Owned & Untamed (Back Down Devil MC #11)

I put my hands to her hips and then belly, gently pushing. I wanted her up. I wanted to watch her fuck me. I wanted to watch her tits dance as she fucked me.

Belle lifted her top half off me and put her hands to my chest. It pressed her tits together. She started to speed up, putting those curvy hips to great use. My cock was buried deep inside and I knew it was only a matter of time before I let go. I bent my knees just a little and dug the heels of my boots to the roof. When Belle lifted up I thrust up at her, pounding my cock back into her pussy. She let out a cry the first time I made the bold move but then she leaned forward, her hands scratching off my chest to the roof and stayed there, letting me fuck her.

I pounded at her, over and over, my body smashing against her with the wettest of sounds. I couldn’t contain myself, loving the way she felt and loving the angle of it. I put a hand to her hair and made damn sure she stared into my eyes as I fucked her. My other hand eased between her legs, two fingers finding the nub of her clit. All it took then were a few rough strokes and Belle started to come. Her depths squeezed at me, sheathing me even tighter. A gush of intense warmth spread all the way down my shaft and released from her body. That just made it all wetter and better.

Belle started to rock her hips at me again, keeping up with my pace. I took my fingers from her clit and went around to her lower back and put her right where I wanted her to be when I came. My balls were starting to ache with the demand of release. My hands touched her ass as my legs tightened and I got ready.

“Fuck, sweetie,” I growled. “I’m ready. Take it all. Take it deep.”

“Fuck, Duke,” Belle moaned. “Fill me.”

I thrust up and held there, feeling my cock exploding.

The first gush was as deep as my cock could reach. Belle then lifted up and thrust right back down. Those little pumps of her legs and body were exactly what my cock needed to keep coming inside her.

I let out a growl deep inside my chest when I felt her pussy squeeze at the head of my cock. She got every last droplet out of me before collapsing down to my chest. My arms went around her and hugged her tight. I thrust at her, making sure I was still deep inside her. I could feel her heart racing, pounding against my chest. My hands grabbed at her ass and lifted. I gently continued to fuck her, never wanting the moment to end.

I knew what came next… even if Belle didn’t.

chapter twenty-six.


Duke had unleashed a side in me I never knew was there. The wild outlaw got me to my feet and we stood there, naked, on the roof of his MC’s clubhouse, in the night. It was the most insane yet romantic scene of my life. We hugged each other and I felt his cock dangling, touching my leg. it turned me on yet made me feel so loved.

A breeze kicked up and while it wasn’t cold out, the second that breeze touched the sweat on my skin, I started to shiver.

I kissed Duke’s broad chest and whispered, “We need to get dressed.”

“Afraid we’ll get…”

Before he could say the word caught someone let out a little whistle.

I looked to my left and saw Cash’s head poking out of the opening to the roof.

Duke turned us so his bare ass faced Cash and I was completely covered.

“What the hell do you want?” Duke asked.

“Just seeing who was up here,” he said. “You two starting or finishing?”

“Finishing,” Duke said. “Now go away.”

“Damn. So I missed the show.”

I looked up at Duke and couldn’t help but smile. He made me feel so free. So alive. Even if we were in the middle of the danger. It felt good to be with him. I knew he was the only man for me. All those years I tried to force happiness with someone else. And all it took was a glance from Duke to change all of that.

“Hey, uh, Duke,” Cash called out. “Can you turn around real quick. There’s something I want to see.”

“Fuck yourself, brother,” Duke said back.

“No, Duke. Do it. Turn around.”


I started to laugh. “Let him see what he can’t have.”

Duke grinned and kissed my forehead. I loved the way he towered over me.

Slowly, Duke turned and then I was the one standing with my bare ass showing to Cash.

“Holy fuck,” Cash said. “Well done. Well fucking done.”

Then I looked back. “Now you can go fuck off. Right?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Cash said.

He disappeared and I laughed again. “That seemed to work.”

“He’s just going to go jerk off now.”

“What? Ew.”

“Ew? He looked at you, sweetie, and you made him hard. That’s pretty cool if you ask me.”

“Does it make you jealous?” I teased.

“Insanely jealous. I just might break both of Cash’s hands.” He winked. “But if I did that, he would probably jerk himself off with his feet.”

“With his… feet? How…”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know or see it.”

“You saw it?”

“When you drink too much and start daring shit…”

“Confessions from the man I love. So, did you ever jerk off with your feet?”

“You love me?” Duke said, forgetting my question.