Never Kiss a Bad Boy

“Why are you still torturing me?” I sobbed. His hand was making slow circles over my clit's hood, they took me to the electric cliff of orgasm.

“Because I love seeing you like this.” With his free hand, he touched the necklace I wore. He examined every gem, traced the hard metal and my soft skin beneath. “Because you're gorgeous, and I want to spend as much time as I can filling my eyes with you. You looked so elegant tonight. Every man in there wanted you.”

All I'd wanted was to find the monster from my past. Funny, I'd actually started to forget about him. That was the whole point in going to the event. Why hadn't he been there? It was hard to think of Jacob being wrong about anything.

A belt buckle jingled.

My heart stopped, eyes rolling down to watch him sliding his zipper away. The top of his briefs were a rich, dark grey. The brand name was distorted, his cock stretching out the elastic.

If I was more clear headed, I would have tried to make a joke about hidden weapons. But I wasn't, not right then. Not with Jacob's fingers spreading the lips of my *. And not with him staring me in the eye as he ran his own hand along the outside of his erection.

I couldn't have spelled my own name, if someone had asked.

A hand—a third hand—came down on my scalp. “Okay, I'm done standing around doing nothing,” Kite said. I hadn't seen him move, but he stood at the side of the couch, already stripped down to his boxers. He'd left his shirt on, but it hung open and framed his broad chest. I ached to lick his stomach and never stop.

Jacob hesitated, then nodded. Their attention went to me, an unspoken question on their tongues. I knew what they were pondering, because I had the same worry. Was I going to make it through this?

Unbidden, the words exploded from me. “I—I'm a little scared.”

“Scared?” Kite chuckled, cupping the nape of my neck. It forced me to look up at him, which was fine, because I'd be gawking at his body otherwise. “Brave Marina Fidel, the girl who makes deals with hitmen and says she doesn't fear death. This is what scares you?”

Swallowing loudly, I willed myself not to flinch. Especially with how Jacob kept toying with my sensitive clit. “I've never done anything like this.”

Kite winked. “Most people haven't. We're one of a kind.” His lips closed in, dancing across my mouth.

Hands pulled at me; Jacob was adjusting my position.

The fat, warm head of his cock traced the outside of my *. I couldn't break away from Kite, so I didn't see it happen, I only felt it.

Moaning around the tongue of one man, I whimpered as another spread me with his shaft.

This was happening. This was really fucking happening.

Foil crinkled, cutting the air; Jacob had slid a condom out of his fallen pants.

My hair stood on end, my chest fighting to contain my lungs. Jacob wedged his length into me, my walls straining over him. He hadn't even gotten all the way inside before the tingles of my long awaited orgasm began to rise.

I needed to come, I'd been brought close so many times tonight.

Was I going to climax before he'd finished a full stroke?

Kite reached across, tugging gently at my nipples. His kiss was a riptide; I couldn't escape, the pull dragging me down. Unable to handle the waves of heat, my mind dividing between the attention of them both, I shut my eyes.

It would have been easier to stare into the sun.

Gripping my hips, Jacob hissed as he sank into me completely. He started withdrawing, my * hugging, scrambling to keep him inside. Reaching out, I grabbed for him, but Kite snatched my wrists and held me. “I have a better use for your hands,” he whispered.

A groan crawled up my throat, vanishing away. I opened my eyes, finding Kite had slipped his boxers down. His cock arched proudly into the air, the tip glistening. The scent of it—of him—made me dizzy.

Kite stared me in the eye, curling my fingers around his base. His swollen shaft was hot to the touch.

I knew what he wanted from me.

My tongue rolled up his cock, tasting his salt and sin. There was a tingle in my lips that matched the lightning in my belly. My eyes fluttered as I suckled the ridge of his cock-head.

“Fuck,” Kite grunted, pulling me closer. Shoving past my mouth, he hit the back of my throat. I shuddered, my nose tickled by his curls of hair. “That's something else.”

I felt his heartbeat through his cock, felt it speeding up with each movement I made.

Jacob hooked his arms under my knees. “I need more of you, Marina. More and more and... dammit.”

I wanted to see the face of this calm, calculating man when he finally lost control. Jacob's leash had snapped, leaving behind an animal that wanted to do nothing more than stuff me with his heavy cock.

He bent close, voice a hot threat in my ear. “I can feel how close you are. When you come, I'm going to be buried to the hilt. I'm going to relish how you scream and thrash on my cock. How does that sound?”

Nora Flite's books