Revel (Second Chance Romance #1)

Declan grimaced, “Hell no. I wouldn’t break up with a girl because my parents told me to, are you kidding? No, it was… complicated. And no, it wasn’t something I wanted to do, but it is what it is. And I was just thinking that maybe this is destiny’s way of getting me back with her again. Or at least it’s pointing me toward her so we can get better closure.” Declan slumped down on the kitchen floor. “She’s probably taken anyway. But if she doesn’t respond to the letter, what should I do?”

“Nothing,” Winston said. “What did you always tell me? See things as they are and not how I want them to be? Well, buddy, it’s time for you to hear the same thing. See things as they are. Charlotte has moved on. She’s got her own life now. Besides, you’re the same guy that was hooking up with hot co-eds just a couple days ago. You’re in your element now. Forget about Charlotte. Enjoy the present. Leave the past exactly where it should be left. Behind you.”

“You’re right,” Declan admitted. “Completely right. I’m going to let it go. Shit, now I wish I hadn’t written the damn letter at all.”

“That whole move was pretty out of character for the Declan I know,” Winston said. “You sure you don’t want to meet up? Get some drinks?”

“Nah,” Declan said. “I’m wiped. I think I’m gonna go to bed early, have a chill night. Thanks, man.”

“Any time,” Winston said, and they both hung up.

Declan looked at the wall in front of him for a long while, considering what Winston had advised him to do. Winston had a good point. The past was better laid to rest.

But God, he wanted to see her. Just talk to her. Maybe explain things… That part would be tougher. Telling Charlotte why he’d broken up with her would possibly cause her much more pain than breaking her heart had, years ago.

Fuck. He didn’t know what to do.

He stood up and looked out the window. To his surprise, he could see her front door opening, followed by the slam of a screen door.

It was Charlotte.

And she was heading straight for his house. Her walk was determined and she was coming quickly.

Without a second thought, Declan was out the door and walking toward her. When she saw him approaching, she slowed down a bit, but kept walking.

They met almost exactly halfway between their properties.

Up close, she was still just as beautiful as she’d been on the beach. And even more beautiful than he remembered her being a decade ago.

“Declan,” she said. Her expression was impossible to read.

“Charlotte,” he said.

This was it. No matter what was best for either of them, he knew what he wanted to do.

Before she could say a single word, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her toward him.

His mouth was on hers and she wasn’t pulling away.

It was all he needed to know.

It wasn’t over. Not yet.

Ten Years Ago…

“Are you sure about this?” Charlotte asked as she and Declan walked up to the main house entrance.

“About what? Having lunch with my mother? Sure! My dad isn’t here, so we can actually have a nice time,” Declan replied as he opened the door for her.

“No, I mean,” Charlotte’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Moving in together? It’s so fast… And I just don’t want to upset your parents. I feel like they already don’t like me.”

“First of all, yes. I’m sure. I mean, we’d be at each other’s houses all the time anyway. There’s no point in both of us paying rent. And my father doesn’t like anyone. Seriously. He doesn’t. And my mom likes you. She just wants to get to know you better. She didn’t get much of a chance last time,” Declan assured her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her head toward him so he could kiss the top of it. “I love you, Char. I can’t wait to see you every day. I’ll probably never go to class, but waking up to you every morning will be worth repeating a semester or two.”

Charlotte smiled, “I love you too, but I am not failing out for your punk ass.”

He laughed as they entered the dining room. This time there were just place settings for three and a tray of sandwiches and another of fresh cut fruit were already laid out.

“Hello, darlings!” Anna said as she came in from the kitchen. “I’m so happy to see you again, Charlotte!”

“Good to see you, too,” Charlotte said. Anna walked over and pulled her in for a warm hug.

“You look pretty as a picture,” Anna told her.

“Thank you.”

The three of them sat down, this time Declan and Charlotte were across from each another and Anna sat at the head of the table.

“Let’s dig in,” Anna said, grabbing a small cucumber sandwich from the tray. “I didn’t eat breakfast.”

They began to eat, Charlotte and Declan stealing glances at each other every now and again. Charlotte couldn’t believe this handsome boy was all hers. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him since their afternoon on Capers. Declan had made love to her twice that night. The first time had been gentle, his hands running up and down her body. She felt like she was being worshipped. She’d come while on top, calling out to him.

“I love you!” she’d cried.

Alison Ryan's books