. “I only want to make you happy, make your life better, and be closer to you.”

“That’s actually why I didn’t want to go out with you.” She dropped her eyes, and he lifted her chin so he could see her face.

“Because I’m nice? I’m not that nice. There’s a huge difference between being beta and nice, you know.”

She smiled at that. “You are so not beta. I didn’t go out with you because I knew how easily I could fall for you, and my life is complicated. I told you that.” She shifted her eyes away and asked quietly, “Will you lie down with me?”

As Hugh Grant played in the background, they stretched out on the couch. Blue spooned Lizzie, one arm draped over her waist, his knees tucked behind hers, and her sweet ass pressed firmly against his erection. Pure. Torture. The fact that she’d just told him that she knew she’d fall for him only made it more difficult to hold back his emotions. She was painfully honest, even when she gave away her hand, and that made her even more lovable.

She nuzzled in closer and whispered, “Thank you for being trustworthy.”

For once in his life he wished he could break a promise, take her in his arms and love her like he wanted to. Instead, he did the right thing.


Chapter Seven