Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

“So you know this doctor?”

Taylor nodded. “Well, her father mainly. I’ve been to see her once. Her dad delivered almost all of us, I swear. He retired and his daughter took over.”

The door opened and a young female doctor and nurse walked in. “Hi, Taylor. How are you doing?”

“Good,” she answered in a shaky voice.

The nurse sat down and pulled up the screen on the computer. Standing, I introduced myself. “Jase Moore.”

Dr. Johnson looked between Taylor and myself. “Jase is my boyfriend.”

With a satisfied nod, she leaned against the bed. “So, we’re here to talk about birth control and I believe you took a pregnancy test as well.”

“Y-yes. The one I took at home was negative, but I haven’t started so I wanted to be sure.”

Dr. Johnson gave Taylor an understanding smile. The nurse turned to the doctor and nodded yes.

Pressing her lips together, Dr. Johnson turned and looked at Taylor, then me, then back to Taylor. “Honey, I’m guessing since you are here to start the pill, pregnancy is not something you are wanting anytime soon.”

My heart was pounding so hard in my chest I could hardly hear.

I stood next to Taylor as she reached for my hand. “No . . . I mean at least not right now.”

“I want to go ahead and draw some blood to confirm this, but your urine sample came back positive for being pregnant.”

Taylor gasped and squeezed my hand. My stomach instantly felt sick as my entire future flashed before my eyes. Brad was going to castrate me.

Closing my eyes, I pushed all the negative thoughts away. I needed to show Taylor we were in this together. Rubbing my thumb across the top of her hand, I kissed her on the forehead and whispered, “It’s okay, sweetness. It’s okay.”

The nurse quickly stood up and blurted out, “Dr. Johnson, I’m so very sorry. I had the wrong chart pulled up!”

Dr. Johnson pushed off the counter and glanced down at the screen. Speaking softly, she replied, “Oh, Nelly.”

She quickly closed the chart and typed something in and began reading another chart. Turning to look at the nurse, she politely said, “Would you mind stepping outside of the room for a moment, Nelly?”

Nelly looked panicked. “No, Dr. Johnson, not at all.” She rushed out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

Dr. Johnson turned back to us. “Both of you take a deep breath and blow it out.”

Doing as she said, Taylor let off on her death grip some. “We have two girls in here today by the name of Taylor and your appointments were at the same time. Nelly had the other Taylor’s chart pulled up. I’m so very sorry for that, but I am happy to say you tested negative for being pregnant.”

Taylor collapsed into my side as a sob escaped from her lips. I silently thanked God as I held Taylor up against me.

Dr. Johnson grinned slightly. “Again, I’m so sorry for the mini heart attack I’m sure you both had.”

“It’s okay, no harm no foul,” I said with a weak smile. Taylor stayed quiet at my side as Dr. Johnson continued on talking. I wasn’t sure how much Taylor heard before she finally snapped out of it and asked a few questions.

When it was all said and done, Dr. Johnson prescribed birth control pills and had Nelly come back in and apologize.

We weren’t even out the front door when Taylor spun around and flung herself into my body. Her body shook as she buried her head in my chest and cried.

Moving my hand over her back, I attempted to get her to calm down. “Shh . . . it’s all right, Tay.”

She pulled back slightly, and my chest hurt when I saw her tear-soaked face. I lifted my hands up to her face and wiped them away.

“I was so scared, Jase. The only thing I could think about was how mad my father was going to be.”

Lifting my brows, I pulled my head back and said, “Your dad? Mine would have cut my dick off.”

When she laughed, I felt the tension letting go of my body. “It’s over, we made that one mistake and it will never happen again.”

Placing her hands on my chest, she took in a deep breath before slowly expelling it. “I want kids, Jase. I really do. And this may sound selfish, but I want you all to myself for a while before we have them. I mean . . . we just started dating and I’m not expecting anything from you.”

“Taylor you don’t have to explain anything. I feel the same way. I want to date, get engaged, plan the wedding of your dreams, and then we can talk about kids.”

“You just made my heart flutter.”

With a smirk, I leaned in closer and barely spoke against her ear. “My mother would say I swooned you.”

With a good laugh, Taylor wrapped her arms around me. “Thank you for coming today. I’m not sure how I would have reacted had you not been there.”

Kissing her quickly on the lips, we headed to my truck. “So did you decide if you were moving out of your parents’ house?”