Owned & Untamed (Back Down Devil MC #11)

Bottom to top, right back, repeating the motion twice. I started to quiver as my orgasm came to crest. Duke was so fucking perfect, he knew right where I was and knew right what to do. His mouth came together against my pussy, sucking at me. The tip of his tongue gently grazed my clit and that was more than I could handle.

My hips bucked at Duke as I continued to come. I rocked myself against him so hard and he was there to take it and give it right back to me. Tasting me. His tongue running rampant. His tongue running outlaw.

“Fuck!” I managed to cry out in a dry voice as my head fell back.

I stared at the ceiling as Duke’s hands slid over my ass, holding me up. I could hear him between my legs, his tongue and mouth savoring my wetness as I came.

My legs and hips and body were thrusting and moving so hard.

When I was able to finally look down at Duke, I felt tears fill my eyes. My emotions were as destroyed as the rest of me. I collapsed to the bed and Duke moved his hands from my ass. My lower half was limp, completely relaxed.

Slowly, Duke licked at me a few more times, bringing jolts of excitement between my legs. I looked like someone getting shocked the way my hips would thrust to his touch.

His hands then inched up my body along with his mouth, kissing ever-so-softly beyond my mound to my belly button. Then he pulled away and I managed to look down at him. These were the eyes of a real man. Outlaw, criminal, renegade, whatever society wanted to throw at him as a label, but the truth was much simpler than that. He was all man. And the look in his eyes told me something else.

He wasn’t finished with me yet for the night.



I purposely moved my hands from Belle’s body and pressed them to the bed. Her sweet taste lingered on my lips, in my mouth. I couldn’t stop tasting her. The memories of her body were rushing back, even though she was different now. Like a fruit that had matured for so long, ready to be picked, and I craved all of her.

The territory was dangerous. Shit, it was probably more fucking dangerous than that ride when I got shot by the Hell Five and Ivan. It wasn’t just my life at stake here. This was about Belle’s too. She had nobody to rely on and her eyes were already attached to me. Like I was some kind of hero already. The truth was that I had dealt with enough overdose bullshit that it was second nature to do what I did with Jim.

But fuck that for now.

I stood up and gazed upon that body before me. I saw her hands slowly start to move, like she wanted to try and cover up herself. I gritted my teeth, knowing she probably had some fake ass magazine around the house. Ones with women that didn’t know how to eat and had expensive computer programs to cover up anything that resembled the slightest of imperfection.

Fuck. That.

I grabbed Belle’s hand and leaned forward. I put her left hand between my legs.

“Feel that, sweetie,” I growled. “I’m so fucking stiff I could hold this house up in an earthquake.”

She nodded at me.

“Unzip my jeans right now,” I ordered. “Feel for yourself what you do to me.”

I took the liberty of taking off my leather cut and t-shirt, dropping them to the floor. Belle opened my jeans as I told her to do. I put my hands to my sides and watched and felt as she pushed my jeans down, letting my snake slither itself free from captivity. My dick popped out and stood straight at her.

The look on her face was priceless. Everything she had remembered.

Her right hand grabbed the thick root of my cock and held there.

I put my hand to hers and squeezed, stroking a little, feeling my cock already pulsing, ready to let go. That’s the kind of shit Belle always did to me. I could fuck for hours. I could fuck for the feel, the pleasure, the act of just fucking. But with Belle, there was so much shit twisted up in it all, it was like my dick wanted to suddenly become a minute-man.

I leaned forward some more, my left hand grabbing the bed again. I kept going until my body pressed against Belle’s. My mouth was an inch from hers.

“You asked me to stay,” I whispered with a cocky grin.

“Yes, I did,” she said.

“This is why I said no,” I said. “I can’t be near you and not fuck you.”

I stroked my hand over hers, all the way to the head of my cock. I then let go and brought my hand all the way up to the back of her head.

“Look down and watch me,” I said.

Time felt like it had somehow slowed down and sped up at the same time.

Our heads were touching as we both looked down. Belle’s small hand trying to grasp my thick cock. Pulling me toward her body as I eased down some more, pressing against the soft and warm entrance to her core. I thrust and entered her, just the head of my cock, and her hand grabbed at my stomach. Nails scratching at me already as I slowly broke her open, relieving her of all that pent up stress and lack of sex.