Owned & Untamed (Back Down Devil MC #11)

“About time you’ve realized that,” she said. “Because that’s all I’ve ever wanted. You, Duke. Just you. And if having you means having this life, the club, whatever else, then I’m there. I just need you to tell me what’s going on and what to expect.”

“I can live with that,” Duke said. “Right now you can expect me to have to leave and do some things. Some of which I can’t talk about. All we can do is prepare. I brought you up here to get to understand it all. When there’s a time to breathe, you fucking breathe, sweetie. You don’t fuck around with that. Because hell is waiting just around the corner.”

“Trust me, Duke, I know what that means,” Belle said. “All I’ve been through…”

I broke a hand away from hers and I touched her face. My thumb stroked her cheek. “You’ll never have to do that shit alone ever again.”

My hand slid behind her neck and pulled her close. I kissed her. Our lips, our tongues, colliding and forcefully playing with each other. Belle put her hands to the top of my jeans and tugged. The kiss then grew hotter. It grew wilder. My left hand slid up her body and touched her breast over her shirt. Belle opened her mouth and let out a sigh. Feeling her breath, tasting her sigh, I knew I had to have her again.

Fuck, I had to have Belle right there on the spot.


She shuddered as I lifted her shirt up over her head. She bit her lip as I unsnapped her bra and pulled it off her body. I draped it over one of the lawn chairs and then admired that I had Belle fucking naked on the roof of the clubhouse. Her arms were crossed, covering her beautiful breasts. Her legs together, showing the cut of her slit.

Goddammit, she was fucking amazing.

I touched her wrists and pulled. “Don’t be afraid.”

“This is insane,” Belle whispered. “Anyone could come up here.”

“Then we better hurry.”

I pulled her arms down to her sides. Her nipples were super hard, my hands unable to control themselves as I touched her. I palmed her tits and squeezed, feeling my cock sliding down the leg of my jeans even more.

I couldn’t stand it any longer. My cock was full and needed release.

I stepped back and took off my leather cut. I figured the right thing here was to make it fair. So I took off my shirt and then dropped my jeans down to my ankles. My cock popped free, standing tall, shooting straight out at Belle. She stepped toward me and her hand slid along the top of my thick shaft. I loved her fucking touch. My hands slapped to her hips with an echoing crack. She let out a groan and jumped. I pulled her close, bending my knees, letting my dick ease between her legs. I felt her warmth and wetness rub against me.

We kissed again and then I put my hands to her ass and pulled at her. I lowered myself down right there on the roof. I got down on my ass, putting my back down, my hands holding Belle’s hips, bringing her right down to my cock. The swell of my cock pressed against her pussy, opening her right up. I entered her and slid my hands up her body to cup her breasts. Her hands touched mine, but only for a few seconds. As she lowered herself down, her hips bucked, trying to get used to me and fully accept me.

Her hands came flying forward and down, clawing at my chest.

“Oh, fuck,” she groaned. “It’s so good.”

“You haven’t even taken it all yet, sweetie,” I said.

My hands eased to her lower back and I pulled, bringing her all the way down on me. Belle let out a whimpering cry that carried into the night. Fuck, it was such a fun risk being up there on the roof of the building. It didn’t matter if someone caught us, but I knew for Belle, it was something she worried about.

I climbed my fingers up her back and pulled at her, bringing her down to me. She leaned forward and let her tits hang in front of my face. Now there was something I could never resist. I brought my hands around and cupped her tight, my thumbs running across her nipples a second before I tasted her. My tongue ran rampant, flicking up and down, feeling the stiffness of her nipple to my mouth. I then tasted each breast, suckling hard, forcing Belle to dig her nails harder into my chest.

I pulled away from her chest and put my hands to her back again. I pulled her down, now wanting to taste her mouth.

As we kissed, Belle started to fuck. Her knees on the roof, lifting and lowering her perfect ass, guiding her pussy along my dick, working it all perfectly. I wondered if she had any idea how good she could fuck. My hands inched down her back, right to the bump of her ass. Each time she lifted up, my fingers pressed, shoving her back down. I wanted her harder. I wanted her faster. I wanted to feel her pussy come all over me right before I filled her.

The kiss was as hot as the sex. We were both sloppy, voracious, demanding more from each other. Shit, there were so many emotions between us tangled up in that kiss and fuck it could never be undone. That was just how me and Belle always were. We were meant to be together.