RYDER (Slater Brothers 4)

Big Phil gestured to Kane’s cover-ups with the gun he still had trained on him.

“You want no trace of you ever being here, do you?” he humourlessly sniggered. “If you manage to kill me, you won’t need to have gone to such extremes. This apartment may look nice because I did it up, but the rest of the place is a dive. No cameras, no security, and no paper trails. The son of a bitch who owns this place made the rooms sound proof too, he runs a brothel on the first five floors, and I’m pretty sure he runs a drug cocktail lab on the sixth.”

“Is that why you picked here?” I asked, my voice sounding like sandpaper. “Killin’ us, and then yourself, won’t draw attention… not until your rent is due at least.”

Big Phil sniggered, and I took his merriment as a big whopping yes.

“You’re going to off yourself?” Kane probed Big Phil. “Really?”

“What’s left for me once you’re dead?” he grilled.

Kane didn’t acknowledge the question, instead he asked, “Do you really want to shoot me, or do you just want me to hurt? All those times you hit me and stabbed me with needles to punish me, and now you switch to bullets? Have you lost your creativity? Does burying a hell-bound child do that to you?”

I wanted to tell Kane to stop, because with each verbal jab, Big Phil’s face was getting redder and redder.

“This is for Johnny.” Big Phil suddenly exclaimed then surprised me by dropping the gun to the floor. “This is for everything you have put me through.”

“You’re my last job, you son of a bitch!” Kane spat before he ran at Big Phil, and speared him to the ground.

The sickening sound of fists connecting with flesh would forever be seared into my brain. It was relentless, and I wanted it to end as quickly as it begun.

I could do nothing but watch Kane and Big Phil roll around on the floor, but I was delighted to see that Kane had the upper hand. He was landing all the hits… it almost looked like Big Phil wasn’t even trying to fight him back. I knew how much of a snake he could be though, so I used my good leg to push myself up into a standing position, and I hobbled over to where he dropped the handgun.

The pain I felt surged me on, and when I picked up the gun, I allowed my adrenaline to take over.

“Kane, move!” I ordered.

He turned his head so he could look at me, and his eyes widened almost instantly.

“Branna, no!” he shouted and hit Big Phil once more across the face so he could break free and jump to his feet.

With Kane out of the way I had a clear view of Big Phil and was shaking as I pointed the gun at him. I squinted my eyes to make sure my aim was precise.

“Branna, no!” Kane said again, but this time his voice was different, like he was pleading without having to beg.

My arms were trembling as I kept the gun aimed at Big Phil, my body was weakened and exhausted from the torture he had put me through. The gun was heavier than it looked and it caused my arms to ache from holding it up in the air for just a few short moments.

“Branna, this is not your call, okay? Look at me,” Kane said, his voice firm but soothing at the same time. I flicked my eyes to his. He slowly came to my side, and carefully lifted his hand to mine, but I quickly stepped away when his intentions became clear. He wanted the gun.

“He isn’t worth it, Bran.”

Kane was right… Big Phil wasn’t worth it, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have to die.

“Look what he has done to you.” I snivelled. “To our family!”

“We’re still a family,” Kane assured me. “And he has no hold over me anymore. He has nothing. He is nothing.”

I began to lower the gun, until finally it hung in my hand by my side.

“Good girl,” Kane breathed in relief, his shoulders sagging. “It’s all going to be—”

“Kane!” I screamed when Big Phil pushed himself from the floor, and charged at Kane. Every thing felt like it happened in slow motion. Big Phil grabbed the knife he used to hurt me from the table he rushed past, and sprinted at Kane with the knife-wielding arm raised.

Kane swung around, and grabbed hold of Big Phil’s arm as he began to bring it down in his direction. They both struggled for the knife, and I saw the muscles and veins in Kane’s are bulge as he used all his might to keep Big Phil’s arm at bay. My arm was raised once more and the gun was pointed straight ahead, but I didn’t pull the trigger because I didn’t have a clear shot. I couldn’t risk hitting Kane.

I tensed when the pair of them hit the floor, for a moment there was grunts, and fumbled movements, then the next there was a sharp intake of breath, and everything went still. Kane was on top of Big Phil, but neither of them were moving.

I heard my heartbeat in my ear as I approached them.

“Kane,” I whispered.


Oh, please, no.

“Kane,” I said a little louder.

I heard a wheeze then and rasp of, “I’m okay.”

L.A. Casey's books