Sacked (The Alpha Ballers#2)

One day she came in and had an even bigger smile than usual, which worked its magic on me as expected. “What?” I asked. “What’s going on?”

Charlotte danced over to my bed and set down the tray she was carrying. “I’ve just overheard something you’d like to hear!”

“What? Come on, Charlotte, this isn’t high school, don’t make me beg for any scrap of information.”

“Come on, let me have my fun just once. Take a guess.”

“Hmmm…you’ve been fired and this is your last day?”

“No, that would be even better than my actual news, for both of us, but neither of us are that lucky today,” she quipped, letting the sarcasm fly.

“OK, then what is it? Come on, out with it. Even if I haven’t guessed enough, you look like you’re ready to burst.”

“I am, pretty much.” She leaned forward till I could feel her soft breath on me. “You’re about to be cleared to play by the medical staff,” she whispered in my ear, before she kissed me on the cheek.

“Get out of town,” I looked at her, wonder spreading over my face.

“I heard it from the head of medical myself,” Charlotte said, closing her eyes.

I pulled her back down, kissing her on the lips. “That’s the best news ever.”

She stood back up, adjusting her shirt. “Ever, eh?” She said, cocking an eye my way and winking at me.

“OK, maybe not ever. But close.”

“That’s better. OK, I can’t stay long, you’ve got a visitor.”


“And spoil the fun? These lips are sealed.”

I was still smiling as I watched her sexy ass leave the room.

That smile was wiped right off when Coach Armstrong came in after her. I sat up immediately. “Good morning, Coach!” I tried to sound chipper but not too eager.

“Parker.” He sat down in the chair next to my bed. “I hear the medical team is going to clear you to play.”

I figured it couldn’t hurt to pretend I hadn’t heard that. It was still so new to me that the surprise was mostly still genuine. “That’s really great news, Coach, I’m so glad to hear it. It feels like I’ve been in here forever, and I just want to get back out on the field and play, help the team out…”

I realized I was blabbering in front of the coach and I stopped, looking sheepish. To his eternal credit, Coach Armstrong didn’t look much like he cared.

“It’s good news for you certainly, Parker. It’s been rough not having you around on game days.”

“I know, sir, and I’m ready to make up for it, whatever you need, whatever the team needs, I’m there.”

“I know you are, which is why I’m sure you’ll be OK with what I’m about to say.”

All the happiness I felt drained away in a half second after he said that. “Uh, OK, Coach, what is it?”

“Oliver Lee is going to keep starting. You’ll be his backup until further notice.”

Even before he said it I kinda knew what he was going to say, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. “Oh, OK.”

“I know you’re not thrilled about it, but he’s been playing well enough that we think he gives us the best shot to make the playoffs at the moment.”

“I understand, Coach.”

“That doesn’t mean you don’t have to prepare or anything. I want you ready for each game here on out. Lee may be starting right now, but he’s as untested as ever. And I need you waiting in the wings just in case.”

“I won’t let you down, Coach.”

“I know you won’t, son.” He stood up and left the room without another word.

I slumped back against the bed, shocked. I wasn’t going to get my starting job back after all. Fucking Oliver Lee was going to keep me from getting what I wanted.

All this work, all this stress, all for nothing. All the joy I had felt when Charlotte whispered in my ear that I was cleared to play again turned to ash, and I felt none of it anymore.

The door opened and Charlotte came back in, a huge smile on her face. “Well? That was Coach Armstrong, what did he say?” She practically bounced all the way from the door to the chair I was sitting in, but then she slowed as she realized I wasn’t nearly as happy as she expected me to be. “Is…Is everything alright?” She almost whispered.

I sighed. “Yeah, it’s fine. Coach just told me Lee’s going to keep starting for now.”

Instantly, Charlotte’s face clouded over and she pulled up another chair and sat next to me. “Oh, Lance, I’m so sorry to hear that. Did he say anything about why? You’re the starter!”

“I know, I know, but Lee’s starting to warm up and he says it’s in the best interest of the team to go with the hot hand for now.” I paused, then added glumly, “but I’m supposed to stay ready just in case.” I looked up. “Like a true backup.”

Lucy Snow's books