RYDER (Slater Brothers 4)

Relief smacked into me like a tidal wave.

I watched as Kane rolled of Big Phil and groggily pushed himself to his feet. He stumbled for a second then steadied himself. He looked down at a still unmoving Big Phil then he turned and walked towards me. Before he could reach me, I dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes when I saw the scene before me.

The blade that was used to stab my thigh and shoulder… it was lodged in the centre of Big Phil’s chest.

“Oh, my God,” I breathed.

“Branna, slow your breathing—”

“Is he dead?” I cut Kane off, my chest tight with fear. “Is he fuckin’ dead?”

“Yeah,” he replied, calmly. “He took his last breath, and I saw the life leave his eyes. I saw the moment he realised I was going to be the last thing he saw before he died, so I smiled.”


“Oh, my God,” I rasped. “He is dead. Oh, we’re goin’ to prison. We’re seriously goin’—”

“We’re aren’t going anywhere if you do exactly what I say.”


“Kane?” I whispered. “I’m scared.”

He dropped to his knees next to me, and his eyes scanned over my body and grew dark when they landed on my stab wounds, spilled blood and other injuries. He carefully reached out and slipped an arm under my legs, and the other under my back.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.


“For wha—” I cut myself of with a moan of pain when he lifted me up into the air, and the movement caused my wounded limbs to burn in protest. He quickly moved me back to the sofa and gently lay me down.

“You have to call the cops,” he quickly said. “I’m going to leave down the back entrance when you do. There are no cameras in this building, but to make sure I’m not picked up on surrounding business’ cameras, I’ll use the back exit. You have to call them and say you’ve been kidnapped.”

I didn’t have time to argue with him even if I wanted to because he thrust the phone Big Phil used to call Kane into my face, so I grabbed it and dialled 999 before I lost my nerve. Almost instantly someone replied.

“999, what is your emergency?”

“Please help me,” I cried which was very easy to do considering everything that had happened to me. “A man has kidnapped me, I think I’m dyin’. He stabbed me twice and beat me.”

“Ma’am, slow down. This man, is he still close by?”

“Yes!” I wailed and then quickly thought of a lie. “He’s in the buildin’, he left his phone here by mistake and I grabbed it. He said he would be right back though. Please send someone. Please.”

“Stay on the line with me, ma’am. Where are you? Do you see anything that can give us a clue to your location?”

“Me location?” I repeated and looked at Kane with wild eyes.

He held up a matchbox that had the name of the building, but to play it dumb I said, “I’m in the new apartments across from The Plaza Hotel, I can see the buildin’!”

“Top floor,” Kane whispered.

“I think I’m on the top floor, it’s really high up!”

“Okay, ma’am we have a unit dispatched to your location. Stay on the line with me okay? What is your name?”

“Branna Murphy,” I replied. “Please, hurry. Please—”

I was cut off when Kane grabbed the phone from my hand and threw it on the floor, smashing it.

“Why?” I asked staring at the now useless device.

“You gave them your location, and a unit is on the way. They’ll get here soon.”

I nodded.

“You’re goin’ to be okay,” Kane said firmly. “I promise.”

I hoped he was right.

He stood up and said, “I have to go.”

Fear gripped me.

“Don’t leave me, Kane.” I begged and reached for him with my good arm. “Please.”

A look of anguish passed over his face.

“The cops are coming, they’ll arrest me if they catch me here.”

I still didn’t want him to leave me.

“Branna, they will call an ambulance right away. I promise.”

I tried to move, but my body was drained, and I only managed a slight twitch.

“He is dead, he can’t hurt you. I stabbed him in the chest, and I think it went straight through his heart. If the cops ask, say he came back and fought you for the phone and you were able to grab the blade and stab him when he came at you. Okay?”

I sucked in a breath.

“Okay,” I rasped. “I’ll say I killed ‘im.”

“It will be self-defence.” He said then jumped to his feet. “I’m using the back stairs and exit, don’t mention anything about me being here, can you do that?”

I nodded, and Kane looked like he had to force himself to walk away from me.

L.A. Casey's books