Savage (The Kingwood Duet #1)

“Help me, Cruise,” he yells, looking up. The abrupt action causes one of his tears to fall between my lips. “Fuck. Help her. Help her.”

I swallow, wanting anything that is my Alexander. He rocks back on his feet and carries me to the car. “You’re gonna be okay, baby. I promise you.”

I hate seeing him broken again, broken like when I met him. I’m curled on his lap when the door is closed and the tires squeal. “You lied.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

My cheeks feel lighter when I look at him. “No, you lied . . . first time we ever met.”

“What’d I lie about, baby?”

“You whispered . . . right in my ear. ‘I don’t need anything.’ You lied, Alexander. Because . . . you needed me.”

“I need you. Stay with me, and I’ll never lie to you again.” His voice is muffled as if distance has settled in when he yells, “Is he dead? Jesus fucking Christ, don’t let Chad be dead.”


“What baby?”

“Tell me something happy.”

His body is wracked with the sobs he’s fighting to hold in and the tears he can’t control any longer. I wait patiently as if I have time to spare. My world begins to spin, like my thoughts, when he says, “You gave me a reason to live when all I wanted to do was die.”

No, you can’t die. “Live for me.”

“There is no life without you, Firefly.”

Using all my efforts, I smile. “I love you.”

“I love you,” he says, stroking my cheek. A slash of blood colors his forehead but I know it’s not his. I start to shiver.


So cold.

“I love you. I’ll save you. I promise I’ll save you.”

“Let me go, Alexander.” I close my eyes. “I’m tired.”

“Don’t go to sleep. Stay with me. Drive fucking faster, Cruise.”

He didn’t shave. There’s just enough stubble to make me smile as my fingertips graze over and fall away, my arm not feeling my own anymore. “Alexander,” I mouth, his name a breath across my lips. “Let me go.”

“I promise. I’ll get help. I’m never letting you go, Firefly.”

“I’m already gone.” The sun’s too bright, so I close my eyes and listen to his heartbeat, considering how great my life was.

His palm comforts my cheek, and he strains to hold back his devastation. “Listen to me. Focus on me, baby.” I look into his eyes as he holds my complete attention like he always held my heart. “You once asked me why you. Why I picked you. It was always you for me. I was just lucky enough that you chose me. Do you hear me? I’m the lucky one.”

“It’s been good. So good living this life with you.” My throat feels dry, but I try to speak, for him. I try because the boy I watched become a man needs to hear it. “You were always destined for greatness. Live up to your name. Be the king I know you can be.”

“Only if you’ll be there with me. You were born to be queen. My queen, baby. Stay with me.”

“I can’t make that promise . . . but the ride was good. We were good. So good.”

So cold. So tired.

“Don’t you leave me. Don’t you fucking leave me, Sara Jane.”

“You promised me a ride. I got the ride of a lifetime.”

“No. No, Sara Jane. Please stay with me.” Kisses cover my forehead, the rest of my body already numb to touch and feelings. His body shakes, his hand brushing the hair away from my face as he kisses me with his tears and anguish. “You’re going to make it. Damn you. Don’t give up on me.”

I could never. “I always believed in you.” How I love him. “You were always meant to reign, my sweet King.”

“Don’t call me that. I’m Alexander for you. Alexander.”

I smile but wonder if it touches my lips. My body is cocooned in his arms when realization dawns on me as my world begins to blur. “I’m going to die, Alexander.”

“No. Stay awake, baby. Fight. Stay with me.” Sobs wrack his body as he holds me to him. “Don’t leave me here without you.”

Beyond what savage light he brings, to me, he was everything. With the last ounce of my energy, I force my eyes open and look at my tarnished angel. I would give up a sky full of stars for one more night in his darkness. Maybe I already did. Maybe this is me holding up my end of the bargain. Reaching up, I try to touch his face once more, once more to feel his skin beneath mine, but my body’s already given up. “Our baby would have been handsome, just like you.”

His body stills and he stares down at me, his eyes a brighter blue through the tears. “Our babies will be beautiful like their mother. So strong. You’re the strongest, bravest person I know, Firefly.”

“I don’t think we’re going to make it.”

“We’re so close, Sara Jane. I need you to hang on a few more minutes. We’re almost there.”

I can’t tell if it’s his or my tears streaking down my cheek anymore, the numbness spreading everywhere but where I want. I hate how empty I feel, my baby gone before he was given a chance. “The baby. I’m sorry for losing our baby.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“I need rest.” I’m shaken awake, the world quieter when I open my eyes this time. “I’m so tired. Please.”

“Baby. No. No. No. Don’t leave me. You’re my queen. Always my queen.” His lips move, but the words are barely heard. When I can’t seem to summon my words, his lips press to mine, and I savor the sweet pressure. “I love you.”

There comes an acceptance when you’re given the chance to let go on your own terms. I wouldn’t have chosen this ending, but now that I’m here, I find peace wrapped in love that will last long after this life. My body disconnects, my worries for him are finally released, my chest feeling lighter. Sunlight streams in through the window, trying to distract me from what I want to see. As I look at Alexander, I can’t take away his pain. If I were stronger I’d make it go away, keep his soul the lighter of the two. But I’m not.


My heart refuses to leave its confines. A slow, steady beat still knocks against my chest. He always had a way of making me feel so much more of everything—life, happiness, sadness, anger, joy. Love. So much love.

He was my savior and my death, but love in its purest form. He kisses my face. Gentle and rough, determined, and full of passion, fitting of the man giving them. I smile, content with this life.

We’re jolted forward, but the chaos is calm to my sleepy mind. His voice the only thing I hear. “Don’t leave me.”

When his lips touch mine, I whisper, “I will always . . . always be with you.” I take my last breath and then slowly exhale. “I love—”

To be continued in book 2 - SAVIOR August 2017

Preorder your copy of SAVIOR, Book 2 of the captivating Kingwood Duet and continue this all consuming epic story as soon as it releases. CLICK HERE


Preorder your copy of SAVIOR, Book 2 of the captivating Kingwood Duet and continue this all consuming epic story as soon as it releases. CLICK HERE

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Part I

Missing Grace PROLOGUE

Ben Edwards

S.L. Scott's books