Mr. Everything: A Billionaire and the Nanny Romance

“I was a fool,” she tells me. “I was a big fool. I was blinded by his promises. I was consumed by following my dreams.”

“And what’s wrong with that, huh?” I shake her. “Nothing’s wrong with wanting to follow your dreams. And so what if you put your faith in the wrong person? What if you were a fool? That doesn’t give anyone the right to hurt you. That doesn’t give anyone the right to take away your chance at happiness.”

“But I’ll only take away your happiness.” Sabrina starts sobbing. “I almost did today. Next time, it might happen for real.”

“It won’t.” My eyes track her every tiny movement, and I ache to do something to calm her.

“I have to leave. You have to let me go. I’m not worth all this. I’m not—”

I can’t take it anymore. I place my hands on her cheeks and press my mouth to hers, robbing her of breath and the rest of her sentence. I didn’t mean to do it like this, so suddenly after she’s been crying, and there’s a certain hardness to my mouth, like the kind of kiss you’d see in a play. I just had to shut her up because I couldn’t stand her beating herself up anymore, wallowing in self-pity and resentment. It’s too painful.

Maybe with this, I can put some sense into her. That is what I tell myself. Maybe with this, I can make her realize that everything is all right. Maybe with this…

My thoughts come to a stop as her lips gently respond to the pressure of mine. It’s only a feeble attempt at first but I feel it. I feel every thread of electricity spark to life. I feel it in every nerve of my body.

Sabrina wants me.

Maybe she just wants you to comfort her, some little part of myself says. Maybe she just wants you to help her forget the pain.

I don’t care! If she wants me, she can have me.

She can have all of me.

The kiss completely changes. It evolves into a monster that we’re both fighting—but we are also that same monster. It’s half-her and half-me and we’re both shitty fighters. Her fingernails sink into the flesh of my neck and we move together to the wall, her following my lead flawlessly. We could be the same body right now. Her mouth is my mouth. Is she throbbing in unison with me, too?

The power of the heat raging beneath my skin surprises me. I’ve been keeping it tamped down to regulation levels for so long…

My hands slither up her arms and take her wrists, pinning them on either side of her head. Her breasts protrude against my chest and my head swims. My manhood throbs. Her copper hair is all messy, jagged wisps and her lips are swollen and pink. I’ve never seen her more womanly than she is right now. I’ve never seen a woman more womanly than Sabrina is right now.

“I don’t want Vince to start anything with you,” she whimpers up to me, eyes swimming in crystal clear fear.

“I’m not scared of him,” I breathe against her ear. I’m completely sincere in that. I wonder if she can feel me pulsing between her legs. I want her to feel safe with me. I’ve never felt stronger than I do right now, humming with adrenaline. I’d die for her, but Vince better be a supervillain if he thinks he can kill me.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Sabrina whispers back.

I take both her wrists in one grip and slide my now free hand between her legs. I can feel her wetness through her clothes.

“It doesn’t feel like you want to stop.”

She shudders as my finger lazily tracks across the wet spot on her crotch. I see it. I see her eyes flutter up into the back of her head for a second, and then they close entirely and she arches against me. She’s helping the friction. She bites her lower lip and let her throat fall open, enticing me. All I can smell is her hair, her skin, her breath. I’m in a new world… with so much to explore.

I tuck my fingers into her waistband and slip her shorts to the floor. Her panties are so drenched that I can see the cotton darken with saturation, and an exquisite rush of blood travels to my cock, straightening him into a rod of pure steel. She wasn’t just wet. Her snatch was practically sobbing for me.

“I’ve had dreams about this,” I confess quietly, stripping her soaked cotton panties to the floor as well. She takes two delicate steps out and I brace her hips in both hands, peering up at her in near penance. She gazes back down at me and gulps.

“Me too,” she says.

“I want to consummate this marriage,” I growl up at her, hands flowing back to cup her ass.

“Vince will kill you,” she assures me in a tiny voice, even as I’m dragging her closer, pushing my mouth against her slit. I want to feel her every inch. “He was obsessed with my virginity.” My tongue slides between her labia and parts the silken, rosy folds. The ridge of her clitoris is against my tongue like a little fucking candy and I flick at it with my tongue.

Sabrina’s voice stalls, but then it lurches trembling forward again. Her knees buckle and her fingernails plant themselves into the muscles lining my shoulder. I love being her pillar and the one making her weak all at the same time. “He was obsessed with staying the only man I’d ever been with,” she finishes, breathless and shaky.

I press her sex harder to my mouth, using my palms on her ass for leverage. She is so sweet in here, I want to eat her just to taste her. I roll my tongue and fan it and harden it, listening to the rhythms of her gasps and her groans. Sabrina bucks on my chin and I slide one hand down from her ass and into her tight little pussy. I have to feel it. I can’t stop. I have to fill her now. We tip past the point of no return and I tell her, “I’m going to erase every inch of him from your body, Sabrina.” I pump two fingers into her tiny hole and relish how her muscles twist and suck at me. She’s so hungry. How could this little animal have been hiding inside our mild-mannered nanny for so long? “I’m going to fill you now,” I promise her, standing. “I’m going to make you my wife.”

Sabrina’s cunt tightens around my fingers at the words and I idly continue to pump her as she attempts to speak, but nothing is making it out. Just a series of little cries and groans.

I scoop her up and carry her to the bed, tossing her gently onto her back. I go to my own pants and unbuckle them, letting the zipper come open. My cock comes swinging out heavily and Sabrina yips, springing up onto her knees from her back.

“Nope,” she lightly declines my cock, damn near floating in the air, leaking for her. “I guess we’re just never going to have sex. Too big! Sorry! I always promised myself I’d—”

“Take off your shirt,” I command, gripping my erection in one hand. For me, the games are over. I’m going to have tunnel vision until I’m seeing spots from this orgasm boiling in my prick right now. Sabrina blinks up at me… then slowly moves her hands to the straps of her tank top.

Emily Bishop's books