Ruined (Ruined, #1)

“Most of the ships have already left Olso,” Iria said under her breath as they walked down the hallway. “The Ruined are on board.”

Em’s heart jumped into her throat. “How much longer do I have?” She hadn’t found out where Olivia was yet. It was a delicate balance, finding a way to bring up Olivia without casting suspicion on herself.

“They’re almost here. But you still have several days, at least. A week, maybe.”

Even if she couldn’t find a way to stealthily get the information, perhaps she could just torture it out of the king or queen during the attack. It would serve them right, after what they were doing to Damian.

They rounded the corner. Koldo and Benito stood outside the Ocean Room. Koldo was speaking animatedly, grinning at Benito as if the latter was supposed to be impressed by his story. Benito managed to lift one eyebrow.

Em stopped next to them, leaning over to peer through the open door. No one had arrived at the meeting yet.

Cas rounded the corner, and Em quickly ducked into the meeting room so he wouldn’t see her near the warriors.

She took a seat and glanced over her shoulder as he walked into the room. His lips turned up when their eyes met.

He likes you, Iria had said to her a few days ago. More than likes you. He looks at you as if he’s falling in love with you.

Em swallowed down a wave of guilt. Cas probably didn’t love her. He liked her, maybe, but love? No. Surely not.

The guilt clawed through her chest and into her throat, making it hard to breathe. She didn’t know what was worse—that he liked her, or that she was pretty sure she felt the same way.

The warriors entered the room, followed shortly after by the queen and Jovita. The king came in a few minutes later and grabbed the trade agreement from Iria without so much as a “good morning.”

“I’ll discuss it with my advisers,” he said after a moment.

“They’re not coming this morning?” Iria asked.

“No.” He didn’t offer any further explanation. “You can go. That’s all for today.”

The warriors couldn’t hide their surprise, but they all stood without comment. Iria glanced at Em as she left, a hint of worry in her eyes.

The king stared straight at Em, and she pretended not to notice. If they’d discovered something, they would have captured her immediately, not let her wander into a meeting with the royal family. Right?

“It’s come to my attention that you visited the Ruined prisoner,” the king said.

She tried to swallow without appearing nervous. “I did.”


“I wanted to know if he was part of the attack that killed my parents.”

Jovita and the queen shared a look. The queen leaned forward, resting her arms on the table. “What did he say?”


“That’s mostly what we’ve gotten from him,” the king said. “Nothing. Time to give up, I think.”

Em gripped the edge of her chair, her heart diving into her feet.

“But he told me the location of a Ruined camp a few days ago,” Cas said before she could speak.

“And I’ve relayed that to my soldiers, but Ruined camps move all the time. He knew he wasn’t giving us anything important.” The king stood, grabbing the treaty agreement off the table. “I’m losing patience. I don’t usually keep Ruined prisoners.”

“No, you usually kill them right away.”

Cas’s words hung in the air like they’d been shouted instead of spoken calmly.

“Do you have something you’d like to say, Casimir?” The king straightened his shoulders, staring down his son.

Em gently pressed her hand to her waist, where she’d slipped a dagger inside her dress. The leather sheath was warm against her left side. She could get at the weapon in about three seconds, hurl it at the king’s chest, take Cas’s hand, and run as—

She shook the thought away, curling her fingers into a fist and trying to pretend she wasn’t imagining Cas’s hand in hers as they ran away from the castle.

“I think we should reevaluate our policy on the Ruined,” Cas said. “I can no longer support murdering people who haven’t committed a crime.”

The king’s beard trembled, like he was having a hard time keeping his temper in check. “Luckily, I don’t need your support. And no one with any sense disagrees with Lera’s Ruined policy.”

“I do,” Em said.

The king barely glanced at her, like she didn’t count. He stomped away from the table. “I have more important things to do.”

“Damian talks to me,” Cas said, looking over his shoulder at his father. “At the very least you shouldn’t execute him while he’s still talking to me.”

The king’s face twisted, like he hated to admit Cas was right.

“And you keep another Ruined locked away,” Em said quickly. “If you keep Olivia, why not Damian?”

“It’s different,” the queen said with a sniff.

“How so? Is she somewhere very well guarded?” She tried to keep the question light, but her chest tightened in anticipation.

“Not your concern.” The king turned his attention to his niece. “Jovita, join me?”

Amy Tintera's books