Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“Blackie got arrested last night,” Jack ground out.

“For what?” I asked incredulously. Shit, he probably got a DUI.

“Brantley arrested him. It’s not good,” Jack said, swiping his hand across his face. “The kid he beat up is nearly dead.”

“The kid…” I said, recalling the guy with Lacey.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

“Yeah, Riggs, the kid that nearly raped Lacey in the parking lot,” Jack said, through clenched teeth.

“Blackie was leaving and caught Lacey struggling in the parking lot. He beat the fuck out of him. Brantley showed up and slapped cuffs on him. If that piece of shit dies, Blackie is looking at murder,” Jack explained, shaking his head. “I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but I pray that little shit lives,” he grunted. “He lives, I’ll cut his little dick off but at least then Blackie is looking at assault in the first degree and attempted manslaughter. With his priors he’ll serve about five years.”

“And that’s the best case scenario?”

Jack nodded.

“Blackie’s doing time, either way, let’s just hope it’s five years and not twenty to life,” he sighed.

“Christ. I had no idea man, everything was cool when I left.” I paused. “How’s Lacey?”

“Stryker took her to my house. She was shaken up but she’s blaming herself for all this shit.” He paused. “You’re probably going to think I’m crazy but I’ve got this feeling…” he said, as he reached around and cupped the back of his neck. “…I think Lacey has a crush or something on Blackie.”

Ah, fuck this.

Why me?

I shrugged my shoulders and tried my best to act clueless.

“Why, because she feels bad? I’d fucking feel bad too if Blackie saved my ass and got arrested for it,” I said, shoving my hands into my pockets.

“Right,” Jack agreed warily. “So, you didn’t see anything strange between the two of them at the bar?”

“I saw Lacey on a date with some douchebag and Blackie being Blackie at the bar wallowing in his shit. They didn’t even acknowledge each other and when I waved at Lacey she stared daggers at me.”

It was somewhat true.

“I’ve got to go to the courthouse. Bones is staying with Lacey and Reina at my house, think you can swing by the hospital and get an update on the kid?”

I sighed.

“Yeah,” I said, deciding I’d make a quick stop at the hospital then head straight home. Unfortunately, I’d have to wait to discuss a plan for Wu with Jack. If he didn’t give me the answers I needed, a solid course of action to bring this motherfucker to his knees, I was taking things into my own hands.

I felt my kid kick for the first time today.

I missed months of that.

I wasn’t going to miss one goddamn moment once he was born.

So this war? It had to end before Lauren gave birth.

Either I would end it.

Or the Satan’s Knights would.

But Wu’s days were numbered. I wasn’t letting that stupid fuck rob me the chance of being a good dad. He got his fucking money, that should’ve been enough but he was a sick fuck who would fight until he got whatever satisfaction it was he was searching for.

Not on my fucking watch.

I quickly dressed, gathered my belongings and tried to make a beeline out the door before Riggs came back. He wanted me to wait, said we’d talk but that was hours ago. One call from Jack, God only knows what happened this time, but whatever it was it took Riggs away from me again.

He’d come back.

But I wasn’t sure which man would be back. The one from last night, or the Knight cloaked in leather. I wanted so badly for him to come home and make things right for our little family but I couldn’t stand anymore heartache.

I shouldn’t have come here last night.

I shouldn’t have given into my desires.

I shouldn’t have let the dreams we shared get the best of me.

And I most definitely shouldn’t have looked for hope in a hopeless situation.

I stopped in front of the closed door next to our room, the room we were going to make Pea’s room. I curiously put my hand on the doorknob, wondering why he kept it closed but stopped myself from opening it. I didn’t need to know what was behind that door.

It didn’t matter.

I walked to the front door and did what I did best, gave Riggs an out and spared myself the words he’d come back and tell me.

Or maybe I gave him too much credit. He probably wouldn’t come back at all and send either Bones or my brother to remove me from his life.

I opened the front door, glancing over my shoulder at the apartment one last time.

Don’t worry, Tiger. I’ll be gone before you have the chance.

I shut the door, both the physical one and the one to my heart.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Janine Infante Bosco's books