Never Kiss a Bad Boy

Groaning, I bit my tongue and tried to stay quiet. I was excited beyond belief, but still struggling with the situation. Even alcohol couldn't cloud my worries. Not with them both so near me at once.

He thumbed my swollen clit, tugged my panties into my slit. That was it, I started to rock into his touch. The growing, empty void that wanted to be filled with the cock I could see straining through his dress pants was insatiable. I wanted release, and Kite held the power in his agile fingers.

Jacob's voice cut through my raw moans. “Don't let her come yet.”

“Why not?” Kite scoffed, slowing his attack on my throbbing cunt. I had the same question, my eyeballs pounding as I stared at the back of Jacob's head.

“Just not yet,” he said flatly.

I couldn't believe my ears. I expected Kite to, I don't know, argue or roll his eyes or go to bat for me... just something.

Instead, he looked down with a smirk as imposing as Jacob's instructions. “Fine,” he said, catching my chin. “I'm game. She won't come yet.”

Settling over me, Kite ate my oxygen when he kissed me. My nails went to his chest, feeling him through his jacket. His muscles flexed, and my fingers brushed the concrete edge of a solid object.

His gun.

The reminder of its existence stabbed fierce spikes of adrenaline into my heart. Losing myself, I grabbed his ass through his pants. My satisfaction bloomed at his low, lusty groan.

He was barely in control. If I just rolled my hips right, clenched my thighs around his arm and ground my * on him, I could get myself off before he realized.

His palms came down, forcing my legs apart and leaving me humping the air. “Fuck, you're sneaky,” he growled.

Blushing, I closed my eyes and whined. The pressure in my belly was gigantic. It pulled at my thoughts, left me on the edge of chaos. Thinking was a challenge, and with these deadly animals surrounding me, I needed my mind to work.

Kite splayed two fingers, tracing the outside of my cunt lips. Red and purple danced in my eye sockets, my moan erotic and obscene. That time, both of them let out tight, gritty breaths. They were fighting to stay centered as much as I was.

The car rocked to a stop, engine snuffing out. I knew we were back at the apartment.

Jacob yanked the door open, coming to retrieve me. He stood there like the valet had, a hand extended, waiting to trap mine.

Kite climbed free, shoving into Jacob. With a giant grin, he put his palm out to me as well. Were they giving me a choice? Was this a game, deciding whose hand I grabbed?

My body was on fire, it ached for release—any kind of release.

Putting my fingers in each of their hands, I allowed them both to tug me from the car. I didn't want to play. I'd already made my choice.

I wanted them both.

We tumbled into the elevator, Jacob and Kite shielding me from the camera. I didn't think they cared anymore, but maybe I was wrong.

They curled around me as if to hide my existence from the world itself. Everyone else was forbidden. Only they got the privilege of having me.

The loud bell that said we'd reached the final floor banged in my skull. They led me out, multiple hands on my arms and spine, pulling me into the dragon's den that awaited. Looking up, I saw we were at Jacob's place.

Letting us inside, closing the door, he turned and froze me with a simple stare. His face was burning with tenuously contained desire. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said, but I didn't believe it. What the hell did 'okay' mean, anymore?

Jacob tugged my jacket off, setting it on a kitchen chair. Kite would have thrown it on the floor. I realized I knew Kite's style, his hands and lips, better than I did Jacob's.

I was awash with a rush of nerves, wondering what he'd do to me.

Hands came down, grazing my ass, digging in. Gasping, I turned to see Kite standing behind me. He was grinning, but Jacob's voice ended it fast. “Kite, let me go first.”

“First?” he asked, forehead crinkling. “What, like, alone with her?”

Circling my waist, Jacob guided me to one of his long, plush couches. “You can stay,” he said to his friend, though he looked at me when his lips moved. “But you've already had her to yourself. Let me have a taste before we both jump in.”

Kite's sigh was dejected, almost dramatic. “Fine. I'll wait.” Peeling his jacket off, he piled it by his shoes and started on his vest. I didn't see what he did after that, Jacob filled my vision.

I didn't remember sitting, but suddenly, I was looking up at him from the couch. Like Kite, he began to undress.

I had a perfect view, my eyes level with his waist. Jacob's jacket was folded, his fingers working the buttons on his wrists. I stared openly, caught up in his every precise movement.

He began popping the snaps down the front of his dress shirt. Each inch of skin that he revealed made my heart beat faster. He might as well have been running those fingertips over my flesh with how excited I was getting.

“Like what you see?” he asked, his smile lifting on one corner.

Nora Flite's books