Monday (Timeless Teaser)

“I hardly have time to bake anything, but I made these apple cherry muffins. They’re really good, or so people say.”

“I’ll have to try them.”

“Sure. I have some in my bag.”

Yaya took a sip. “So…is there a man in your life?”

I immediately thought of Hawke. “No.” I wish I had a different answer. “I went on a date with this guy a while ago…”

“And?” she pressed.

I shook my head. “It didn’t go anywhere. But I really liked him.”

She patted my hand. “You’re so young. You have your whole life to find the right guy. I’m just glad you’re picky.”

I’m picky, but only for the wrong ones. “Yeah, I guess.”

Voices were heard from outside.

“Shut up, man,” Axel said. “I do not sound like Carrie Underwood when I sing.”

“Have you ever listened to yourself?” his friend asked. “Seriously, record your voice then play it back. It’s Carrie Underwood—dead on.”

“How do you even know who Carrie Underwood is?” Axel asked.

“Sunday Night Football,” he said. “Duh.”

“Whatever,” Axel said. “You’re such a girl.”

“Hey, I’m not the one who sings like a girl,” his friend responded.

“Looks like the boys are here.” Yaya pushed her cup away and stood up.

The second voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t put my thumb on where I heard it before. Maybe this was one of Axel’s friends I’d already met before. I was really forgetful when it came to names. I hoped I would remember this time.

Axel opened the door first. “Yaya, I’m here! And it’s time to start the party.”

Yaya ran to him and smothered his cheeks with kisses. “My boy, you’re so handsome and big.”

“Thanks, Yaya,” Axel said. “And you’re beautiful, like always.”

Yaya waved his comment away. “You’re sweet.”

I approached the entryway and watched them have their moment. Embraces like that made me feel warm inside. It was easy to get swallowed up in depression. But times like this reminded me there was so much to live for.

“Yaya, let me introduce you to my friend Hawke.”

What did he say?

Hawke stepped inside with a bag over his shoulder. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for allowing me to spend the holiday with you.” He extended his hand to shake hers.

Yaya ignored his gesture and pulled him in for a hug. “We hug around here. None of that handshaking crap.”

Axel chuckled then set the bags down.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” Hawke said as he patted her on the back. “Axel just said you’re his grandma.”

She pulled away and patted his cheek. “It’s Yaya.”

“Just Yaya?” he asked.

Axel gripped his shoulder. “Just Yaya. Go with it.”

“Okay,” Hawke said. “It’s nice to meet you, Yaya.”

“The pleasure is mine, dear.”

Was this really happening?

Was I dreaming this?

Hawke was staying here for the whole weekend?

Why couldn’t I catch a break?

Axel approached me and saw the expression on my face. “Whoa…just saw a ghost or what?”

My eyes remained glued to Hawke. “Happy Thanksgiving…”

“Uh, yeah.” He raised an eyebrow then gave me an awkward pat on the back. “Hawke, this is my annoying and bratty sister, Francesca.”

When Hawke turned his gaze on me, he stiffened. The movement was so slight no one noticed but me. He took me in without reacting. His eyes didn’t display his thoughts like they usually did. They were infinitely deep, hiding away all his secrets.

What do I say? What do I do?

Hawke stepped closer to me, his eyes still glued to mine. He was clearly just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. Wearing jeans and a t-shirt, the casual attire made him look thick and strong. His conversation outside the house was so upbeat and friendly. I hadn’t heard him that way since our date. When he finally reached me, he examined my face like he was trying to gauge my thoughts. Then he extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

I eyed it and didn’t know if I should take it. If I acted like I knew him, I would have to explain to my family how we met. And that was a story I didn’t want to tell. I had a feeling Hawke didn’t either. I took his hand, and the second we touched I felt that usual fire course between us. We were two poles carrying the same wire. Electricity ran between us, and once the touch was severed, so was the energy. “It’s nice to meet you too. And yes, my brother does sound like Carrie Underwood when he sings.”

A genuine smile stretched Hawke’s face. “I knew I wasn’t the only one who thought so.” He dropped his hand, and I immediately felt cold like I knew I would.

Axel watched our interaction but didn’t pick up on the obvious connection between us. “Hawke and I work at the firm together. The one that works us like mules.”

“At least when we aren’t messing around.” Hawke shot Axel a teasing look.

“I’m surprised we haven’t been fired yet,” Axel said.

“At least you can pursue your dream with your vocal talents,” Hawke teased.

Axel rolled his eyes. “Let it go, man. People are going to think you’re being serious.”

Hawke laughed. “Dude, I am being serious.”

E. L. Todd's books