Now That I've Found You (New York Sullivans #1)

“My turn now,” she panted when he lifted his mouth from her skin.

“I’m not even close to having my fill yet.” He scooped up an apple chunk, and when he dropped it into her belly button, her slightly breathless laughter was easily the sweetest thing he’d ever heard. Quickly, however, humor shifted to an aroused moan as he purposefully nipped at her skin while biting into the apple. One more bite—one more sexy moan—and the piece of apple was gone.

“Drake,” she said as she tried to sit up, “I want to do the same to you now.”

But he had already hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties and was pulling them down her legs. “I need one more taste first.”

Tossing the cotton aside a moment later, he lowered his mouth to her sex. And she was so much sweeter than pie as she shattered against his lips, his tongue, his fingers, that he already knew he’d never get his fill of her.


Up on the counter, Rosa was at the perfect height for Drake’s lazy exploration back up her torso with his lips and tongue while she slowly resurfaced from yet another mind-blowing orgasm. “As soon as I can figure out how to move again,” she said, “you’re in for it.”

He grinned against her soft skin. “Don’t rush on my account. If you hadn’t noticed, I’m having a mighty good time already.”

“Me too.” She could hear the surprise in her own voice. She could still hardly believe that she could feel so relaxed—or have so much fun with anyone. She pushed herself into a sitting position, then hopped off. “No need for you to get on the counter,” she said as reached for the button of his jeans, then unzipped them and pushed them to the floor. “Wow.” His erection was so big and hard and beautiful that she almost dropped to her knees to worship it, before she remembered she was supposed to do this with pie.

“Rosa.” She was just swiping some pie with one finger and dropping down when he put a hand beneath her chin and tipped her face up. “You don’t have to—”

“I want to,” she said, bringing his hand between her thighs. “Can’t you feel how much I want you like this?”

Heat flared in his eyes as he told her, “I love how much you want me. Just as much as I want you.” Without missing a beat, he thrust his fingers into her so erotically that she had to reach for his shoulders to hold on. “Come for me again, Rosa. Just like this.”

He didn’t give her time to think, just covered her mouth with his and thrust his tongue against hers in the same perfect rhythm in which his hand was moving between her thighs. Within seconds, he’d stoked her to blazing hot again, everywhere he touched aching for more, more, more.

Her knees buckled from her release when it came sudden and fierce, but he held her so steady with his free hand that she didn’t need to think, didn’t need to worry, didn’t need to do anything but let herself drown in an ecstasy that felt like it would never end.

“God, I love that,” he murmured against her lips between kisses.

“You’re going to love this too.”

She made sure to take him by surprise this time, not only with the layer of pie she spread over his shaft, but by how quickly she got on her knees to lick it off. He throbbed hard against her tongue, every last inch of him so delicious that she wanted to eat him up in one greedy gulp. But he’d taken such care with her again and again that she took her reckless desires in hand and made herself go even slower on her second pass with her tongue over his rock-hard length.

“Rosa.” Her name falling from his lips was somewhere between a growl and a prayer. “It’s so damned good. Too good.” He tangled his hands in her hair, and she swore she could feel him warring with himself over remaining gentle when it was clear that he was barely holding back dangerous.

She loved that she could make him feel like this, so aroused that he nearly forgot to be careful. But nearly wasn’t good enough. She wanted every ounce of his passion with nothing held back—just the way he made her feel every time he kissed or touched her.

Before he could attempt to regain control, she took him deep. His thigh muscles clenched against her hands, his fingers tightened in her hair, and when his hips moved, she moved with him. Took him again and again until the only sounds in the room were his groans and her gasping breaths.

She was so lost to the pleasure of loving him this way that she was taken utterly unawares when he pulled back so that he could pull her up off her knees and lift her back onto the counter. Her mind was too fuzzy with arousal to be able to do anything but watch as he quickly pulled a condom from the pocket of his jeans, jammed it on over his erection, and yanked her hips to the edge.