Real Good Man (Real Duet #1)

LOGAN: I’ll go over there and check before I head home.

BANNER NYC: Thank you. Boarding in 15.

LOGAN: Text me when you land.

BANNER NYC: Will do. xo

I eat the entire half dozen glazed doughnuts in less than twenty miles, and finish the coffee before I pull into the gravel drive in front of Banner’s temporary home.

Even the word pisses me off. Temporary.

She’s the first woman who’s been in my life in more years than I can count who I don’t want the word temporary attached to. She doesn’t want anything but me. Not my money, not my business, not my house. Just me.

I never have to wonder what the hell she’s thinking, or if she’s got a hidden agenda, because she’s got no filter and has no problem telling me exactly how things are.

That goes a hell of a long way with me.

I head up the steps of the purple porch and use the key Holly gave me to let myself inside. The hallway light is still on, so I’m glad I stopped by regardless. I head upstairs to the bathroom and find the straightener is unplugged. At least Banner will feel better now that she has peace of mind.

But what’s shoved in the basket behind it has me freezing where I stand.

The box reads PREGNANCY TEST—TWO PACK. It’s torn open and one is missing.

What. The. f*ck.