Never Kiss a Bad Boy

“Every part of you is built for this,” he hissed through his teeth.

I held onto his shoulders and luxuriated in the feel of his muscles. Everything about these two men drove me mad. They kept telling me I was perfect and beautiful, but they were the gorgeous ones.

“You're hogging her,” Kite grumbled.

Jacob spoke to me, quiet and smokey. “Hear that? Kite wants more of you. Will you be able to handle him, after I'm through?”

For the first time in forever, I found my voice. “Yes, I can take it.”

It was a bold claim, but I was on the tipping point of cresting into orgasm again. I felt like I could handle anything.

Jacob bit my shoulder—the one Kite hadn't, the other day—and pumped his cock rapidly. He pushed deep, stirring me up. He'd figured my body out so fast. “You're going to milk my cock when you come again,” he said with a smirk. “Understand?”

My answer was a raspy moan, hips bucking as I lost it. This orgasm was softer than the others, my body saying it was losing strength. I felt the foggy smear of a blackout coming, and barely clung on.

Jacob growled, his body shaking as he hugged me into his firm chest. He trapped me there, his shaft flexing and pulsating in my cunt. Our cells pressed together, and for a moment, our existences merged.

We weren't broken people with ulterior motives.

We weren't out to use each other.

Jacob and I melted together, singing with our lust—singing together. My ears wormed with that song for a long while after.

The condom filled with his warmth as he spilled inside of me. I felt a brief flicker of disappointment, an irrational desire to feel his come in my core.

Sliding out, he backed away and looked down on me. I was slick from head to toe, sweat and juice.

Then he was replaced by Kite.

Tattooed knuckles guided a new, latex covered cock to my lower lips. “Hi,” he said, winking. “Long time no see.”

Kite flipped me over, leaving me disoriented. Pulling my knees to the floor, he put a hand on my lower back so my breasts spilled over the couch cushion. He spread me from behind, but I took it further, sliding my legs apart wantonly.

“Holy hell,” he groaned. I flushed, oddly proud that he liked the view.

With his thumbs holding me open, he entered without any friction.

All the tension was in my throat.

My moan was gritty, nails digging into the couch. I should have been numb by now, but my body was awake, atoms dancing and shouting.

He kissed the back of my neck, turned me so he could steal my tongue. Kite's teeth tugged my lower lip, hands solid as bear traps on my ass cheeks.

His body moved, a piston that slammed into me with sporadic rhythm. He wasn't like Jacob, he was more wild—spontaneous. It turned other parts of my mind on overdrive.

Kite fucked like a man who would never get to fuck again. He was devouring me, he couldn't get enough.

Everything Kite did, he did it in excess.

That included me.

He burned hot, scraping the tip of his cock along the roof of my *. Coiling up my hair, he forced me to bend my spine. It made my walls clamp harder, it also made me look up.

Jacob stood on the other side of the couch.

The sight of him made my heart spin. He'd put on his briefs, though they did little to hide his magnificent cock. At some point, he'd poured himself a drink. Now, sipping it, he watched me over the rim like I was a new toy he had big dreams for.

Behind me, Kite bit off a snarl. “Damn, you're so tight.” Grinding into me harder, he clutched a plump ass cheek—then smacked it. The sound was a whip-crack, my clit electrified by the vibrations.

A small gasp escaped me; it pushed Kite over the edge, his hold on me so severe my skull ached. The noise he made was inhuman, his passion tearing aside his mask. Kite was a devil, clawing at me as he rode out his own pleasure.

He created static, it charged between us, forcing us magnetically closer.

Sobbing, I endured the sudden orgasm that ripped through me. I hadn't felt it until it sucker punched me. It shredded my strength, left me slumping when Kite let go of my hair.

His cock was still pumping, his harsh groans unrestrained.

Kite wasn't embarrassed to show how I affected him.

Shivering, I laid there in a heap. The edges of my vision blurred, leaving me blind in the wake of this unforgettable night. I'd never been more satisfied or more exhausted.

I was going to be sore tomorrow.

Fingers trailed over the dip in my back, the wetness from my sweat made the trip slick.

Who did they belong to?

Kite stepped back, my * giving a pathetic twitch to keep him inside. He'd finished, but he was still solid as a rock.

Shadows fell over me, then the sound of soft footsteps hit my ears. They went on forever; a gentle thumping that danced in my ears, then my skull, and then deep in my heart.

I didn't know I was falling asleep until it was too late.

- Chapter 21 -


The apartment was warm, stuffy. I hadn't had much to drink, but my head was clogged like I had a hangover. I had to sit up slowly.

Nora Flite's books