Oblivion (Lux, #1.5)

Today was her birthday.

And I knew she had gotten a new laptop because I’d received an email alert this morning signaling that she’d posted on her blog. Yeah, I’d signed up for alerts. Whatever.

When I’d dragged the tenth garbage bag outside, I’d seen an unfamiliar car in her driveway. It had belonged to that doctor—Will Michaels. The three of them—Will, Kat, and her mom—had left together.

Adam leaned back in the chair and stretched his arms over his head. Bones cracked. “So, I hear something went down with you last night?”

Raising an eyebrow, I dropped my hand to the table. “Is that so?”

He nodded. “Ash was pissed about you and Kat. She was bitching to me and Dee about it, like we were supposed to do something.”

Ash needed a hobby. Stat.

“You know, she’s just worried about you. I mean, Ash can be…well, she’s my sister. She can be a bitch, but it comes from a good place.”

“I know.” I took a drink of my milk.

Adam’s gaze dropped to his empty plate. “Can I be real with you for a sec?


A brief grin appeared. “You know I’m not like Andrew or Ash. I don’t care about what’s going on with you and Kat.” When I opened my mouth, he pinned me with a knowing look. “And I know something is going on. Dee and I talk, but even if we didn’t, it’s obvious to me. Anyway, I’m cool with it, whatever it is. I just wanted to let you know that.”

Unsure of what to say, I stared at him. Words formed on the tip of my tongue, but I didn’t give them voice. What I felt for Kat wasn’t something I’d been entirely vocal about with the exception of what I’d said to Matthew, but I really hadn’t said much. I wasn’t surprised that Adam was cool with it. That was just the kind of…Luxen he was. Something occurred to me then.

“Thanks, man.” I leaned forward, keeping my voice low. “I’ve got a question for you.”

He smiled. “I’m all ears.”

Adam had always been the most open of all the Luxen I’d known. Everyone knew that, including Dawson. My brother wouldn’t have confided in me, but there was a chance he would’ve said something to Adam. Maybe even hinted at what had happened between him and Bethany when they went hiking the weekend he’d returned with torn, bloody clothing. “Did Dawson ever talk to you about Beth?”

Surprise flickered across his face. Obviously, he hadn’t expected that question. “Not really. I mean, he was super quiet about Beth, but I did talk to him. Like the stuff I said to you. I’m cool with it. I did tell him that I was worried.”

“You didn’t tell me you are worried about Kat and me,” I pointed out.

“Yeah, well, you’re not Dawson.”

That was the first time anyone said that and probably actually meant it as a compliment. “True,” I murmured, and then smiled faintly. “But I think…I think I’m more like him than most realize.”

“Why are you asking about Dawson?” He nudged his empty plate without touching it. “You never talk about him.”

“Just because I don’t talk about him doesn’t mean I don’t think about him.” Standing, I motioned at the plates. They floated to the sink. “I don’t know. I’ve just been thinking a lot about Dawson and Bethany.” I stood in the center of the kitchen and decided to go there with Adam. I trusted him. “I think…I think he did something to Bethany.”

His brows rose. “Like what?”

I came back to the table and sat down. “They went hiking one weekend, and Dawson returned all jacked up—his clothes torn and bloody. He said nothing happened, but I knew he was lying. I think…I think Beth got hurt somehow, and…”

Understanding flared in his gaze. “You think he healed her?” When I nodded, he blinked.

“Shit. We’re not supposed to—”

“I know we’re not supposed to do it, but it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.” Hello. For example: me. “I think that’s what Dawson did, and I think…I think he changed her somehow.” I had absolutely no proof supporting that statement other than the fact that I had changed Kat.

“Changed her how?” he asked.

I shook my head. Here’s where it got tricky, because they…they’d died not too long after that trip, and I hadn’t been around her. “I don’t know, but Lydia stopped by on Thursday, you know, checking in, and we were talking about shit in general, and she said something that got me thinking.” I was so good at lying I was kind of amazed with myself. “She said that putting humans in danger wasn’t the only reason why we weren’t allowed to heal them.”

His eyes widened. “And you’re thinking it’s because we change them somehow? And that the Elders know this?”

I nodded.

“Well, hell.” He paused. “But even if that’s the case, what does it have to do with Dawson? I mean, he and Bethany were killed by Arum.”