Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

The first time we didn’t use one was the first time Jase came before me while having sex. Actually, it was the first he came as quick as he did. I couldn’t blame him though. It felt amazing.

Collapsing down on to his chest, I fought for air while his dick continued to jump while inside me.

“That felt so good,” he softly spoke.

Once my breathing was under control, I pushed up and smiled down at him. “It always feels so good.”

He lifted his hips and wiggled his eyebrows. “Yeah, it does and if you give me a few minutes, I might be ready for round two.”

I was about to agree when his cell phone started ringing. “Shit. That’s my dad’s ring.”

Lifting myself off of him, I missed the feel of him immediately.

Jase jumped up and grabbed his jeans. Pulling his phone out.

“Hello? Shit, are you serious? Yep, I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. No, we’re in Llano. Right. Will do.”

I quickly headed to the bathroom and cleaned up when Jase came walking in. He took a towel, wet it and cleaned himself off. “Someone cut a hole in the fence. Probably trying to hog hunt. We’ve got about twenty-five head of cattle missing.”

“Oh no!”

“Do you mind heading over to my folks place? I’m sure my mom is home but I need to get there right away.”

“That’s totally fine. I’ll grab a book or something to read while I wait if your mom is busy.”

Jase placed his hands on my shoulders. Capturing my eyes with his, he turned serious. “I would have woken up, Taylor.”

My finger came up to his mouth. “Nothing happened. It’s over and done. Just another lesson we both learned. No harm.”

“No foul,” he replied.

“Right. Now come on, let’s get the hell out of here. I’m afraid if I see Jill I may want to knock her lights out.

Jase chuckled as we both quickly got dressed, gathered up our stuff, and headed to the ranch. Right before we pulled down the driveway, Jase stopped his truck.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“There was something I wanted to talk to you about last night, but I obviously never got the chance to.”

“Is it something that can wait until later or do we need to talk about it now?”

Jase licked his lips as he looked about nervously. “I was wondering if you would go with me to see Drew . . . I mean Gunner tomorrow. He was going to ask me some questions about the house and well . . . I see you as part of my future, Taylor. And that means we need to talk about things like where you want to live and where I want to live. Things like that.”

Warmth radiated through my body as my smile grew bigger. Knowing Jase wanted me to be a part of something so big in his life made my stomach flutter. I loved that he was thinking of our future in the same way I was. “I see you as part of my future too, Jase.”

His hand slipped behind my neck as I unbuckled my seat belt and let him pull me closer to him. When his lips crashed against mine, he made a low growling sound from the back of his throat. My insides quivered while he kissed me more passionately.

When we finally pulled away from one another, we rested our foreheads together.

“I want so badly to do things the right way. To sweep you off your feet, Tay. But I have to ask you right now before I burst. I swear to you I’ll make it up to you and ask again, but I have to ask now.”

A tear slowly made its way down my cheek as I held my breath.

“Will you marry me, Taylor?”

A sob slipped from my lips as I pulled back and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. My tears spilled out as Jase reached up and wiped them away.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! A million and one times yes!”

I’d never seen Jase smile so big before. “You have no idea how happy I am right now!”

“You?” I said with a giggle. “I’m pretty sure I have an idea.”

“Buckle up, I need to get going.”

Doing as he asked, I quickly buckled up. My heart was beating rapidly and I couldn’t contain my smile.

Jase asked me to marry him.

Marry him!

When he reached for my hand, butterflies danced around like mad. I wonder if I’ll ever tire of his touch? Never.

Pulling up, Jase parked and jumped out of his truck. He ran over to my side, opened the door and pulled me out. Holding me in his arms, my feet dangled while he kissed me again.

“Don’t say anything to my mom!”

Nodding. “I won’t.”

“I’ve got to run.”

Running back around the truck, Jase jumped in and rolled the passenger side window down.

“I love you!”

“Wait!” I called. “Is your mom expecting me? Do I just walk in?”

He flashed his dimples and nodded. “Just walk in, sweetness.”

Putting the truck in drive, he started to take off slowly. “I love you too! Be careful!”

“Always!” he shouted and took off. I stood there like a silly girl who had just received her first kiss. Watching his truck until I couldn’t see it anymore, I wrapped my arms around my body and started running in place as I let out a squeal of delight.