PRINCE CHARMING: A Stepbrother Secret Baby Romance

When he kissed her again, it wasn’t out of need for pleasure. It was out of want to be with her forever. She felt it in the way his hands trembled as he held her. They got up from the bed, and he carried her to the shower so they could wash. Later, when they were dried and lying in bed again, it wasn’t just passion they found in each other’s arms, but love. Quincy made love to her like she never had before with him. It was sweet and slow, more powerful than anything she’d experienced in her life.

Each kiss on her skin was slow and filled with purpose, exploring every inch of her body. Her hands explored his as well, finding each muscle and outlining them, committing them to memory along with the tattoos that ran across his back and shoulders. They took their time to learn the other’s ticklish spots and where Quincy could kiss and nip to make Olivia cry out instantly. And when she straddled him, taking him inside her at a leisurely pace, being sure to let herself experience every bit of him, he sat up to kiss her, holding her close as they moved as one. With each thrust of his hips, he moved deeper within her and every moan she made he took in, swallowing it with a kiss.

Her whole body cried out when they fell together again, only this time was different. This time, she felt the world turn over on itself, and as they lay there, holding each other close, Olivia knew she would never be the same again.


Quincy’s arm curled around a warm body in bed, and he grinned. Olivia. Last night had been insane, better than anything he’d experienced before, and that, if nothing else, told him he loved this woman. He cracked an eye open, smiling at the sun streaming in through the balcony—

“Shit!” He sat up fast, startling Olivia from her sleep.

“What? What’s wrong?”

Before he could answer, a knock sounded at the door followed by Allete’s voice. “Princess Olivia? Miss? Are you awake yet?”

“Shit,” Olivia repeated. “You have to hide!”

“Hide where?” he whispered as Allete knocked again.

“Just a minute! I don’t know—under the bed.” She gave him a shove, and he rolled off, thudding to the floor. While he scrambled to grab his clothes, Olivia jumped out the other side and grabbed her robe from the wardrobe.

“Are you alright, miss? What’s going on in there?”

“Fell out of bed. You know me, I’m a klutz.”

Quincy rolled his eyes and slid under the bed, pulling the bed skirt down behind him. He peeked out the other side and watched Olivia’s feet move to the door. She opened it, and Allete rushed in, moving quickly as she always did.

“Your room is a mess! What on earth did you do to your dress?”

“I was too tired last night to worry about it,” Olivia said. “I can get ready on my own this morning. Need to take a shower still.”

“Well, you go and do that. I’ll tidy up your room.” Quincy cursed as Allete’s feet moved closer to the bed.

“Actually,” Olivia said, “there’s something I need your help with. I… uh, I have an ingrown hair and I can’t reach it. I hate to ask. I know it’s gross, but think you can get it for me?”

Under the bed, Quincy bit back a laugh as the silence stretched on before Allete laughed.

“Ah, consider the slight pinch of pain payback for your shoes being thrown every which way when I’m not looking,” Allete said, still laughing. “Let’s look at this hair then, miss.”

Quincy watched their feet go across the room and scooted out the other side of the bed. Once out from underneath, he got to his feet and ran as quietly as he could to the balcony doors. He started to open one, and it creaked loudly.

“What was that?”

“Just the wind, I’m sure. The balcony doors like to blow a bit,” Olivia said. “Ah… I think it was right here.”

Quincy held his breath, opened one of the doors, and slipped through, quickly closing it again. A glance at the courtyard told him it was empty, and he slipped into his tux pants and shirt. The last thing he needed was to be spotted naked on the balcony. Dressed, he walked to the railing, but a painting sitting on the easel made him stop. It was of his private cove, beautifully rendered by Olivia’s hand. He’d seen it half finished before, but this was completed, signed and everything.

His eyes widened as they moved from the waves rolling in to the two figures on the beach, in the middle of making love in the moonlight. Their faces were hidden in shadow, but the details of the bodies were extraordinary. The way they held each other, even though it was painted, he saw the love in each stroke of the brush.

Although as he smiled at it, he knew the truth of what this morning meant. This had been too close. If they’d been caught, everything would be over, and his chance at finding a way to make this work would’ve been destroyed. His climb back to his room was just like last night’s when he’d been mulling over his father’s words about the arranged marriage. His choices shrank before his eyes until all he saw was Gigi walking towards him up an aisle while Olivia either went home or found herself in the arms of Edric. Neither thought made him happy. He walked into his room and slouched into a chair while his stomach twisted.

The doors to his room opened and Pascal stepped inside. “Ah, good morning, sir. Did you sleep in that last night?”

Mia Carson's books