Oblivion (Lux, #1.5)

And here we were, back to the silent treatment. I easily caught up with her. “Kat, talk to me.”

I held a branch out of the way for her. “I can make it back home without your help, thank you very much.”

“I would hope so,” I said drily. “It is right there.”

“Shouldn’t you be making out with Ash right now anyway?”

I nearly stopped walking as understanding hit me. “That’s what all of this is about?”

“No.” She was walking faster. “It had nothing to do with you—or her.”

“You’re jealous.” Oddly, happiness flooded me. “I’m so going to win this bet.”

She stomped forward. “Me? Jealous? You’ve lost your mind. I wasn’t the one trying to scare off Blake.”

I caught a hold of Kat’s arm, stopping her just as her porch came into sight. “Who cares about Ben?”

“Blake,” she corrected.

“Whatever. I thought you didn’t like me?”

Her hand curled around empty air. “You’re right. I don’t like you.”

And the happiness was vanquished like chalk in a downpour. “You’re lying—blushing cheeks and all.”

Her mouth opened, and then it all just came out. “You were kissing me a few days ago and now you were having fun with Ash? Is this what you normally do? Jump from one girl to the next?”

“No.” I dropped her arm, actually offended. “That’s not what I do. I don’t.”

“Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but you are doing it.” She drew back, her brows knitting, and then she shook her head “God, I am being such a whiny girl. Just forget I said anything. You can do whatever you want and I don’t have any right—”

“Okay. You have no idea what was going on between Ash and me. We were only talking. She was messing with you, Kat.”

“Whatever.” She whirled around, walking again. “I’m not jealous. I don’t care if you and Ash make alien babies together. I don’t care. And honestly, if it weren’t for this stupid connection, you wouldn’t even enjoy kissing me. You probably already don’t.”

Unable to believe what I was hearing, I flew around her, stopping her. “Do you think I didn’t enjoy kissing you? That I haven’t thought about it every second since then? And I know you have. Just admit it.”

Her chest rose sharply. “What is the point of this?”

“Have you?” I demanded, wanting—needing to hear her admit it.

“Oh, for crap’s sake, yes, I have. I do!” she shouted. “Do you want me to write it down for you? Send you an email or a text? Will that make you feel better?”

I arched a brow, slightly mollified. “You don’t need to be sarcastic.”

“And you don’t need to be here. Ash is waiting for you.”

A grunt of exasperation left me. “Do you really think I’m going to go to her?”

“Uh, yeah, I do.”

“Kat.” Disappointed, I shook my head. She really thought that? After everything we’d been through, everything we’d shared, she’d honestly think I’d be interested in Ash?

“It doesn’t matter.” She tugged her fingers through her hair, pulling it back from her face. “Can we just forget this? Please?”

Lifting my hand, I smoothed a finger over my brow. The disappointment burned and sat in my stomach like sour cream. “I can’t forget this, and neither can you.”

Chapter 11

Adam was on his second helping of stacked pancakes. His head was bowed over his plate, blond hair sticking up in every direction as he shoved the fluffy goodness into his mouth.

I sat across from him at the kitchen table, idly rubbing my palm along my jaw while I stared out the window. Prickly stubble grazed my hand. I needed to shave.

It had been a long night.

The last of the partygoers left around two in the morning, and then the great cleanup began. Dee, Adam, and I managed to straighten up most of the house, and then I’d tackled the kitchen this morning. It was a little past four in the afternoon, and Dee was back in bed. She’d probably sleep the entire day away.

Adam had stayed the night.

My brain was too fried to even deal with that, but he at least helped clean up.

“Did you even sleep last night?” Adam paused in his record-breaking pancake buffet.

I raised a shoulder. “A little.”

“Looks like it.”

Truth be told, I might’ve gotten two hours tops, and it really had nothing to do with cleaning the house. Had a lot to do with Kat. Not just our argument. If I’d lost sleep every time we argued, I’d never get any shut-eye. Granted, there was a huge part of me that was still hella disappointed and pissed over what she thought. I also felt…yeah, I felt bad, because I’d seen that flash of hurt in Kat’s eyes when she thought I was hooking up with Ash. That didn’t sit well with me, but that wasn’t my main beef. Had a lot to do with her breaking those windows; not the reason behind it, but the fact that she had been able to do it in the first place.

We needed to accept that Kat was changing. The why behind it wasn’t the most important part of what was going down. We needed to get her…her abilities under control before it was too late.