Mated in Mist (Talon Pack #3)

When his fangs elongated, Leah tilted her head, baring her neck for him. His wolf howled as he slowly bit into the meaty part of her shoulder where it met her neck. He’d heard from others that it wasn’t a painful bite, but he was still as gentle as he could possibly be. This was his mate, and he didn’t want to hurt her in any way.

As soon as he slid his teeth in fully and bit, he felt the first part of the bond slide into place. Leah gasped, and he moved his mouth from her shoulder, licking the wound. His wolf prowled inside him, eager to complete the bond yet almost at peace with what had happened. She was a warm part of him for eternity now, and he couldn’t wait to finish the bond.

He tilted his head to the side, and she kissed his neck. Though he kept moving in and out of her, he tried not to move too quickly and startle what was happening between them. When she bit down on his shoulder he shuddered, his wolf pressing into him in bliss.

“Fuck, little witch. You’re mine,” he bit out.

She kissed up his neck then took his mouth. “And you’re mine. Now fuck me, my wolf. Make me yours in truth.”

He pressed a hard kiss to her mouth then lifted her ass slightly as he angled his thrusts, pumping in and out of her until her breasts bounced and his body ached. She pinched her nipples and licked her lips, smiling as he reached up and cupped her breasts. He couldn’t stop touching her, couldn’t stop needing her.

When his balls tightened, he lowered himself and kissed her again, not losing his rhythm. “Come for me, little witch. Come around my cock.”

He angled his hips just right and her pussy clenched around him. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and he grinned as she came. When she looked back at him, he pumped hard once more then came.

The mating bond between then clamped shut, a warm burst of lightning and tingles down his spine. He felt her soul. Felt her magic within him. The water in the glass on the counter near them floated into the air and swirled around them, mixing with the magic of the bond between them. The spirits quieted for the first time in longer than he could remember, and he fell to the carpet, rolling and bringing her with him, his cock still deeply inside of her.

“Holy goddess,” Ryder whispered.

“That…that was…yeah.”

No words, he thought. There were no words. He had his mate in his arms and in his soul. The mating bond flared between them, a pulse of love, passion, and connection he’d never thought possible.

The goddess had blessed him with a woman who not only fought back but also fought for him. Now that he’d given in to the temptation of a future, he knew he’d do whatever it took to keep it.

Leah was his mate, his heart.

And now he’d prove it to her, to him, to everyone.

For eternity.

Chapter Thirteen

Once again, Leah found herself standing in front of the Coven, yet this time, she felt no true fear, only anticipation laced with worry. The man that had tried to take her life after giving it to her in the first place lived no longer. The gnawing ache that had once come with the presence of Luis and Darynda was no more.

Ryder hadn’t wanted her to come to the Coven meeting with him and the other wolves, though he hadn’t voiced as much. She’d felt it through the mating bond. She still couldn’t believe they’d mated. It had once seemed like a dream, or at least something so farfetched it would never happen, but now it was reality.

While she understood why Ryder had pushed her away for so long, she also knew it would take longer than an evening of pure passion for her to get over the idea of being left behind because of it. He might not have known what to do with his powers or how they would affect her in the long run, but he hadn’t given her a choice in the matter.

She’d forgiven him for it all because she loved him, but she wouldn’t forget what had happened anytime soon. If she were to do so, she might forget how hard she’d worked to get where she was, and forget what it had taken to make that happen.

The bond between them flared, and she held back a gasp. She looked to her left at her mate, her mate, and gave him a slight nod. When he reached out and gripped her fingers, she squeezed his hand back. Before, showing any form of attachment would have only painted a target on his back. Now that wasn’t the case. The dangers weren’t gone completely, not even close, but the main one she had worried about all her life was. Now the idea of a mate, someone who would have her back and cherish her wasn’t a burden, but something to be celebrated. She wouldn’t have to protect him from her past, but rather, they would protect each other in their future.

Together they were stronger than they ever had been before.

Ryder gave her a slight smile, and the bond pulsated once again. She knew they were in the middle of the mating heat, and if they hadn’t needed to meet with the Coven to deal with the Humans First problem, they’d be in bed—or on the floor—right now.

She couldn’t wait to get Ryder home and strip him down so she could lick up every inch of him. And boy how many inches that man had in certain places.