PRINCE CHARMING: A Stepbrother Secret Baby Romance

“He’s handsome and sweet but not my type. It’s fine, let them flirt. I don’t mind.”

Lamont stared at both women questioningly as he too looked at Helen and Edric, but Olivia smiled and subtly waved it away with a shrug. His lips twitched, but he nodded once as if saying he accepted it before turning his attention to the other side of the table. Gigi’s hand perched on Quincy’s shoulder while he ate, although he kept shrugging trying to knock it off.

“So, Lady Gigi, I assume your parents are thrilled by this news,” Lamont said.

“They are. My mother is already looking at dresses for me,” she said with a bright smile that made Olivia’s nausea come rushing back. “It’s going to be splendid. I’m the luckiest woman on the isle. And you’ll be my maid of honor, of course, Princess Olivia.”

Quincy choked on his wine, spluttering as he tried to swallow, and Olivia had to stop herself from gagging and causing herself to be sick. Once Quincy calmed himself, his eyes flashed to Olivia and she knew that was the last thing he wanted to put her through.

“I would be honored, but I’m afraid by the time of your wedding, I’ll be in the midst of my final year at school,” she said. “I’m student teaching this semester, too, so I don’t know how many days I’ll be able to get off.”

“That’s a shame. I’d really like you to be a part of it. I can tell how close you and Quincy have become since your arrival.”

“Yes,” Lamont agreed. “I daresay having a sister has calmed him down, too. Quite impressive, Olivia.”

“Thank you. I don’t think I did anything, though,” she said. Except sleep with him, fall in love with him, and now I’m carrying his child. Her stomach roiled again as she glanced at Quincy and back down to her plate. Should she tell him before she left? She hadn’t even thought of that. He deserved to know, but it was too risky.

“You’re pale again,” Melinda observed. “I think that bug is still hanging on. Are you sure you don’t want to see the doctor?”

“No, no… I’m fine, promise,” she said. “Perfectly fine.”

Melinda wasn’t the only one watching Olivia. Quincy’s brow furrowed as he stared at her, asking a silent question. She couldn’t say anything, wouldn’t, and turned away from him quickly.

“Well, the wedding is going to be beautiful. I can’t wait until we start planning. The flowers and the cake! I have one already picked out. You’ll love it, Quincy.”

“I’m sure I will love whatever you decide to do,” he said and stiffened when she leaned in to kiss his cheek.

The rest of the dinner consisted of Olivia feigning happiness while she listened to Gigi talk about the future wedding and how perfect everything was going to be. On the other side of the table, Helen and Edric flirted constantly and quietly, laughing every now and then, which made Olivia smile. She gave Helen her blessing when Edric stood and asked if she’d like to stroll through the courtyard. For a moment, he glanced at Olivia, worried he’d offended her, but she waved them on.

“She needs to see it, anyway. Thank you for showing her, Edric,” Olivia said diplomatically, and together, the two left the dining room.

“I thought you liked him,” Quincy asked once they were gone. “You’re going to let him flirt with your friend like that?”

“They seem to have a connection that he and I don’t, which I wanted to speak with you about, Mom and Lamont. I think I am going to turn down Edric’s courtship. A few weeks after the wedding, I’ll have to return to the US for classes, and I don’t want to keep him from anyone else.”

Lamont nodded. “Of course, my dear, though the only one I think you’ll be keeping him away from is you. I have a feeling the man would not mind traveling to the US.”

“Helen would enjoy his visits, I’m sure of it. I think I’m going to turn in for the night.” She kissed her mom on the cheek, bade the others goodnight, and left the dining room. She had to leave the day after the wedding. There was no chance she could stomach watching Gigi plan the wedding she could never have with Quincy. It hurt too much—that, and someone was going to pick up that she wasn’t sick. It was morning sickness, all damn day long.

She couldn’t take that risk.


“I can’t wait to see you again,” Gigi said and threw her arms around his neck. “I’m the happiest woman on the isle right now.”

“I’m glad,” he lied and gently pried her off. He kissed her goodnight on the cheek and watched Theo walk her out to her ride home. Why couldn’t it have been Olivia? Why did he have to be with a woman like Gigi, who thought of nothing but herself?

Mia Carson's books