See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

I frown at him, stepping further into the room before throwing another dark look at the hole in the wall. “How much stuff do you really hide in there?” I whip back to look at him. “Where do you keep it?”

“Not telling.” He slides his hands into his pockets, looking sexy as sin when he winks at me.

My frown deepens. I look away from him, annoyed by my attraction.


I wish I could forget how good he tastes. How strong his arms are.

But I can’t. I want more.

“Why haven’t you come over?” I blurt, throwing my arms up and deciding to do something useful with my frustration.

“Uh, we’re supposed to stay in our rooms this weekend.”

“Oh please, like a little authority has ever stopped you from doing what you want! I’m stuck over there, bored out of my mind. I wanted you to come over and hang out with me.”

A cocky smiles tugs at his lips. “Why?”

I roll my eyes. “Because you’re normally there! Taking over my space, filling it with noise and potato chips and hockey! Because I’ve just spent the entire morning pacing from the window to the wall, wondering if you’re annoyed and trying to punish me with the silent treatment.”

He frowns. “Why would I punish you?”

“Because I made you miss your precious game!”

“Helping you out was my choice.” He huffs. “I knew the consequences.”

“Then why aren’t you crawling through that wall to come and irritate me?”

He snickers and shakes his head. “Because I’m missing my hockey game right now and it’s put me in a foul mood. I figured if I came over, I’d be a grumpy shit and accidentally take it out on you, so it was better to just hang here and listen to some tunes.”

His answer stumps me. My forehead wrinkles as I replay his words.

“But yet again, I underestimated the power of your presence.” He moves around the bed, approaching me with slow, even steps.

I back away, narrowing my eyes at his playful expression.

“Who would have thought that a girl having a big ol’ rant could be so damn sexy? It almost makes up for missing the game.”

My right eyebrow cocks as I feign insult. “Almost?”

He snickers as I hit the back wall and have nowhere else to go. Closing the distance with two quick steps, he boxes me in. His forearms rest just above my shoulders. I can see them ripple as he leans against the wall behind me. His breath is on my skin. It smells like cinnamon gum. His lips are full and kissable, just inches from mine.

I glance up and catch his eye. We’re locked in a moment again.

I love the way he studies me, like he’s trying to read my soul. I let him have a piece of it, unable to hide the effect he has on me.

His sensual lips pull into a slow smile as he whispers against my skin. “Truth is, I thought if I came over, I wouldn’t be able to resist you…and that could get us into a whole heap of trouble.”

I close my eyes, my insides dancing as he brushes his lips across my skin. My buzzing irritation goes still, settling to a quiet hum that ripples through my body. Right this second, I couldn’t care less about trouble.

His lips cover mine and I breathe him in, melting against his solid touch and realizing that my obsessive wonderings as I paced my room were all bullshit.

I just wanted to make out with Trey, plain and simple.

I want to be transported to another place where Ivan the Terrible, Dean Hancock, Mr. Candella, and the devil don’t exist. Curling my fingers into Trey’s shirt, I suck his tongue into my mouth. It wraps around mine, bringing both comfort and distraction, the perfect remedies to everything I don’t want to face.

He moans softly and presses me into the wall, his hand cupping my butt. I wrap my leg over his hip, my body taking full control as I drown in his tongue, his taste, the pressure of his lips.

I want to rip his shirt off, to run my hands over the hard muscle I’ve seen in the locker room. A passionate need rumbles inside me, begging to break free. Gripping the back of his neck, I rub myself against him and he hoists me off my feet, pressing me back against the wall as I wrap my legs around his waist.

His kisses are hotter than hell. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I’ve been turned on by guys but this thing with Trey is primal. I can’t even explain what I’m feeling right now, but Trey’s words whistle through my head as he holds me against him.

I believe in fate, you know? You were brought into my life for a reason. I found out about you tonight because I was meant to.

What does that mean?

Did he find out because he’s somehow meant to protect me from Ivan, or is there something more to it? Does this fiery attraction between us mean more than I think it does?

Why can’t I resist him, even though it’s dangerous? If we get busted right now, I’ll be in deep shit, but I just can’t stop myself.

All I can do is kiss him. My body won’t let me do anything else.

Until the door flies open and I’m flung headfirst into a steaming pile of busted.


A Steaming Pile of Busted


Jordan Ford's books