See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

I rip my lips off Chris and drop her to her feet. Spinning around, I block her with my body as Kade and Riley slam the door shut behind them.

Thank God it’s them and not someone else.

They both swallow in unison and then share this awkward look—flaming red cheeks, eyes about to pop out of their sockets. Riley’s eyebrows rise, but then his eyes narrow into slits as he tries to work out what he’s just seen.

Kade carefully lowers his hockey gear to the floor and mutters, “Whatever floats your boat, I guess.”

I wince and droop my head.

What the hell am I supposed to do here? They think they’ve caught me making out with Chris.

Not Chris the girl, but Chris the wimpy guy next door.

She’ll want me to go with that story, to take the fall and beg them not to say anything.

What she doesn’t know is that I trust these guys more than anyone. We look out for each other, which means they’d take my secrets to the grave.

And because of that reason, there’s only one thing I can say to them.

“I know this looks like one thing, but it’s not what it seems.”

I step towards them, not daring to look back at Chris.

“Truth is…” I flick my thumb over my shoulder. “She’s a girl.”

Chris helps me out by giving us a high-pitched gasp. “He’s…uh, he’s lying! He just doesn’t want to admit he’s sexually confused right now!”

I huff and throw a glare over my shoulder. “I’m not lying.”

Her eyes bulge with warning and she grits out, “Yes, you are.”

Turning to face her, I try to calm her with a reassuring smile. “It’s okay. If you can trust me, you can trust them.”

Her face distorts as if she’s trying to gain control of her fear. It’s so obvious and I feel bad for just dumping her in this, but she’s got to know it’s okay.

I’d trust Kade and Riley with my life…and she can too.

“They’re not going to tell anyone and now you can relax around us. Be yourself.” I shrug.

She scoffs. “You make it sound so easy! Do you have any idea how serious this is?”

“No, because you won’t tell me anything!”

“I’ve told you enough! If I’m busted, I’m dead. What more is there to say?” Her voice pitches. “And I don’t care how buddy-buddy you are. How can I possibly trust you when you’re telling everyone just like that?” She snaps her fingers.

I lean forward, my voice rising of its own free will. “They saw us kissing! What was I supposed to do?”

“Tell them you’re gay!” she practically screams.

I cringe and close my eyes, wondering how far her voice has traveled down the hallway. Pulling in a calming breath, I look at the infuriating, sexy little thing in front of me and grit out, “Could you say that any louder, please?”

She tips her head back and screeches.

Kade snickers behind me. I spin around to glare at him but that only makes him laugh harder. “Can you guys just pause for like five minutes while I go make some popcorn?”

My death glare only spurs him on.

“Seriously, dude, I feel like I’m watching a movie right now.” He points at Chris. “There’s a chick living in the room next door! That’s awesome.”

I spin and face him when he tries to approach, raising my hand in warning. “Back off, Casanova.”

Kade is not taking advantage of this situation with his usual charm. All he has to do is wink and the girls come flocking.

“I just need a little proof.” He raises his hands in the air.

“What proof?” Chris snaps.

Kade lifts his chin at her. “Go on, get naked. Let me see.”

“As if!” Chris puts her hands on her hips, looking indignant and more girly than I’ve ever seen her.

I smack Kade on the arm and scowl at him. “Dude!”

He snickers. “Well, how did you figure it out?”

Scratching the back of my neck, I give him a little smirk when I mumble, “I saw her in the shower.”

Kade’s laughter is booming and slightly obnoxious, amplified by Chris coming over and planting her fist in my arm. I barely feel it—we’re gonna need to work on that.

“You are such an ass!” She punches me again.

I rub my arm, unable to hide my grin.

Kade nudges me with his elbow and whispers, “Does she have a nice rack?”

Chris’s eyes bulge, those brown orbs warning me to keep my mouth shut.

But seriously, there’s only one answer I can give right now. A full smile spreads across my face. “Sensational.”

“Nice.” Kade crosses his arms and looks straight at Chris’s chest.

I smack him with the back of my hand. “Dude.” The dark warning in my gaze is clear.

Kade raises his hands and takes a step back, his smile breaking into a snicker.

“Okay, wait, wait, wait.” Riley finally finds his voice. He narrows his eyes at Chris, analyzing her face like he’s studying a sculpture. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. But now that I know, it’s so obvious.”

“Right.” I nod. “I guess our brains just didn’t register because it’s so unlikely that a chick would be hiding out with a bunch of guys, trying to be one of us.”

Jordan Ford's books