See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

I swear I’m gonna lose it if he does.

Screw the third strike. He’s not hitting her anymore!

“Ivan!” a deep voice bellows down the corridor.

Everyone freezes.

It’s Dean Hancock.

Ivan’s fist is midair, his intentions clear.

But before the dean reaches us, he drops it and starts helping Chris to her feet. “Are you okay?” He rubs Chris’s shoulder, acting like he’s come across the scene and is trying to rescue her.

She shoves him off and wipes her mouth with quivering fingers.

The guys have already let me go and are straightening my shirt and tie. I push their hands away, my glare enough to make them back off.

The dean clips to a stop. “What is going on here?”

“Well, sir, Chris fell over, bumped his face on the concrete. I was just helping—”

“Save it,” Dean cuts him off. “Fighting is not tolerated at this school. You all know it, so I don’t know why you even bother!”

His dark glare hits me, his right eyebrow peaking. “Why am I not surprised?”

“But, sir…” Chris steps forward to defend me. “He was just trying to help.”

Dean points a silencing finger at her. “You’re already on in-house suspension. I’d keep my mouth shut if I were you.”

“Just don’t give him a third strike. He doesn’t deserve it.” Her face is so earnest…beautiful.

Damn, I want to kiss her again.

No one ever stands up for me, except for Riley and Kade.

They’re hovering behind the dean. Kade catches my eye and gives me a wink. I can’t believe it. They got the dean involved? Of course they weren’t going to stand by and let me battle it out alone.

I shake my head and mouth, “You’re so lame.”

Kade grins and flips me the bird while Riley nudges him and snickers.

The dean spins at the noise. I can’t see his expression but Kade and Riley both look the picture of innocence while they wait for the dean to dish out whatever punishment he has planned.

Whipping back around with a dubious frown, he eyes me again and grumbles, “Your roommates here came to find me. Said there might be trouble. From what I saw when I came around the corner, I think they might be telling the truth.” He clears his throat. “Miracles can happen, I guess.”

I bite my lips against a smile.

“I didn’t see all the events unfold, but I can tell you right now that you’ll all be spending the weekend in your rooms—no hockey, no off-campus trips.”

There’s a chorus of instant protests, which he shuts up with a wave of his hand and another stern growl. “I can make it the rest of the season if you prefer.”

I can’t help but let out a disgusted huff.

“Mr. Calloway?”

I bite back a snarky reply and shake my head. “No, thank you, sir.”

Satisfied with my tight-lipped answer, he turns to Chris. “Young man.”

“Y-yes, sir.”

“You and Trey head to the nurse. I want you checked out before classes start for the day.”

“I’m fine.” She shakes her head. “Really. It’s just a bloody nose.” The dean tips his head, his no-nonsense expression making her shrink back. “But I’ll take Trey for you, sir.”

He nods, then turns his glare on Ivan and his jerk buddies. “The rest of you, with me. There’s a certain Code of Conduct assignment I’d like to give you for extra homework tonight.”

With stifled groans, the guys follow the dean who is already clipping down the walkway. I slump back against the wall while Ivan throws me a hot glare before turning it on Chris.

“This isn’t over,” he mutters before shuffling after the dean.

She swallows and blinks rapidly, running her hand down her tie.

I want to hold her again. To tell her he’s full of shit and I won’t let him touch her.

But I can’t.

Because Riley and Kade are right there.

I force my eyes away from her and glance at my brothers. “Seriously, guys? The dean? Since when did you decide to take up tattling?”

Kade lightly punches my shoulder. “Shut up, you big douche. We just saved you a major beating.”

“Whatever.” I shove him away from me. “I was just giving them a few free shots before I let rip.”

“You are so full of shit,” Riley mutters as we start walking down the corridor.

I sigh. “Sorry about the game tomorrow. Coach is gonna flip when he finds out.”

“Dean outranks Coach.” Kade slaps my shoulder. “Don’t worry, we’ll make up for it.”

I snicker. “You better play your heart out. The chances of winning without me are slim.”

“You arrogant prick!” Riley laughs. “We should have just kept our mouths shut and let Ivan pound you losers to a pulp.”

I glance behind me, hoping for some cocky retort from Chris, but she’s still standing back by the pillar, just watching us walk away.

Spinning around, I walk backwards and shout to her, “You coming?”

Jordan Ford's books