Mated in Mist (Talon Pack #3)

She hadn’t been good enough for the humans, hadn’t been good enough for the Coven. It was only fitting that she wasn’t good enough to mate the Heir of the Talon Pack.

Leah might tell herself that she didn’t want to mate with him because of the target she would put on his back, but now that she’d seen how the Pack worked, she knew differently. He would always be a target. For as long as there was the potential for war, he would always be in danger. Hell, he’d almost died for her, and they hadn’t even mated.

It would be good for everyone if she left and never came back.

And yet, she knew she couldn’t do that.

There had to be something wrong with her with the way she wanted him but he didn’t want her, but she’d deal with that. And since she’d given her word to help the Pack, she would do that. She’d take it seriously and learn to protect herself and others. She had to work past the fear that had put Roland and her at risk in the cave and find a way to make the changes for herself. It was all she could do.

She was a witch; she had the power.

She’d prove it.

She carried all three glasses back without a tray and set them on the coffee table once she made it into the living room. She handed Ryder his and set a soft kiss on his lips. She’d needed to say her thanks and, frankly, needed to touch him. There was no going back from what had happened, no hiding from his family. Not with how he’d apparently reacted when he’d heard she was gone. Brandon had let a few things slip in the SUV, and Ryder hadn’t been pleased. Yet she didn’t care that Ryder hadn’t wanted her to know he cared about her. Hadn’t wanted her to know that he had been frantic with worry searching for her.

The sheer fact that he’d jumped on the burning pile to save her from the stake told her that much. The rest was just reassurance.

Instead of commenting on her rapid thoughts, she held out a glass to Walker. The Healer triplet took the glass and smiled. He nodded in thanks and chugged down the water quickly, sighing after he’d finished.

“Would you like some more? I know it takes a lot of energy to Heal. How about some food?”

Walker shook his head. “I’m almost done. I’ll head home and get some protein before crashing. No need to worry about me, Leah. I’ve been at this for a long while. I can take care of myself.”

From the strain in his eyes, she wasn’t sure that was exactly the case. She couldn’t get a bead on the Healer. One minute he was the laid-back triplet with a nice drawl, the next, he barked orders and hid secrets within his gaze. He wasn’t the Brentwood she should be trying to figure out, however. That honor went to the other wolf in the room.

“If you change your mind, let me know. I don’t want you passing out on the way to your house.” She picked up her glass and took a deep drink, missing the taste. She’d already had three glasses since being saved, and yet, she couldn’t get enough. Her magic was almost at full capacity—where she would do her best to keep it. She wouldn’t be caught unawares again. She wasn’t some helpless damsel, and she’d be damned if she acted like it once more.

She watched in silence as Walker finished his work. She’d seen her own healing at work, of course, but seeing a true Healer help those in need was a thing of beauty. By the time Walker was through, she was ready for a long bath…and perhaps a bit more with Ryder. She knew she was an idiot to want him like she did, knowing there was no future for them, but not every intimate moment had to lead to mating and children. It could just lead to emotional healing.

Again, if she kept telling herself that, it would be true. It had to be.

When Walker left, she closed the door behind him and locked it. The keypad and hand scanner would allow him back in since Ryder had programmed his whole family with the right protocols, but they also had a mechanical lock in case the former became corrupted.

“You need to take a bath,” Ryder said from behind her. She turned and let out a little sigh. She loved the way he looked without a shirt. She loved the way he looked period. Walker had Healed his wounds, but the new skin was still a tad pink. Plus, he still had dried blood on him that would need to be washed off.

“Bathe with me?”

His eyes glowed gold for a moment before he regained control of his wolf. “Let me shower while you start your soak. You already washed off the dirt and blood on your skin, but I haven’t.” He paused, and she held her breath. “Then I’ll join you.”

He held out a hand, and she took it as they made their way to his large bathroom in silence. His thumb brushed along her skin, and she leaned in to him when they reached the glory that was his bathroom. Seriously, she could have easily—and happily—lived in his bathroom alone.

“I can get the bath ready myself if you want to shower,” she said, as he bent down over the taps.

He stood again and took her face in his hands. “Okay, little witch.” He let out a shuddered breath. “I almost lost you, Leah.”