I nod my head rather than speak around the lump growing in my throat. My heart’s racing so fast it’s about to beat out of my chest. There’s no doubt in my mind that this is bad. Very bad.

I’m about to pass out, and I haven’t even heard the news yet. I’m fired, I think to myself. This must be it. I’ve just lost my job. My mind is racing at light speed with a number of dark scenarios.

Hastings sucks in a deep breath and my eyes dart back to his, waiting anxiously. “I don’t know how to tell you this Charlotte, but we… were emailed photos of you this morning.”

Hastings lowers his head as if he’s almost ashamed. “Of you and Logan Parker… together.” His last words leave no doubt about what he means by ‘together’. My face heats and my blood goes cold. I try to speak, but I can’t.

Hastings turns his monitor and Eva pulls her hand away, leaving me feeling alone, but I reach out and grab onto her. She’s quick to lean forward and hold my hand. I need her. I’m thankful she’s here.

My heart jolts in my chest when I see a picture on the screen and I immediately start to hyperventilate. It’s hard to look at and tears prick my eyes, but I don’t let them fall.

Eva gives my hand another squeeze and rubs my back, but it doesn’t help. I’m shocked, angry and hurt beyond belief. I can hardly breathe.

Seeing the shock and anger on my face, Hastings raises his hands out to me. “Now now, Charlotte, I want to assure you that no one here thinks any less of you.” He nods at the envelope. “Do you want to see them? I know it’s a horrible thing to ask, but you should know what was sent to us. Take all the time you need before you look.”

I stare at the desk for a moment, feeling a mountain of shame pressing down on my chest, and then burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

Immediately, Eva pulls me into her arms, whispering comforting words in my ears that I don’t hear.

“We're going to help you get through this, Charlotte,” Hastings tells me firmly. “I promise. Whoever is responsible for this vile act will be held accountable. I’ve already contacted the authorities.”

His words barely register, and they do little to comfort me. The damage has already been done. I’m ruined. I’ll never be able to come to work again without feeling like a cheap whore.

Shame drives me from Eva’s embrace and out of my seat. I have to see Logan and tell him what’s going on.

Alarmed by my behavior, Hastings rises out of his seat and reaches for me as I storm toward the door. “Charlotte, wait!”

I ignore his command and I hear Eva say something to him, but I don’t catch what it is. I’m too consumed by my emotions to care. On the way up to Logan’s office, I ignore the dubious stares l get. When I hit the top floor, I march past Eleanor’s desk without a word.

I burst into Logan’s office, swinging the double doors open wide, feeling the last bit of control I have slip away at the sight of him. Logan, who’s sitting in his chair and on the phone, looks up with surprise.

“It’s over,” I say and my voice cracks, barely able to keep myself from collapsing.

“I’ll call you back,” Logan says quickly into the phone, hanging up. He jumps out of his seat and makes his way over to me. “What’s going on, Rose?” he asks, pulling me into his arms. I collapse against him, a blubbering mess.

I try to tell him what’s going on, but my words come out all garbled as I cry and sob. I’m a mess. I can’t help it. I’m practically shaking.

He shakes me gently, trying to get me to stop sobbing. “Rose, I need you to calm down.”

How can he begin to tell me to calm down? There were pictures of us screwing being circulated around everywhere. I bite back my anger, he doesn’t know.

“They have pictures of us,” I manage to push out the words as I pull away from him, tears streaming down my face.

“Pictures of what?”

“Pictures of us screwing!” I yell.

Logan’s face turns hard as he pushes me to the side and takes large strides to the door. Several people are looking in, making my heart still as he slams it shut and turns to look at me with a deadly expression I’ve never seen.

Chapter 28


I close the door and lock it. Charlotte’s hysterically crying on the sofa with her phone in her lap. She’s practically shaking and I need to comfort her, but first I need to end the web conference. I quickly stride to the other side of my desk and type in a message that the meeting is canceled. Voices from the executives fill the speakers, but I shut off the microphone and the monitor, my heart racing in my chest. I doubt they heard. Even if they did, I wouldn’t give a fuck.

She’s hurt though.


Of us fucking… so new photographs. My heart hammers in my chest as the anger rises, threatening to consume me. I’ll fucking kill him. I’ll destroy him and everything he’s ever touched.

I walk slowly to the sofa and kneel on the floor.

Willow Winters's books