Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

Still confused, he asked, “Are you in the other direction?”

“Benji, come on. You’ll hightail it away from me and Angie. Haven’t you seen custody battles? They are scary.”

“No, I won’t,” he said, louder than he meant to. Her eyes widened as he held her gaze. “I’m behind you, a hundred percent. That dude won’t chase me off. I told you, I’m digging you, and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be there for you and for Angie.”

“You don’t know that, Benji,” she said then, shaking her head. “It’s easy to say now, but it could all change when it goes down.”

“Um, I do know, but I’m not arguing that with you. Here’s what I think,” he said as she looked back at him. “Let’s see how tomorrow goes. If it goes the way you think it’ll go, call your dad. If it doesn’t, when Angie comes home Sunday—I’m going with you to pick her up—then you can talk to her and go from there. You know what’s best, Lucy. You know what needs to be done, and no matter what, I’m here for you. One hundred percent.” She bit into her lip as a tear rolled down her nose, dropping onto his. Smiling, he wiped it off and said, with the hopes of making that face shine, “You’re snotting on me.”

She nodded, her lips curving just the slightest amount as she nuzzled her nose into his chest. “Because you’re so great. Really, thank you for listening to me.”

“I’m great because I have someone I want to be great for. Thank you for opening up to me.”

“It wasn’t easy,” she said and he grinned.

“I could tell.”

“I bet you’re disappointed in me, huh?”

His brows touched as he shook his head in disbelief. “Why in the hell would I be disappointed in you? You trusted him, loved him, and he fucked you over. How is that your fault? If anyone should be disappointed in anyone, it should be you in me. I’m the drunk whose family got killed because I’m an idiot.”

She eyed him and then nodded. “I’m not disappointed in you. I’m proud, because you aren’t that man anymore.”

His heart stopped in his chest. “And I’m proud of you for getting out and becoming who you are. Which is one hell of a mom and a woman. You know what’s best for Angie—you don’t settle for shit. Don’t forget that.”

She leaned her head to his and closed her eyes. “I just don’t want to hurt her.”

“You won’t. If anything, you’ll make her life better.”

“You think so?”

“I know so,” he said sternly. “Like I said, you know what’s best and what needs to be done. Ask your mom, your brothers, they’ll tell you the same, Lucy. You’re a strong woman. You’ve got this.”

Her eyes were hopeful as she nodded slowly. “Yeah, I do. I’ve got this,” she repeated, her words full of conviction as she held his gaze.

“Good. Now, come here. Give me a kiss and let’s go to sleep.”

She eyed him, her nose against him. “Go to sleep?”

“Well, I mean, I’m down for some loving if you are.”

Threading her fingers into his hair, she smiled against his lips, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Well, you’re in luck, ’cause I want the sex.”

His lips curved, and his hands came onto her ass. He knew she just wanted the distraction, and that was fine. He could give her that. “Ooh, I like the sex.”

Sputtering with laughter then, she leaned on him, kissing his nose. “Dork.”

Rolling her over, he pressed into her. He figured he didn’t have the right answers for her when it came to Rick, but he had the power to take her to another world. To make her forget, if only for a short amount of time. Looking into her beautiful face, he saw a gorgeous woman, but also very troubled one. He saw strength too, and he knew, like everyone always said, she was going to be okay.

But this time, he was aiming for something higher.

He hoped she’d be great, because he was going to be behind her, supporting her and loving her.

God, he loved her. He loved her so much it hurt, but as he gazed into those clouded green eyes, his heart hurting from the stress she was going through, he knew that his chance to tell her would come.

Kissing her nose, he smiled and whispered, “You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

“I sure wouldn’t,” she whispered back, her lips moving against his. “Thank you, Benji.”

But before he could say anything, her lips came crashing into his, and as their bodies moved together, he knew he was going to prove her wrong.

That he wasn’t going anywhere.


That was hard.

She’d laid it out there.

Every single thing.