She picks up the lace scrap on the floor and looks at me as though I’ve committed an awful crime.

“I’ll get you more.”

“But what am I going to wear out of here?” she asks in a hushed voice.

I walk over to her and take the torn thong, tossing it into the trash bin under my desk. I lean into her, with both hands on her ass and squeeze as I kiss her, silencing her sweet squeal of surprise.

I pull back with a grin. Her face is flushed and her breathing heavy.

“Nothing,” I finally answer her.

She looks at the trash bin and then up to me with a devilish smile before nodding and pulling her dress down over her ass. She grabs her purse and opens the door, waiting for me.

That’s my Rose.

There’s a faint sound of my secretary, Eleanor, tapping on the keyboard from the entryway of the office, but not any other sounds.

I look up at Rose as I lock the door behind us and lead the way. She’s not showing any sign that she’s affected, so next time I’ll have to up the ante.

“Have a good night,” I say and nod at my secretary, the only person left on the floor, and keep walking with the sound of Charlotte’s heels accompanying us.

“Should I go home tonight?” she asks as we walk side by side to the elevators.

I’m not sure if it’s because all the blood in me is still in my dick, or because I’ve already made decisions about our relationship that she hasn’t come to realize yet, but it takes me a moment to realize that she means her temporary apartment. But I want her in my bed tonight. I’m finding that I sleep much better with her there.

“No. I want you in my bed tonight.”

She looks up at me with apprehension, but nods as the elevator dings and the doors open. It’s empty and quiet as I press the button for the main floor.

She purses her lips. “And my car?”

“Can stay here,” I answer easily. I watch her, waiting for some sign that we’re on the same page. She nods and grips her purse with both hands. She’s tense.

“We can take things slow,” I say, staring straight ahead.

She lets out a small laugh of disbelief.

I cock an eyebrow and smirk at her.

She smiles and leans into me, giving me a chaste kiss on the lips. “If you say so, Mr. CEO.”

Chapter 27


I’m completely immersed in going over contracts when the phone rings and disrupts me. The ID says it’s a call from Hastings. I don’t want to stop what I’m doing, so I ignore the chimes of my ringtone, but he doesn’t give up, immediately calling again. Damn it. I sigh with slight irritation. I’m exhausted and I don’t have time for interruptions, but this must be something important.

“This better be good,” I grumble before picking up the phone and subtly clearing my throat. “Hello?” I answer in a professional tone.

“Charlotte, you finally answered,” he says, voice low and carrying a tone of urgency. “I need to see you in my office. Now.”

I glance at the pile of contracts sitting in front of me. “Is this something that can wait? I really need to get these last few things done…” I feel bad being so forward. “A lot is riding on this,” I add.

“No,” Hastings says firmly. “I want to see you this instant.” My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat in my chest. Something’s wrong, and I can’t help that a sickness stirs in the pit of my stomach.

I’m silent for a moment, and it’s long enough that he adds--

“Now, Charlotte... You need to hear about this in person.”

“I’ll be right there,” I answer quickly and hang up. I can’t shake a bit of dread.

I sigh and smooth down my chiffon dress as I walk down the hall. I feel a prick of distress as I think everyone seems to be turning to look at me as I make my way over to Hasting’s office, but I brush it off due to the fact of what I’m wearing, a brightly colored dress. Still, I feel a little uneasy. The stares aren’t normal.

I knock lightly on Hasting’s door, my heart beating a little faster and my palms a bit sweaty before stepping in into his office. I freeze when I see who else is there. Eva. It looks like she’s distressed, her large eyes filled with worry as they fall on me.

A feeling of dread runs through me and numbs my body.

Hastings nods at me, his lined face drawn and serious. “Close the door, Charlotte,” he orders.

The intense feelings grow stronger and my chest starts feeling tight.

With my heart racing, I do as he commands. The door closes with a loud click and I walk over in a daze and sit down next to Eva. She takes my hand in hers, squeezing it lightly, causing me to shake like a leaf in the wind. I don’t make eye contact with her even though her eyes are boring into me.

Hastings leans forward across his desk, clasping his hands together. “We have a problem,” he tells me.

Willow Winters's books