Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

Swallowing hard, she smiled. “I want the same.”

“Good. You got it,” he said, kissing her lips softly. But she didn’t kiss him back like she normally did. No, she was too consumed with her feelings, her worries. When he pulled back, he looked confused as he asked, “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head and she hated how the tears threatened to fall. “I’m worried about Angie.”

His eyes filled with compassion as he held her gaze. “Me too.”

“Do you think she’s okay?”

“I hope so.”

Emotion choked her as she closed her eyes. “Do you think tomorrow is going to be bad?”

Rolling them over, her body pressing into his hard one, he hugged her. “You know what? I don’t know. I know that’s not the answer you want. I know you want me to tell you it’s going to go great. But I don’t know, and I’m sorry I don’t,” he said, his mouth near hers as he spoke. “But I can promise you, no matter what happens, I will stand beside you, and I will be there for you through it all. Okay?”

Yeah, her heart was going nuts, and it took everything not to cry out in joy. If it had been her mother, she would have promised it would be fine. That everything would work out. But Benji didn’t do that. He just promised he’d be there, and that almost made it all better.


But even with the nasty feeling in her stomach, she knew she’d be okay. Not because she was always okay, but because she had Benji.

Lucy was going to need Benji too.

Because when she got to the rink…

Rick was nowhere in sight.

“I don’t understand why he isn’t answering the phone,” she said frantically, calling him for the ninth time.

“Maybe they overslept?” her mom said, hopeful and always so damn positive. “It’s early.”

But Lucy shook her head, dread filling her chest as it went to voice mail once more. It was taking everything out of her not to lose it. Not to scream. Not to drive over there and kick Rick’s ass. She knew she couldn’t do that, though, that it would only make matters worse. Plus, she was a fucking lady. Most of the time.

“God, Mom, weren’t you listening to me? He’s being a dick like always and not bringing her ’cause it’s not in the parenting plan,” she spat out as she called once more, again going to voice mail. Benji’s arm came around her waist, pulling her into his side before kissing her temple.

“Breathe,” he whispered against her ear. “Calm down. It isn’t her fault.”

“I know that,” she bit out, only seeing red. “But I don’t know if you know, but my daughter is not here when she is supposed to be.”

Meeting her gaze, he held it as he nodded. The man had the patience of a saint because even she knew she was being a little hostile. “I know, but we knew there could be a chance he wouldn’t show. Breathe.”

Sucking in a breath, she let it out and then nodded. He was right. They had hoped Rick wouldn’t do this, but she was pretty sure she’d always known he wouldn’t show. He was more concerned with hurting Lucy than he was about caring for Angie’s needs, and she was fucking done.

Her eyes still locked with Benji’s, she said, “Sorry, Mom.”

“Oh, it’s fine, honey. I know you’re stressed. I just wish that son of a bitch would answer the damn phone,” she said, sounding as frazzled, if not more, than Lucy. Her mom was more than just a grandma to Angie; she was basically her second mom. She had cared for Angie since she was a tiny thing, when Lucy was going to school and work. She was a huge pillar of Angie’s life, hell, of Lucy’s life. Lucy needed to remember that and not snap at everyone. Before she could apologize once more, though, her phone vibrated in her hand. Lucy looked down to see it was a text.

Rick: Jesus. I’m busy. What do you want?

Lucy: Answer the phone.

Rick: Busy.

Lucy: Where are you?

Rick: Out.

Lucy: Are you on your way to the rink?

Rick: No

She made a sound of distress as Benji hugged her. “Just breathe.”

Lucy: And why not?

Rick: We are taking Nina and Angie to Chuck E. Cheese instead.

Lucy: Angie wanted that?

Rick: Yes.

Lucy: Call me, let me talk to her.

Rick: No.

“Motherfuckingasshole,” she grumbled, dialing his number once more, but it went straight to voice mail. Looking to Benji, her eyes wide and full of tears, she asked, “What do I do?”

He shook his head, his eyes full of apprehension. “You call your dad.”

She nodded, looking to her mom first. “He isn’t bringing her. Says she wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese, which I’m sure is a fucking lie!”

River struck his hips in frustration as Autumn muttered a curse. “He can’t do stuff like that. I let the boys go early this morning so I could be here. People make plans for her. He can’t just decide when she has somewhere to be,” River barked and then he held his hand up. “I don’t mean that at you, honey. I’m just fucking pissed.”

Lucy’s lip wobbled as she nodded.