Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

I inched back on the bed until my head rested on the pillows. His hard, thick, cock stood between his legs as one knee dipped into the mattress and then the other. He ran his hands, ever so slowly, up my calves, then the inside of my thighs, finally spreading me wide for him to enjoy.

I bit down on my lower lip, watching as he touched and spread me—loving the feel of his hands on me. He positioned himself between my legs, his face merely inches from my pussy.

“This is mine, been too long since I staked my claim,” he hissed, before his mouth went to work. I closed my eyes as my head sank into the pillow and his tongue sank inside of me.

I should’ve put up more of a fight, demanded his cock and not his mouth, but Riggs’ mouth was magic and pregnancy had made me a hormonal, sex crazed lunatic. I’d take whatever I could get.

Quite preferably his mouth more than once and then his cock. Actually, I wasn’t picky. He could use his mouth now, fuck me and then eat me again. I’d be perfectly okay with that as long as I got my trifecta of orgasms.

And I most definitely did.

We made up for lost time, reacquainting ourselves with one another’s bodies. I thought I would have been more self-conscious over my body and the changes; the wider hips, the curves that weren’t there the last time and the six pounds I gained on my ass alone. Riggs looked at me and loved me all night like I was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on.

I never wanted the night to end, too afraid of what tomorrow would bring. Eventually I fell asleep in his arms with his hands resting on my belly.

Just the three of us.

Chapter Thirty-Three

We didn’t stop until the early morning, when both our bodies were spent. Even after all that, I still couldn’t get enough of her or satisfy my need to hold her. She was fast asleep when I pulled her into the crook of my arm, resting her head against my chest. Her stomach wouldn’t allow her to completely rest on me, so she lay on her side—that perfect belly tucked against my side.

I was exhausted but I wouldn’t let myself go to sleep because I didn’t want to miss a thing. I rested my hand against her belly, careful not to disturb her.

“Hey, kid, it’s your dad,” I said, feeling a little like a jackass, wondering if Pea could even hear me. And if he could, he didn’t have any clue who I was—that was just downright wrong.

I felt something push against my palm.

No way.

“Pea is that you?” I asked, glancing back at Lauren, looking for her to confirm I had just felt our kid kick her, but she was out cold. Too much sex. See you next week, Kitten. I chuckled to myself and then I felt it again, stronger this time, I moved my hand to stare at Lauren’s stomach, and sure enough, saw movement.

I quickly put my hand back to where Pea was kicking a field goal.

“Whoa, you’re a strong one aren’t you?” I asked, gently rubbing the area he continued to kick. “Take after your mama, that’s for sure,” I said, smiling as I pressed my lips to her forehead.

I closed my eyes and finally let myself fall asleep with my family in my arms. I don’t know how long we stayed like that before the devil awakened us, and by the devil, I meant the pain in the ass soldier, Jack.

I untangled myself from Kitten and climbed out of bed to search for my pants and grab my phone.


“Where the fuck are you?” He growled into the phone.

Great, I wasn’t in the mood for some bullshit, not when I had Lauren stirring awake, probably ready to go another round.

“I need all hands on deck, Blackie got into some trouble last night,” he hissed angrily into the phone.

“What kind of trouble?” I asked, running my fingers roughly through my hair.

“The kind that involves a fucking lawyer. Not going to say it again, get your ass to the Dog Pound,” he ordered, disconnecting the call, leaving no room for argument.

I turned around and Kitten was busy covering herself up with the blanket.

“Hey,” I said softly, walking over to her side of the bed. “I’ve got to run to the clubhouse but I want you to stay,” I requested, sitting on the edge of the bed.

She looked at me warily.

“We’ll talk when I get back, figure everything out,” I said reassuringly.

“Okay,” she replied after a moment.

I pressed my lips to hers, letting them linger for a moment before pulling back.

“Go back to bed. I won’t be too long,” I promised, before pulling my clothes on, grabbing my gun and my phone and heading out. The quicker I got my ass to the compound, the quicker I can get back home to Lauren.

I didn’t know what exactly I had intended to tell her when I got back. Could I just forget the reasons we were apart in the first place? The more I thought about it the more I knew I needed to get my hands on Wu, take him out and take back my family.

The MC will get over it.

Or they wouldn’t.

But Kitten and Pea would be safe.

And I’d be the one who made them safe.

The clubhouse was packed when I stepped inside but Jack stood from his chair and stalked over to me immediately.

“What’s the big emergency?” I questioned, ticked off that I had been summoned here in the first place.

Janine Infante Bosco's books