Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

He would be her rock.

Turning into Audrey Jane’s, Benji smiled up at the cute little posh bakery that Audrey Odder had built from scratch. Rumor had it that she used to make cupcakes just for her family and then for Tate. He pushed her to open her own place, and she was prospering. Making all the cakes for the stars and professional athletes. She made fabulous sweets, and Benji’s favorite were her lemon cakes Crokmou that were inspired by Game of Thrones.

“I love Audrey’s cakes. She’s made Angie’s birthday cake for the last four years,” Lucy said as they parked beside River’s truck.

“Yeah, I gained like ten pounds over break eating her lemon cakes.”

She looked over at him, eyeing him. “The Game of Thrones one?”

He about melted at the mere thought of them as he nodded. “Yes.”

“So good,” she said, shaking her head as she got out.

“Best ever,” he agreed, getting out and locking up. “I should see if she could make me a birthday cake out of them.”

Lucy grinned. “That’s a good idea. Or I can. When’s your birthday?”


“Really?” she gushed, leaning into him, and he nodded.

“Yeah, when I was a kid, my mom was awesome about making Christmas one thing and my birthday another. Now, I just buy myself whatever big thing I want and call it good,” he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they headed toward the entrance. “Last year, since I turned thirty-two and I had no clue what I wanted, I took thirty-two disadvantaged kids from Erik Titov’s foundation shopping and bought them anything they wanted. It was really great.”

She beamed up at him as he pulled the door open. “That’s so awesome.”

“Yeah, it was.”

“Well, my friend, I can’t separate your day this year because my mother is getting married, but next year, I got you,” she said, flashing him a grin, and his lips curved.

“Wait? Did you just look to the future?”

She shot him a deadpan expression. “Shut up.”

“Lucy! Benji! Over here, sweeties.”

Lucy’s shoulders fell at the sound of her mother’s cheerful voice, and Benji had to hold in his laughter. He knew she didn’t want to do this, but he didn’t care. He loved cake, and he really liked Autumn and River.

“You owe me,” she muttered as she turned to face them. Grabbing a hold of her butt, he nuzzled his nose in her ear.

“Oh, I got you later,” he whispered and she giggled as they headed toward a grinning Autumn and River. Before they could reach them, Audrey Odder appeared, her face bright as she wrapped Benji up in a tight hug.

“Benji! I didn’t know you were coming in. You should have called. I would have had some lemon cake ready.”

Squeezing her, he pulled back, grinning down into her beautiful, wide face. She had lost a lot of weight since the birth of her son, but she still had that round face that made you crave cupcakes. Or maybe it was the way she smelled. Like sugar and happiness. He wasn’t sure; he just knew he really enjoyed her cupcakes.

“I didn’t know I was coming. Here to cake test.”

“With the Moores? Jayden and Baylor’s mom and dad? How do you know them?”

Benji grinned as he pulled Lucy into his arms. “I’m dating Jayden’s sister.”

Audrey lit up, bouncing on her heels as she clapped her hands. “No! Yes? Ah, that’s so awesome. Oh my God, isn’t he the sweetest? I just love Benji,” she gushed, squeezing his arm, and Lucy grinned.

“He’s all right,” she teased and Audrey laughed, nodding her head.

“Honestly, one of the best guys I know other than my husband, and that says a lot ’cause I know a lot of Assassins men. But Benji, he’s a good one. You’re very lucky.”

A little red dusted her cheeks as she beamed up at him. “I know.”

“Eek! I’m so happy for you. Maybe we’ll do a cake testing for you two next,” she said with a wink, and Lucy’s eyes widened.

“Whoa, lady. Calm down.”

Audrey didn’t care, though. She giggled happily as she waved Lucy off. “You’ll see. Okay, let’s taste test!”

By the time they finished tasting all the cakes, Benji was ready to puke. He didn’t turn down cake, and Lucy and Autumn would only take a bite or two, so that left lots of cake for him and River. It was fun, though. River and Autumn were really something. Funny, and so into each other, it was refreshing. It gave him something to look forward to. They also treated him like family. Like they’d already decided he wasn’t going anywhere. They spoke to him the way they talked to Lucy, which was with nothing but love and support. It was great. After being so alone and only having the guys from the team when he allowed himself to be around them, to now having Lucy, Angie, and her family, it was just nice. Really nice.

“So do your parents visit much, Benji? You said you’re from Chicago, eh?” River asked and Benji nodded, feeling Lucy tense up next to him.

“Yes, sir. Um, but I don’t speak to my parents. Haven’t in a really long time.”

Autumn’s face twisted. “My goodness, can I ask why?”