Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

Jase and I both looked at her. “Jill, I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Taylor.”

Jill gave me a once over. With a fake smile she said, “Any friend of Jase’s is a friend of mine.”

“Thanks,” I politely answered.

Putting her attention back on Jase, she let out a yell as a song started. I couldn’t see where the speakers were or where the music was coming from, but clearly she liked this song with the way she was reacting.

“Jase it’s ‘Young and Crazy’ . . . our song! We have to dance.”

Reaching for his arm, she tried to pull him away.

“That’s okay, Jill. I’m going to pass.”

Her smile dropped and was replaced by a look of shock. “Oh.” Her eyes flashed over to me. “I see, well maybe later.”

With a polite smile, Jase replied, “I doubt it, but it was nice seeing you again.”

When Jase led me away, I took a chance at looking back at Jill.

That was a mistake. She was shooting daggers straight at me.

“Sorry about that, Tay. Jill and I used to date in high school.”

I was somewhat surprised Jase told me he used to date Jill. But then again, why not tell me.

My stomach was in knots as Jase began introducing me to everyone. What if his friends didn’t like me? What if I didn’t fit in with them? I felt so bad that Jase had been spending all his spare time with me. When Rick mentioned this party I knew Jase wanted to go.

“So, Taylor, Jase mentioned you live in Mason?”

With a grin, I replied, “I do. I work for Reynolds Breeding.”

“Oh really?” the girl who I was pretty sure was named Shay said. “What do you do there?”

“I work in the office as a financial analyst.”

“Interesting. Did you grow up in the country?”

I would have loved to ask her where she was going with this, but I faked a smile and continued talking.

“Fredericksburg, but I spent a lot of time in Mason. I practically grew up on a cattle ranch.”

“Cows. How fun,” Jill said with an eye roll.

What in the world did Jase ever see in this girl?

Reaching deep down inside, I dug out my inner Meagan. “What about you, Jill?”

She snapped her head over and contemplated if she wanted to answer me. “What about me?”

“Did you grow up in Llano?”

Squaring off her shoulders, she said, “I did. I grew up around horses . . . although cows sound like a ton of fun. Too bad you won’t be able to keep up with those racehorses Jase plays around with.”

She did not. Wow. This girl is a bitch.

Shay smiled. “Do you ride, Taylor?”

With a nod, I replied. “I do. I’ve been around horses my whole life.”

Glancing over to where Jase was, I saw him down another beer. I knew he had been working a lot lately and was wanting to cut loose and have some fun, but I was stunned by how much he was drinking.

Jill sighed and said, “I’m going to find better company. Excuse me.”

My mouth dropped as I watched her walk away. I felt like I was back in high school as I looked around with a stunned expression. What is it with Jase’s friends? They are so immature. “Ignore her, Taylor. She’s just pissed that you’re here with Jase. I’m sure she was hoping to get her claws into him again.”

“It’s okay. She does realize we are all adults here though, right?” I asked as I watched her walk over to where Jase was.

Shay chuckled. “I think she is still stuck in high school. Watch her, though. With the way Jase is knocking them back, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was planning on something.”

My head turned to Shay. “Like?”

I couldn’t help but notice how she was looking at Jill with a disgusted look. “Let’s just say she has a way of trying to make something seem like it is something it isn’t.”

Swiveling around to look at me, she smiled and said, “I think I’ll go find my fiancé before he finds trouble. See ya later.”

“See ya,” I said as I made my way over to Jase. Jill kept laughing and putting her hand on his stomach. Anger began to build in my veins. When he took a step away from her, my body relaxed a bit.

Here I thought Rick was going to be the problem and it was Jill.

“Hey,” I said as I kissed Jase on the cheek.

“Hey, sweetness. Having fun?”

His eyes were blurred and I knew he had probably had more to drink then he should. I knew in college Jase would let loose and drink. I’d seen him a few times at parties. But why he was doing it now, I was unsure. Maybe because he was with his friends and that’s what they did? All I knew was I wasn’t pleased he was getting drunk.

“Maybe you should slow down on the beer,” I said with a grin.

Jase held up the beer bottle and looked at it. “Jesus Christ, lay off of him. It’s not like you’re married to him. If he wants to drink let him drink.”

I curled my lip and peered at Jill. “Maybe you’ve had too many as well or do you make it a habit to hang on men who are taken.”