Owned & Untamed (Back Down Devil MC #11)

“You pulled Jim out,” I said.

“But it’s not the same. So I just lost my edge. I started to get my ass into trouble. I wanted freedom. I was looking for a purpose. The last thing I wanted was to drag you down. But the fucked up part is that is exactly what I’m doing right now. Dragging you down.”

Now it was my turn to finally make a move. I touched Duke’s face. I shook my head. “No, Duke. You’re not dragging me down. You’re doing what you promised all those years ago. You’re saving me. You’re here right when I need you to be. I called you and you came.”

“I came to argue with you,” Duke said with a grin. “And to kick Jim’s ass.”

“And you did both.”

“Ah, fuck,” Duke said. “You’re really amazing, Belle. Sometimes I’d sit right here and think about you. I would hope you were with someone that made you happy. But then I’d get pissed off. Because I’m the only one to make you happy.”

“Then make me happy,” I said.

Duke leaned right over me, pressing his chest to mine. Towering over me, instant shelter, comfort, and warmth. Our lips were just an inch apart.

“I’m taking you right here,” he said.

“That’s what I wanted you to say,” I flirted back.

“No, sweetie, it’s not about what you want. It’s about what you fucking need.”

I gushed and Duke started to kiss me.

He placed my back on the ground and took complete control.

It’s about what you fucking need.

That I could never argue. It was about what I fucking needed.

And right then I fucking needed Duke.


I kicked off my jeans and panties. My face was red as an apple. I bit my lip and looked around.

Right here? Right outside?

It wasn’t the first time Duke would take me outside but definitely the first time in the daylight.

He was next to me, blocking me from the road. The trees alone were enough to keep us covered up. Duke’s hand touched my leg and slipped to my inner thigh. I felt the toughness of his fingertips as he came up to my slit. He touched me, sending warm shivers throughout my entire body. His left hand was behind my head, gently holding me.

“Fuck, sweetie, you’re soaking wet,” he said. “I can smell that sweetness from here.”

I moved my left hand and wrestled the massive bulge in his jeans. I popped open his belt buckle and opened his jeans. My hand slid down, feeling the thatch of his hair that gave way to a root as thick as the trees. I pulled at him, wanting him against me.

His cock finally came free, plopping against my belly. I put my hand over the side of his shaft and rubbed at him pressing him hard against me.

His fingers curled and entered me.

The sensation of pressure easily gave way to pleasure.

Duke then kissed me.

The warmth spread head to toe inside my body. My left hand clutched at the edge of the blanket as Duke’s tongue commanded me. His fingers plunged deeper into me, twisting, pulling out, bringing a fresh gush of wetness. My hand slid up along the side of his shaft a few more times until I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed him inside me. I tugged at him, demanding him.

Duke nibbled at my bottom lip and then kissed my chin and went for my throat. I arched my neck and stared up to the trees. It was a beautifully calm day. I had the man of my dreams all over me. Climbing on top of me. The rush of his hot breath against my neck a second before he kissed me. The way his fingertips all brushed against my clit as he brought his hand to my lower belly to hold there as he came forward with his cock.

The second he touched me, I whimpered. He thrust forward, entering me, making my body jump. I cried out, my voice carrying into the air, feeling him go all the way in. He then held there and reversed his kisses until he got to my mouth again. Only he didn’t kiss me again. He just stared at me. My body shook from the inside out, trying to cope with intense pressure, pleasure, and a soaring feeling of love for him in that moment. If I wasn’t already in love with Duke that would have been the moment to fall in love with him.

He bucked his hips, pressing harder and deeper. I sucked in a breath and let out a breathless cry. Duke gritted his teeth and put his hands into fists and put them to the blanket. He lifted the top half of his torso up and made the same movement. So deep inside me and still trying to go deeper. Reaching places that weren’t supposed to be reached. Thrusting so hard that it made my body flex and push against the ground. But the best feeling was the way his body rubbed against my clit.

I managed to move my hands and grab at his waist. “There. Please, Duke…”

“You like being full,” he said. “Every inch of my dick inside you.”

“Yes,” I whimpered. “Don’t stop.”