Say You'll Stay (Return to Me #1)

They left about an hour ago, and Mama left to go play cards with Mrs. Hennington and Mrs. Rooney, which I know she does when she tells Daddy she’s going to practice singing for the church choir. Those women haven’t practiced in thirty years.

Taking my mother’s, well, everyone’s unsolicited advice, I called Grace for a girls’ night. Thanks to my stress, I’ve lost a ton of weight and can wear some pretty cute things. I’d gone online and ordered some clothes that are a little more form fitting than I’ve been able to wear since having twins. Those kids destroyed my body.

Once in my black shorts and one-shoulder shirt, I head over to the mirror and look myself over. Staring at my reflection, I smile and let out a deep breath. I feel beautiful. More than that, I feel like a woman. My curves are smooth, my hair hangs in soft curls, my eyes are bright green thanks to my makeup, and my ass looks fantastic. At least one good thing has come of this. I throw on my cowboy boots and head to the porch.

“You got a hot date or somethin’?” Grace calls from the window of the car.

“You know it.” I laugh and climb in.

She demanded that she drive so I could relax for a little bit. It’s insane for her to think I’m going to need a designated driver, but I’m tired of fighting everyone and everything, so I go with it. That’s my plan for tonight . . . let loose and smile.

Grace puts the car in drive, practically bouncing in her seat. “I’m so glad you called. I needed to get out. Since I ended things with Trent, I haven’t been out.”

I’ve wondered about that. “What happened?”

She snorts. “You know better than anyone about dating a Hennington.”

“I’m sorry, Gracie.”

She grips my hand. “Please, I’m over it. He’s hot and all, but I’m not going to beg a man to love me.”

Grace has had her eyes on that man since we were kids. He was by far the hottest of the three, but he knew it. Looking at him now, he’s definitely not the sexiest anymore. At least not to me. He’s still built and in shape, but there’s something missing. Why couldn’t they be ugly? Have one of their nuts missing or something? Instead, they’re all perfect in their own ways. Wyatt’s humor makes him more attractive, plus his job keeps him fit. Zach has only gotten better with age, plus his heart is still huge. And Trent’s authority is damn right sinful. Stupid Hennington boys.

We park in front of the local bar and my head falls back. “Not here, Grace.”

“Zach isn’t going to be here. And it’s easy if we both drink too much.”

How she knows Zach won’t be here is beyond me. But I look around the parking lot and don’t see his truck. “Let me guess.” I smirk as I think I figure it out. “Another guy will be?”

“Trent is with your boys, isn’t he?” she asks.

“I didn’t say Trent.”

She groans. “Look, there’s a guy I like, but he won’t talk to me when Trent is around. Bastard made it like he owns me or something. So, you can be my wingman-girl-whatever.”

It’s been a really long time since I’ve done this. But if there’s anyone I want to still be close with, it’s Grace. She’s not once pried or made me feel uncomfortable. She’s been here for me without pushing, which is a damn gift in this town.

“Fine, let’s go snag us some country boys.”

We exit the car, and I try to tug my shorts down. “Does this make me look slutty?” I ask her.

Grace lets out a giggle before covering her mouth. “Honey, any shorter and those are panties.”

“Oh, my God.” I start to head toward the car, but she grabs my arm.

“You look amazing, Presley. I was kidding,” she tries to reassure me. “I mean it. I only wish I had your body . . . and I never had kids.”

“Now you’re just lying.”

“Never. Please,” she begs, “if he’s not here we can drive to another town.”

Grace’s pouty face reminds me of the boys. One day I’ll stop being a sucker. “Fine.”

We head in where everyone is hanging around. Grace grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd. Thankfully there aren’t a lot of people I recognize. We find a spot at the bar and grab our beers. It’s funny how since Todd is gone, I remember things I used to like. When he was alive, I drank wine or vodka, now I’m grabbing beer and whiskey. I hated wearing boots or anything tight, yet here I am in both. I don’t know if it was him that I changed for, or if I was fighting so hard to not be the country girl I am.

Morphing into something else didn’t hide who I really am.

“Look what the cat dragged in.” I hear Felicia’s unpleasant voice from behind me.

I turn with a scowl. “Hi there, Felicia.”

Grace side eyes me.

“Good to see you,” Felicia says.

“I thought you and Zach were in Nashville,” Grace tacks on.

“We were, but Wyatt called sayin’ there was some emergency at the farm. You know how it is with our farm.”

Our ? Grace grabs my arm before I can say anything. “We’re having a girls’ night, so we’ll catch you later.” She whisks me away.

“What the hell?”