Now That I've Found You (New York Sullivans #1)

“Wrap your legs around me.”

But she was already there, already moving to take him inside when he slammed into her. Both of them held on for dear life as they took from, and gave to, each other again and again and again, her fears, her shame, her worries all falling away. Because in this moment, as he loved her with everything he had—and she loved him right back—there wasn’t room for anything but him.


Drake put a big slice of apple pie on the floor for Oscar before they went to take a bath to clean the sugar off. Getting into the tub with Drake and slipping and sliding against all his sexy muscles made her burn for him all over again. But before she could make a move, the warm water lulled her half to sleep.

Dimly, she could feel him running a soapy washcloth over her. The next thing she knew, she was wrapped in a towel and he was carrying her over to the bed.

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” she whispered. “I was going to seduce you.”

“I’m going to hold you to that rain check,” he said as he pulled back the covers and laid her down. “But for now, I think we could both use some sleep.”

Drake got in beside her and put his arm around her waist. And as he pulled her close, the last thing she remembered before sleep took her all the way under was—finally—feeling safe.

Chapter Eighteen

Rosa woke up sprawled across Drake as though his body were her personal mattress, his chest her pillow.

Last night, she’d been too exhausted to seduce him the way he’d continually seduced her. Heck, it barely took one of his smiles and the lightest brush of his fingertips over her cheek for her to end up completely lost in him. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t use him to drown her sorrows, but she’d simply been unable to keep herself from kissing him—and then showing him on an even more intimate level just how good he made her feel. Inside and out.

And now here she was, in his bed, his arms wrapped around her, his heart beating against hers. She’d never slept all night with a man. Not when there were always cameras waiting to catch her every move, and any “morning after” activity would be especially notable.

But though cameras might not be waiting right outside his cabin, she knew the world was still waiting for her to emerge. Just as that familiar tightening started to twist up her stomach, Drake shifted slightly beneath her and she realized he was waking up too.

Maybe it was crazy, but even with the same threats hanging over her, in the new light of morning she wanted nothing more than to fully appreciate these hours of peace and pleasure in Drake’s arms by making good on her seduction rain check.

Deliberately letting the feel of his big, warm, muscular body beneath hers take over everything else, she pressed a soft kiss to the pulse point on his neck. Just that quickly, she felt his heartbeat jump beneath her smiling lips.

Slowly, she ran kisses over his face—his jaw, his cheekbones, his still-closed eyelids—holding out on touching her lips to his until she simply couldn’t take it anymore. On a soft moan, as his tongue met hers, she had to press her naked body closer to his.

One of his kisses was all it had ever taken to rev up her arousal into the stratosphere. It would be so easy to let that arousal steamroll her slow seduction, but this morning her need to savor, to discover, to treasure every single second with Drake was even greater.

From the way his breathing had changed and his muscles moved beneath hers, she knew he had come fully awake. Fortunately, he still let her show him with her lips, her hands, and her body all the things she didn’t know how to say with words. All the things she didn’t think she could say.

Here in his bed, there was no shame, no fears left that he wouldn’t like what he saw when she was less than camera-ready. Nothing to stop her from giving him all of herself, at least for a few precious moments while birds sang outside his bedroom window and the surf crashed against the cliffs.

Rosa was teasingly running her fingertips over the deep grooves of Drake’s abdomen when he finally opened his eyes. So much heat blazed in them that her breath actually whooshed out.

“Come here and kiss me again.”

He didn’t wait for her to say she would, simply lifted her right where he wanted her, so that her breasts pressed against his chest, her hips were over his, and his hands were tangled in her hair as they dove at each other.

Somehow she managed to drag her mouth from his to say, “Grab the rails of the headboard.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You sure that’s where you want my hands?”

A shiver ran through her at the thought of all the other places she’d much rather have his hands. Seeing it, his gorgeous mouth quirked up at the corner. Which sent yet another shiver through her, of course.