Next to Me

Jake has on dress pants and a nicer shirt than mine. He spends a lot of money on clothes, hoping it'll impress the ladies, which it does.

Austin and Bryce are wearing jeans and polo shirts, which is what I'd be wearing if Callie wasn't going with us.

"Should we go?" Bryce asks.

"Yeah. Everyone out." I motion to the door.

We pile into Jake's SUV. It's white and only a year old. It's company-owned. Dad has one just like it. My dad got it for Jake because he meets with a lot of contractors and vendors and possible clients so he needs to show up in a decent vehicle, not a run-down truck, like I drive.

"Austin's the designated driver tonight," Jake says as we arrive at the bar.

"Why Austin?" I ask. "I'm always the driver."

"Austin's still on meds for his throat. He can't drink."

"Aren't you underage?" Callie asks Austin. "You can't even get in the bar."

"Fake ID," the four of us say in unison.

Callie laughs. "I should've guessed that."

Jake parks way in the back because the parking lot's full. As we get out of the SUV, four girls in tight dresses and heels come out of the car next to ours.

"Good evening, ladies," Jake says, turning on the charm.

"Hi," they all say at once.

Jake goes up to the tall blonde in the group. "Can I escort you inside?"

She smiles. "Only if they come with us." She motions to Bryce, Austin, and me.

"They'd be happy to," Jake says, as Bryce and Austin each step up next to a girl.

"Are you guys related?" one of the girls asks.

"We're brothers." Jake smiles. "You're in for a treat. The Wheeler boys are in town for the weekend and we know how to show a lady a good time."

I shake my head. He sounds like such an idiot when he's trying to get girls, and yet somehow it works. Each and every time.

"What about him?" the blonde asks, pointing at me.

"I'm with her." I slip my arm around Callie's tiny waist.

"Come with me," Jake says to the girl who isn't paired up. "I can handle two at once."

I almost roll my eyes, but the girls giggle as they go on each side of him, each grabbing an arm as he walks them to the door.

Callie and I walk behind them, and when we get inside the bar, I give my brothers a look to let them know I won't be hanging out with them. I want to be with Callie tonight. Getting her to come here was like pulling teeth. She kept refusing to come, but eventually I wore her down.

"Want a drink?" I ask loudly over the music. They've got it cranked up for the people dancing in the center of the room.

"I'll take a Long Island."

My brows rise. "You don't mess around, do you?"

She shrugs. "It's what I want."

That's five shots of liquor. She's so tiny, she'll be drunk after one drink.

"Come on." I take her hand and walk to the bar. "One Long Island and a whiskey and Coke," I tell the bartender.

After we get our drinks, I find us a table away from the dance floor. Callie seems uncomfortable, furiously stirring her drink with the tiny straw. I move my chair closer to hers and put my arm around her, leaning in to talk. "Are you okay?"

She nods really fast. "Yeah." She lifts her glass up and gulps down almost half of her drink.

"Callie, slow down." I take her glass from her before she drinks even more. "That's too much liquor all at once."

"You took me to a bar. People drink at a bar." She reaches for the glass. "Now give me my damn drink back."

I set it across the table so she can't reach it, then grab her hands. "Why are you getting so angry? What's wrong?"

She sighs. "Nothing's wrong. Now can I have my drink?"

"Just wait a few minutes. You're going to throw up if you drink that all at once."

She sinks back in her chair and gazes out at the dark room. "You think your brothers are going home with those girls tonight?"

I spot them on the dance floor. Jake's already kissing the blonde.

"Jake probably will, but the other two won't. They usually go on a couple dates with the girl before they spend the night."

She turns to me. "What about you?"

"I told you, I don't do one-night stands." I take a drink, the whiskey leaving a slow, warm burn down my throat.

"How long do you usually wait?" She sets her elbow on the table and tilts her head, resting it in her hand. God, she's beautiful. Big brown eyes. Dark lashes. Creamy smooth skin. Soft pink lips.

"Depends on the girl," I say, moving my mouth toward those lips. I take her hand from her face and kiss her, nice and slow. She seemed tense before, but I feel her body relax as I kiss her.

"I like how you kiss," she says, drawing the words out like she's already feeling the effects of the alcohol.

I look at her and see her eyes are closed, her mouth slightly parted. I cover her mouth with mine, and let my tongue linger over hers, tasting the liquor she drank. Just a few kisses and I'm already so hard it's straining my zipper.

Callie wraps her hand around the back of my neck while her other hand moves up my leg and rests on my thigh, causing my zipper to be strained even more.

She pauses over my lips and asks, "Would you have sex with me?"

I pull back a little. "Right now?"

Allie Everhart's books