Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

He got the girl and the kid, even managed to keep them.

“Fork over your money, Richie Rich,” Jack teased, holding out his palm as he polished off the rest of his beer.

“The rich kid jokes are getting old man,” I complained.

“Hey,” Lauren said as she laced her arm through mine. “Mind if I steal him away for a minute?” She asked Jack.

“He’s all yours, girl. Good luck with that,” he winked, chuckling to himself as he walked away from us.

“Congrats,” I said, taking Lauren’s hand in mine. “A niece.”

She sank her teeth into her lower lip, staring at me thoughtfully before she shook her head and blinked.

“Thanks,” she muttered, as she glanced around the room and led me away from the crowd.

“Where are we going?”

“I can’t take it anymore,” she hissed.

“What’s the matter?” I asked curiously, as we walked through the kitchen, turning into a hallway. Lauren glanced around, a mischievous smile on her face as she opened the door that led to the garage and pushed me through before closing it behind her.

“Kitten,” I started, unable to help the smile that formed on my mouth as I stared at her.

“No time for small talk, Tiger,” she whispered, taking my hand and leading me toward the car parked in the center of the room.

Did I mention pregnancy was the best thing ever? Lauren was insatiable, wanting my dick morning, noon and night. How could I ever deny her?

She hopped onto the hood of the car, spreading her legs and crooked her finger.

“Whose car is this?” I asked, as I walked toward her.

“Victor’s, the man has no use for it where he is and I always wanted to take it for a ride,” she whispered, grinning as she gripped the ends of my cut in her hands and pulled me between her legs. “So, I’ve got this fantasy…one that involves this car, you and me.”

She leaned in, peppering my lips with kisses as her hands traveled down my chest.

“Kitten, you’re going to be the death of me,” I whispered huskily, as I gripped her hips and pulled her further onto the edge of the car. She locked her legs around my waist and I groaned.

“Would that be so bad? I mean there’s worse ways to go, right?” She cupped my face and those crystal blue eyes stared into mine.


I was lost.

In the abyss known as Lauren Bianci.

I wish I had seen her coming.

Maybe if I had had a warning, I would’ve stood a chance.

“No I guess not,” I replied.

“Ask me about my fantasy, Riggs,” she ordered, her hands still holding my face.

“What’s your fantasy, Kitten?” I urged, my voice sounding gruff.

She leaned her forehead against mine.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she pleaded, her voice barely audible.

“Like what?”

“Like I’m a dream,” she whispered.

“Starting to wonder if you are,” I admitted, pushing back the threats, the bad vibes, all the things that could turn this thing we had into a nightmare. I pushed back the truth because the lie was the dream.

“You know what dreams are don’t you, Riggs?” She questioned, as she unbuttoned my jeans and drew down the zipper. Liking where this was going, I reached behind me and retrieved my gun from the waistband and laid it gently against the roof of the car. “They’re the things you’re too afraid to go out and grab. A dream is a subconscious plea, it’s a taunting voice telling you to grab your balls and take what you want,” she explained, lifting her eyes back to mine. “Do you ever dream?”

Christ, shut up. Please.

I was two seconds from getting down on my knees and not to get a taste of the thing I craved most but to beg her to stop talking.

Every word she said I fell deeper into the abyss.

I’d never be able to get out.

She palmed my cock and whispered against my ear.

“Dream with me,” she said softly.

I lifted my hand to her cheek, turned her slightly and took her lips, silencing that mouth before it ruined me. My fingers threaded her hair as my lips worked hers, slowly, achingly, before the brutal assault of my tongue and teeth. She met my demands, played right into my hands or maybe I played into hers, this was her fantasy after all, either way she parted her lips and invite me inside.

Her tongue greeted me, welcoming me home, just like she did every fucking night I walked in the door.



Everything I never wanted.

Everything I had wrapped around me.

She pushed me back, lifting her skirt, letting the stretchy material pool around her belly, and lifted her hips as she shimmied her panties down her legs. I watched as she bent her leg and pulled her panties from her ankle, twirling them around her finger with a smile on her face.

Janine Infante Bosco's books