Owned & Untamed (Back Down Devil MC #11)

“Come all over me, sweetie. I want to feel it.”

Duke inched back and thrust forward again. That put me right on the edge. Duke then repeated the move, over and over, pounding against me. My nails dug at his ass and even that was nothing but muscle. Feeling him pull back and fuck me was like nothing else. I was at his mercy and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

When I reached the point of climax, my hands moved from Duke to the blanket. I grabbed at it, pulling, even tearing up grass as I came. That’s when Duke started to speed up. Fucking me harder, faster, pumping me through my orgasm, leaving me gasping for air. He got to his knees and his hands moved up my shirt. Both hands cupped over my breasts, over my bra, and he held me there. I looked down and it was one of the hottest sights ever. Duke fucking me with his jeans down to his knees. His t-shirt dangling near his cock. His leather cut still on his body. I was naked from the waist down, but still wearing socks and shoes.

It was so impulsive, naughty, maybe even dirty and wrong. But with Duke it made everything feel right. I let the blanket go and grabbed for his arms. My fingertips slid up the arms of his t-shirt and felt the hard rock hard muscles of his triceps and biceps.

The sound of our sex became a soundtrack to the quiet day. The wet sounds. Our bodies slapping together. Duke grunting. Me groaning. For a few minutes I completely even forgot we were out in the middle of the day. A few of my cries carried way too far, leaving me then swallowing them down.

As my second orgasm approached I arched my back and rocked my hips against Duke’s movements. He started to move even faster.

Holy shit, it was so good.

Duke then all but collapsed onto me, his mouth crashing to mine. He kissed me like it was the last time we were going to kiss ever. My body was sent into an instant state of shock and that was just seconds before Duke started to come.

He returned to the way it all started. His beautiful cock deep inside me, holding tight, pulsing over and over. But it was the way he kissed me. I never wanted it to end. All of it. The time between me and Duke. Our lives together. Our bodies together. Everything together.

When he finished, he eased away from me, pulling me with him so we were both on our sides.

“Shit,” I managed to whisper. “That was good.”

“That was great, sweetie. Just what I needed.”

“Me too.”

“I know,” he said with a sexy grin. He moved a piece of hair out of my face. “Anything you want to know about me?”

“No,” I said. “We have the rest of our lives to figure everything else out.”

“We have to get back to reality, sweetie. Back to the clubhouse.”

“You brought me up here just to have sex with me, didn’t you?”

“Guilty as charged,” Duke said. “But I doubt you’re going to complain.”

Duke got up and fixed his jeans. He then dropped to one knee and handed me my panties and jeans.

“You on one knee handing me my panties,” I said and laughed. “That’s romantic.”

Duke then tugged the panties back. “What do you want, sweetie? A fucking engagement ring?”

“Maybe I do.”

“You’ve been mine from the day we set eyes on each other. I don’t need a fucking ring to tell the world that. I’ve got fists.” He let the panties go.

I wasn’t sure whether to take that as romantic or not. Living in the world of outlaws meant giving up that fairy tale story.

I saw Duke tug at his leather cut and caught sight of his gun.

That was just another hint of how real this stuff could get.

He looked back at me and smiled.

Then again, no matter how real it got, as long as I had him, I felt okay.

I trusted Duke with my life.

That thought was going to be tested the second we got back to the clubhouse.

chapter twenty-five.


I pulled around the turn to get into the lot and saw a very familiar sight. Fucking Ivan and Peter were there. Only there was one big black SUV and just the two of them standing there. It had the allure of a more peaceful meeting but when dealing with the Russians you never knew what was going to happen without notice. I rode through the lot, purposing throttling my ride and letting it scream as loud as possible, all the way to the door of the clubhouse.

I helped Belle off and leaned in close to her. “Get inside. Find Maggie, Harlee, and Eden. Make sure all of you hang toward the back of the clubhouse. Stay safe. Do not come out for anything.”


“Don’t,” I growled.

Belle went into the clubhouse and I joined Trev and Jasper.

The rest of the guys were hanging back but I got right up in the middle of it. After all, Ivan had shot me and then accused me of working with the Hell Five to fuck everyone over. I had a personal stake in this bullshit.

“Where were you?” Ivan asked.

“Are you my father?” I asked.

“No,” Peter said. “But he’ll make you his bitch.”

The way his accent rolled off his tongue made me laugh.