Revel (Second Chance Romance #1)

“Not quite,” Anna said. “It was a different time though. But yes, I like Charlotte very much. She’s a smart girl, works hard for what she has. I admire that.”

They both sat down on the porch swing that faced out onto the back garden of the DeGraff home.

“Well, good,” Declan said. “That’s important to me. That you like her.”

They swung quietly for a moment, Declan’s legs moving them back and forth.

“How did her mother die?” Anna asked. “Do you know?”

Declan nodded, “Yes, it’s a really tragic story. They were vacationing in Folly Beach six years ago. Her mother went to the store to pick something up and on her way back she was hit by a car running a red light. The car didn’t stop to see if she was okay. It was a hit and run.” Declan paused. “I’ve never been so angry at someone I never knew. How could someone do that? Hit someone and leave? What if they’d stayed? Maybe her mom would have lived. Maybe not. But it really destroyed their family. It’s why Charlotte ended up here. I think in a way she feels like if she’s here, where it happened, maybe she opens herself up to answers. Even though it’s impossible at this point.”

Declan continued to push the swing while his mother listened, “It makes me feel bad that the only reason I know Charlotte, in a way, is because something really terrible happened to her. If her mother had lived, I doubt she would have ever moved here for college. You know, she got into Vanderbilt.”

He looked over at Anna who hadn’t said anything. Her face was pale and her chin was quivering. Her hands were shaking.

“Mom,” Declan said. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

“Six years ago?” Anna asked. “Was it in the summer time? This time of year? Beginning of August?”

“Why?” Declan asked. “I think so. I don’t know for sure. Why do you ask?”

“Because,” Anna said. “I need to go inside, Declan. I really feel like I might faint all of a sudden.”

He stood up and offered her his arm. She stood up on wobbly legs and he walked her into the house and up the stairs to the master bedroom Anna shared with Henry.

Declan was worried. He hadn’t expected the story to upset her this much.

“Mom, I didn’t mean to upset you,” Declan said as he laid her across the bed. “Do you want me to get you water? Do you need Dad?”

Anna shook her head, “No, son. I’ll be okay. I just need to be alone for a moment.”

Declan nodded, “Okay, Momma. I love you. I’ll leave you be.”

“I love you too,” Anna said and Declan left, shutting the door behind him.

He paused for just a moment, the sound of what might have been muffled sobs coming through the door. He reached for the knob, but decided against it, walking back down the hallway to the stairs.

Chapter Thirteen

Declan couldn’t remember how they ended up at his house. He assumed they’d walked there together, or maybe he’d carried her. It didn’t matter. What mattered was that as soon as he’d touched her, it was like going back in time.

They’d ended up in his bedroom, Charlotte stripping out of her clothes, Declan stepping out of his khaki shorts and quickly pulling his t-shirt off. Her body was golden and hot to the touch. Her breasts were large and heavy under his hands, larger even than he’d remembered, but her curves were just as smooth and sinful as he remembered them.

The Charlotte of the future was more much assertive. She threw herself back on his bed, spreading herself open, her hair wild around her and her expression one of pure lust.

“Do you remember what I feel like?” she asked, her voice husky. He hadn’t heard it in so long. It was the same but different.

“How could I ever forget?” he said and he was immediately on top of her and then inside her, almost coming as soon as he entered her. She was wet and willing, but so tight around him. He slowly thrusted in and out, barely believing this was happening.

“You feel so fucking good,” he said. Her arms were around his neck as he fucked her slowly, kissing her with each stroke. She was like liquid underneath him.

“Please!” she called out. “More, Declan. Harder! I’ve missed you!”

What was it about this fucking woman that made him have so many damn emotions? He hadn’t allowed himself to feel a damn thing since she’d left Charleston ten years ago. He didn’t deserve love, not after letting Charlotte Sanders go.

Yet she missed him. Despite what had happened.

“I’ve missed you every day since…” he said, quickening his pace. “Since I made the biggest fucking mistake of my life.”

“Baby…” she said, touching his face. “Why did you leave me?”

Tears were falling down her cheeks and Declan couldn’t take it. His heart pounded as he came inside of her, filling her with his soul, and all of the anguish of ten years. The sound of his release pierced the air, he couldn’t help but scream her name as he finished.


“I didn’t want to leave you.”

Alison Ryan's books