PRINCE CHARMING: A Stepbrother Secret Baby Romance

“Come,” Lamont said, thankfully interrupting Quincy’s thoughts. “We should return to the ball.”

Together, they walked back to the ballroom, Lamont putting a smile on his face, but Quincy wasn’t there yet. All he saw was Olivia vanishing from his life forever, being replaced by a woman he loathed.


Olivia watched the door, waiting for Quincy’s return and hoping everything was fine. He’d looked upset, but whatever bothered him, he hadn’t spoken to her about it. Not that they did much talking last night. She remembered how many times her body had shattered at his touch when someone cleared a throat beside her.

“Oh, Edric… How nice to see you again,” Olivia smiled.

Edric bowed his head and reached for her hand. “Princess Olivia, you look magnificent, as always,” he said and kissed her hand gently. “My sister says the two of you had quite a good time a few days ago.”

“Yes, Cheree and I are getting along great. She’s a lot of fun, your sister.”

“She says the same about you.”

Olivia had found a good friend in Cheree over the weeks, and Edric was always a gentleman. He was polite and funny, but she only ever saw him at dinners and balls. There never was a chance to have a conversation with the man, but he was one hell of a dancer. She looked again for Quincy and frowned when she didn’t see him.

“Would you care for a dance?” he asked.

She smiled and held out her hand to his again. “I’d love to.” Mentally, she rolled her eyes. He was nice, but she knew what he hoped to find in her every time they met. He was falling for her, but she had already given her heart to another.

Edric twirled her around the dance floor, and she couldn’t help but have a good time, hoping he didn’t take it the wrong way and increase his flirting. On one of the spins outwards, she caught a glimpse of Quincy and the look on his face made her laugh before she quickly covered it up. His eyes glinted with desire at her, but his hands were curled into fists at his side. He was jealous of Edric. As long as he remembered himself and didn’t cause a scene, they’d be fine.

When the dance ended, Olivia paused to catch her breath and saw Quincy take Gigi out to the dance floor.

“Prince Quincy,” Edric said as he approached, “good to see you this evening. Lady Gigi.”

“Edric, always a pleasure,” Quincy said, but his tone was off, and Olivia buried a smile behind her hand as he turned to her. “Olivia.”

She bowed her head to him. The music started, and Edric took Olivia’s hand again while Quincy got ready to dance with Gigi. Edric gracefully guided Olivia across the dance floor, but as she watched, everyone stopped and shifted dance partners. Quincy took Edric’s place and bowed to her, motioning for her to curtsey back to him. He took her hand and wrapped his other around her waist before they set off around again.

“Enjoying yourself?” he asked.

“With Edric? He’s quite the gentleman.”

Quincy’s brow pulled together. “Are you saying I haven’t been?”

“I wasn’t trying to compare either of you like you are, apparently,” she said as her lips twitched. “Does it bother you that he likes me?”

His grip tightened around her waist. “I never said that.”

“You didn’t have to,” she said. “It’s all over your face. You can’t get annoyed at me when you’re dancing with Gigi for hours on end at these damn things.”

“Really? You’ve never said anything about it before.”

The other dancers around them stopped and started to switch, but Quincy told the next man to go around him so he could stay in front of Olivia.

“You’re supposed to switch,” she reminded him and curtsied again as they continued the dance.

“We’re not finished with our conversation.”

“We would be if you would just admit that you’re jealous.” He twirled her out and pulled her close when she came back in. “Why are you so aggravated all of a sudden? You were fine before we came down. What happened?” Quincy muttered something under his breath, but she didn’t catch it. She wanted to stop dancing but didn’t want to draw attention to them. “Will you tell me later?”

“Might need some wine for this conversation.”

She nodded, and they danced across the floor until the music changed to a slower song. She expected him to find Gigi, but he kept his grip on her hand and guided her around in a waltz. Olivia tried not to notice everyone’s eyes on them, but no one looked suspicious. Most wore sweet expressions on their faces, as if it was the best thing for the prince to be so kind to dance with his soon-to-be stepsister.

If they only knew what else we were doing together.

“So, do you fancy him?” Quincy asked.

Olivia glanced past his shoulder to find Edric at the edge of the dancers. He looked a bit put out that he wasn’t dancing with her but smiled when he caught her looking. “Like I said, he’s a gentleman, but past that… no, no fancying him happening here.”

Mia Carson's books